L.O.C. - XxxCouture - XxxCouture - traduction des paroles en anglais

XxxCouture - XxxCouture - L.O.C.traduction en anglais

XxxCouture - XxxCouture
XxxCouture - XxxCouture
Du kan drive hver mand til sindssyge
You can drive every man insane
Som frygt og had, i syndens by
Like fear and hate, in the city of sin
Månen den er ny, når du tar' over
The moon is new, when you take over
Springer i champagne Supernova
Jump into champagne Supernova
For vi som members only, fucking alvorlig
For we as members only, so fucking serious
Røde løber, ellers går vi
Red carpet, or we leave
Ja det der gået en sport i
Yes, that has become a sport
Holder den dekadente balance
Maintain the decadent balance
Lad os købe noget arrogance
Let us buy some arrogance
Plus et blik der kan slå ihjel
Plus a look that can kill
Eller gøre det her liv helt specielt
Or make this life very special
verdens fokus er du mit spind
On the world's focus, you are my web
Gnisten i øjet der kunne din kvinde
The spark in your eye that could make your woman
Til at danse i det blege skind, mens du lukker natten ind
Dance in pale skin, as you close the night
Når jeg går ud, når hun går ud, når han går ud
When I go out, when she goes out, when he goes out
Når jeg går ud, når hun går ud, når han går ud
When I go out, when she goes out, when he goes out
Vi skal, ha' alt, de har MTV
We will, have everything they have on MTV
Ja vi skal, være midt i alt, ja her sidder vi
Yes we will, be in the middle of everything, so yes here we sit
Du hendes, hans og mit problem
You her, his and my problem
Blandet med duften fra succes'en
Mixed with the scent of success
Lyden af dit navn, det gør blodet koldt
The sound of your name, it makes the blood run cold
Du er endorfinen inde i hovedet folk
You are the endorphine inside people's heads
Mere end nok sker med din stemme
More than enough happens with your voice
Når han siger "hjem" hun siger "til hvem"
When he says "home" she says "to whom"
Selv fucked up er du smuk facaden
Even fucked up you are beautiful on the surface
Du psyko molotov bål i gaden
You psycho molotov fire in the street
Så, behold dine briller på, vi ikk' kan se noget
So, keep your glasses on, so we can't see anything
Og lad os sammen gå, igennem noget der er misforstået
And let us walk together, through something that is misunderstood
Bare reager instinkt
Just react on instinct
Vi vil ha' penge for ingenting
We want money for nothing
I mørket, mellem lysets blink, mens du lukker natten ind
In the darkness, between the lights flickering, as you close the night
Når jeg går ud, når hun går ud, når han går ud
When I go out, when she goes out, when he goes out
Når jeg går ud, når hun går ud, når han går ud
When I go out, when she goes out, when he goes out
Vi skal, ha' alt, de har MTV
We will, have everything they have on MTV
Ja vi skal, være midt i alt, ja her sidder vi
Yes we will, be in the middle of everything, so yes here we sit
Du er jordens spundet en gang til
You are the earth's spindle once again
Den perfekte form i lingeri
The perfect shape in lingerie
Hænger i, du er manilahamp
Hang in there, you are manila hemp
Du er spændt ud, og rundt om halsen stramt
You are stretched out, and tight around the neck
Du er smilets by, når dagen rejser
You are the city of smiles, when the day rises
Iluminerende i miami vice
Illuminating in miami vice
Gennem byer af shots og penge, men alting har en ende
Through cities of shots and money, but everything has an end
du venter vel
So you wait, I suppose
Når jeg går ud, når hun går ud, når han går ud
When I go out, when she goes out, when he goes out
Når jeg går ud, når hun går ud, når han går ud
When I go out, when she goes out, when he goes out
Vi skal, ha' alt, de har MTV
We will, have everything they have on MTV
Ja vi skal, være midt i alt, ja her sidder vi
Yes we will, be in the middle of everything, so yes here we sit

Writer(s): Rune Rask, Liam O'connor, Jonas Vestergaard

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