LCone - Bäumli - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais LCone - Bäumli

Little Tree
Ja ja ja ja ja
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Okay, das esch mini Gschecht
Okay, this is my story
Au mer gohds ned emmer mega guet
I'm not always doing great either
Okay, check, ja, ja
Okay, check, yeah, yeah
Ech ben scho meischtens sehr verwirrt
I'm mostly very confused
Han hütt scho füüf mol masturbiert
Masturbated five times today
Ond erscht bem zwoite wiederhole vo de Schuel han echs kapiert
And only understood it after repeating school for the second time
Start de Tag ah met me Bier ond met me Durchfall ii de Shorts
Start the day with a beer and diarrhea in my shorts
Ond das Cap uf minere Fressi hilft gäg d′Schuppe ii dene Hoor
And the cap on my face helps against the dandruff in my hair
Ja, es esch langsam peinlich, muess en Frau fende
Yeah, it's slowly getting embarrassing, I need to find a woman
Doch en Notall gfendsch es Loch au imne Baum inne
But in an emergency, you can also find a hole in a tree
A mim Pimmel heds de meischtens bitzli Baumrindä
There's usually some bark on my dick
Doch ech gfind de schnell paar nassi Blätter ii dem Laub inne
But I quickly find some wet leaves in the foliage
E Baum verletzt di ned, e Baum de lauft ned wäg
A tree doesn't hurt you, a tree doesn't run away
E Baum betrügt di ned ond wenn denn höchschtens miträ Schnägg
A tree doesn't cheat on you, and if it does, it's with a snail
Ech be scho ifersüchtig, meischtens penni grad be der
I'm already jealous, I usually sleep right next to you
Mer lueget zäme d'Stärne ah ond troimet vom ne Wald am Meer
We also look at the stars together and dream of a forest by the sea
Bäumli, du besch mis Träumli, Träumli
Little tree, you're my dream, dream
Du muesch jetz ned ahpisst due
You don't have to be pissed off now
Blas mer bitte grad ii d′Schueh, oh
Please just blow in my shoe, oh
Bäumli, du besch mis Träumli, Träumli
Little tree, you're my dream, dream
Du muesch jetz ned ahpisst due
You don't have to be pissed off now
Bitte blas mer grad ii d'Schueh, oh yeah
Please just blow in my shoe, oh yeah
Es esch en Sunntigmorgä, ech ha bitzli z'Morgä gmacht
It's a Sunday morning, I did some morning things
Geschter hesch ned gschrebe drom han ech mer bitzli Sorgä gmacht
You didn't write yesterday, so I was a bit worried
Ech ha 99 Problems doch eh Baum ain′t one
I got 99 problems but a tree ain't one
Ech ha de Tannä ned uf d′Tittä gluegt man glaub mers mal
I didn't look at the fir tree's tits, believe me
Ech wott paar Chind met der ond de bitz ii d'Ferie gah
I want to have some kids with you and go on vacation
Meischtens bliebsch dehei ond luegsch denn eifach es paar Serie ah
You mostly stay at home and then just watch some series
Lueg ech ben ehrlech of de Wält da gits paar geili Bäum
Look, I'm honest, there are some cool trees in the world
Ech wott bitzli neus doch du bliebsch leider dinnä Wurzlä treu
I want something new, but you stay true to your roots
Du besch kei Königin nur will en grossi Chronä hesch
You're not a queen just because you have a big crown
Mängisch chund en Hund ond sorgt defür dass Gaggi Bohnä hesch
Sometimes a dog comes and makes sure you have coffee beans
Also fahr mer ab met riif und dim falsche Stolz
So get off your high horse with your false pride
Am Ändi besch ned meh als eh Diva met chle falschem Holz
In the end, you're nothing more than a diva with a little fake wood
Bäumli, du besch mis Träumli, Träumli
Little tree, you're my dream, dream
Du muesch jetz ned ahpisst due
You don't have to be pissed off now
Blas mer bitte grad ii d′Schueh, oh
Please just blow in my shoe, oh
Bäumli, du besch mis Träumli, Träumli
Little tree, you're my dream, dream
Du muesch jetz ned ahpisst due
You don't have to be pissed off now
Bitte blas mer grad ii d'Schueh, oh yeah
Please just blow in my shoe, oh yeah
Jetzt alli bruchemer
Now we all break
Bäumli, du besch mis Träumli, Träumli
Little tree, you're my dream, dream
Du muesch jetz ned ahpisst due
You don't have to be pissed off now
Blas mer bitte grad ii d′Schueh, oh
Please just blow in my shoe, oh
Bäumli, du besch mis Träumli, Träumli
Little tree, you're my dream, dream
Du muesch jetz ned ahpisst due
You don't have to be pissed off now
Bitte blas mer grad ii d'Schueh, oh yeah
Please just blow in my shoe, oh yeah

Writer(s): livio carlin, gilles knobel

LCone - Bäumli
date de sortie

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