First you gonna get shot in the eardrum with a shotgun
Mic in hand, like a gangster
カスどもなら蹴散らす すぐさまな
Scumbags, I'll scatter them right away
If you think I'm harmless because I'm just a kid, you're in big trouble
見くびるな 聴けリスナー 意気がりは息できないスキルの差
Don't underestimate me. Listen up, listeners, your attitude won't allow you to breathe, the skill difference
I′m a rap star
I′m a rap star
うるせえ大人は耳傾けない shut down
Annoying adults, don't listen to me, shut down
ほら順番に並ばず ラッダッダ
Look, don't line up, rat-a-tat-tat
人愛すより勝ち取る タッタッタ
Instead of loving people, I'd rather win, tat-tat-tat
I'll laugh again with my friends, pa-pa-pa
だって好きだし苦じゃねえよ 簡単じゃん
Because I like it and it's not hard, it's easy
But if I was a demon, I'd go all out
この人生全部かけてさ get chance
I'll bet everything on this life, get a chance
I don't change 関係ねえ
I don't change, it's no matter
余裕で bounce
Bounce with ease
I don′t care
I don′t care
If I sell, that's none of your business
You can play until morning
またたわごとばっか fucker shit
More nonsense, fucker, shit
ほらばらまく曲 各地
Look, I'll spread these songs everywhere
You guys can listen to this and double-check
It's a lot like plagiarism
フリースタイルだって叶わないこの dope な shit
Even your freestyle can't match this dope shit
虚しい変化し続けるからhaterは言う奴 fake
It's futile to change, so haters will say you're fake
Sure, if you're ugly, you'll be boring
When everyone starts making beats, it's going to be really crazy
Teaching 絶対に教えてやる やばいものこれこそ真の real
Teaching, I'll definitely show you, this is the real deal
The adults who have been complaining and nagging will be nervous about Leo's original
Gun shot なめんじゃねえ
Gun shot, don't fuck with me
痛い目みるから bitch
You're in for a world of hurt, bitch
変えてく everything
Changing everything
From play to art
Gun shot なめんじゃねえ
Gun shot, don't fuck with me
痛い目みるから bitch
You're in for a world of hurt, bitch
ぶっ放す派手に 最終的おれが win
I'll shoot wildly, in the end, I'll win
痛い目みるから bitch
You're in for a world of hurt, bitch
変えてく everything
Changing everything
From play to art
Gun shot なめんじゃねえ
Gun shot, don't fuck with me
痛い目みるから bitch
You're in for a world of hurt, bitch
ぶっ放す派手に 最終的おれが win
I'll shoot wildly, in the end, I'll win
Best two
Best two
I need you
I need you
今すぐ欲しい money あと素敵な life
I want money and a wonderful life right now
この bitch は簡単には振り向かない
This bitch won't turn around for me easily
けど big win まだまだ捨てられない
But big win, I can't give up yet
なら止まんねえよ 尖ってく どうなってんの? つまんねえよ このシーン
So I won't stop, I'll stay sharp. What's happening? This scene is boring
てか売れてんの? バズってんの? 知らねえよ real にあれかっこいい
Are you selling out? Going viral? I don't know. That's really cool
I'll handle the craziest stuff
Empty bragging or whatever doesn't get into my ears
上からゴタゴタ無駄すぎうるさいたわごとばっかりさ ガッカリさ
It's too much of a hassle to get involved, all this useless nonsense is disappointing
I'll let you play with the mic, you'll get fired up, but it'll fizzle out like fireworks. I'll get rid of it first
真面目がない 文句あるなら来い 空気読まない 譲れない life
There's no truth in it. If you have a problem, come at me. I don't care about the air, I don't compromise, life
離さねえマイク rock する life 他じゃいないだろ このタイプ
I won't let go of the microphone, I rock life. There's no one else like me
証明してやる 他のはボロ 人生自体 bad ラップすりゃむろ狂ってる flow スキルで無双 お前らの理想超えてるもろ
I'll prove it. Everything else is rubbish. Life itself is bad. If you rap, you're crazy. You're unbeatable with your flow and skills. You're above your ideals
勝ち目ない まずセンスから違うから感じれない やっぱビートでする feel が大事
There's no chance of winning. Our sense of style is so different that you can't feel it. It's important to feel the beat
Look, I'm giving you the finger and the fuck sign because I've been dissatisfied since the beginning. I haven't changed, but those who come don't understand
So I'll show you what it means to be a revolution. I'll change it, look, it's a beautiful face first
Gun shot なめんじゃねえ
Gun shot, don't fuck with me
痛い目みるから bitch
You're in for a world of hurt, bitch
変えてく everything
Changing everything
From play to art
Gun shot なめんじゃねえ
Gun shot, don't fuck with me
痛い目みるから bitch
You're in for a world of hurt, bitch
ぶっ放す派手に 最終的おれが win
I'll shoot wildly, in the end, I'll win
Gun shot なめんじゃねえ
Gun shot, don't fuck with me
痛い目みるから bitch
You're in for a world of hurt, bitch
変えてく everything
Changing everything
From play to art
Gun shot なめんじゃねえ
Gun shot, don't fuck with me
痛い目みるから bitch
You're in for a world of hurt, bitch
ぶっ放す派手に 最終的おれが win
I'll shoot wildly, in the end, I'll win
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