LGYankees - 星に願いを ~Wish to the Stars~ with はたけ (シャ乱Q), 熊谷育美, 閃雷 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction LGYankees - 星に願いを ~Wish to the Stars~ with はたけ (シャ乱Q), 熊谷育美, 閃雷

星に願いを ~Wish to the Stars~ with はたけ (シャ乱Q), 熊谷育美, 閃雷
Starry Wish with HATAKE (Sha乱Q), Yuumi Kumagaya, Senrai
簡単には語れない でも今だからこそ伝えたい 君に
Hard to say in detail But now that the time is here, I want to convey it to you
あの日 あの時 君の声が 何よりも頼りでした
That day, at that time, your voice was a comfort
我慢強いあの子は 小さな手にアメを握らせた
The patient child was holding onto some candy in his small hands
冬の寒空の下 皆大切な人想ってる
Under the winter night sky, everyone is thinking of their loved ones
声を掛け合って 手をつないで励ましあって
Encouraging each other and holding hands, we'll get through this together
少しずつ増えてきた笑顔が 君にも見えていますか?
Do you see the smiles that are beginning to spread?
あの日生まれた命が 強さと優しさを覚えました
The life born on that day learned to be strong and kind
少しずつでも前に 一歩ずつでも確かに前に
Even slowly, but we're surely moving forward one step at a time
今でも僕は未来に向かって 僕らの約束 守り続けてる
I'm still working towards the future I promised you
夜空見上げて 星に願いを... 夜空見上げて 涙堪えて
Looking up at the night sky, a starry wish... Looking up at the night sky, fighting back tears
夜空見上げて 星に願いを... 夜空見上げて届け... この想い...
Looking up to the night sky, a starry wish... Looking up to the night sky, let me send... This message
忘れられぬ傷みや 失くした思い出の品
Unforgettable wounds, and memories that are gone
見慣れたあの風景は 形を変え生まれ変わった
The familiar scenery has changed form and been reborn
以前よりも良い物 創ろうと頑張っている人
People trying to create something better than before
あなたのその姿は 多くの心支えてる
Your appearance like that gives many people courage
あの日聴こえたメロディ 目をつぶれば今も胸に
The melody I heard that day, even now, I can hear in my heart when I close my eyes
旅立った友の想いを乗せ 僕は強くなる
I'll become stronger, carrying the thoughts of my departed friend
満天の星空 只々願った Wish to the Stars
Gazing at the starry sky, I wish only this Wish to the Stars
Can you hear me?
Can you see everyone's smiles?
今でも僕は未来を信じて 誓った約束 守り続けてる
Even now, I believe in the future I swore to protect
夜空見上げて 星に願いを... 夜空見上げて 涙堪えて
Looking up at the night sky, a starry wish... Looking up at the night sky, fighting back tears
夜空見上げて 星に願いを... 夜空見上げて届け... この想い...
Looking up to the night sky, a starry wish... Looking up to the night sky, let me send... This message"
光り輝く長い道のり 星は遥か遠く
The long road ahead of us is bright, the stars are far away
夜空見上げて 星に願いを... 夜空見上げて 涙堪えて
Looking up at the night sky, a starry wish... Looking up at the night sky, fighting back tears
夜空見上げて 星に願いを... 夜空見上げて届け...
Looking up to the night sky, a starry wish... Looking up to the night sky, let me send...
夜空見上げて 星に願いを... 夜空見上げて 涙堪えて
Looking up at the night sky, a starry wish... Looking up at the night sky, fighting back tears
夜空見上げて 星に願いを... 夜空見上げて届け... この想い...
Looking up to the night sky, a starry wish... Looking up to the night sky, let me send... This message
夜空見上げて 星に願いを... 夜空見上げて 涙堪えて
Looking up at the night sky, a starry wish... Looking up at the night sky, fighting back tears
夜空見上げて 星に願いを... 夜空見上げて届け... この想い...
Looking up to the night sky, a starry wish... Looking up to the night sky, let me send... This message
夜空見上げて 星に願いを... 夜空見上げて 涙堪えて
Looking up at the night sky, a starry wish... Looking up at the night sky, fighting back tears
夜空見上げて 星に願いを... 夜空見上げて届け... この想い...
Looking up to the night sky, a starry wish... Looking up to the night sky, let me send... This message

Writer(s): Lgyankees Hiro, Noa, はたけバンド

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