LIL Grippie - Mříže (feat. Whtevr) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction LIL Grippie - Mříže (feat. Whtevr)

Mříže (feat. Whtevr)
Bars (feat. Whtevr)
nechci bez spát
I don't want to sleep without her anymore
nechci bez probouzet se
I don't want to wake up without her anymore
Začínam se bát, že kdybych o prišel
I'm starting to get scared that if I were to lose her
Tak by hrozil další pád
Then another fall would be imminent
nechci bez spát
I don't want to sleep without her anymore
nechci bez probouzet se
I don't want to wake up without her anymore
Začínam se bát, že kdybych o prišel
I'm starting to get scared that if I were to lose her
Tak by hrozil další pád
Then another fall would be imminent
Byly tu chvíle, kdy jsem kričel jen tak do tmy
There were times when I would scream just into the darkness
Byly tu chvíle, kdy jsem psal jen smutný rytmy
There were times when I would only write sad rhymes
Před rokem jsem psal to, co teď zpívam pro holky
A year ago I wrote what I sing for the girls now
A každý den přemejšlím, jestli s tím teď neskončím
And every day I think about whether I should end it now
Vzpomenu si na tebe, co žiješ pro baby
I remember you, who live for me baby
A všechny špatný myšlenky ze světla jdou hned do tmy
And all of the bad thoughts from the light go right into the darkness
nechci bez spát
I don't want to sleep without her anymore
nechci bez probouzet se
I don't want to wake up without her anymore
Začínam se bát, že kdybych o prišel
I'm starting to get scared that if I were to lose her
Tak by hrozil další pád
Then another fall would be imminent
nechci bez spát
I don't want to sleep without her anymore
nechci bez probouzet se
I don't want to wake up without her anymore
Začínam se bát, že kdybych o prišel
I'm starting to get scared that if I were to lose her
Tak by hrozil další pád
Then another fall would be imminent
nemusíš se bát, nevrátím se zpět do tmy
You no longer have to be afraid, I won't go back into the darkness
A budeme se smát, odpoutáme ty kotvy
And we will laugh, we will cast off the anchors
Odplujem z ostrova, před náma nový kroky
We will sail away from the island, new steps before us
Ne, nic se neděje
No, nothing is happening
Neboj se, nic se neděje
No fear, nothing is happening
Povídam, povídam víš že
I tell you, I tell you, do you know
Kolem byly mríže
There were bars around me
chci jen stav beztíže
I just want a state of weightlessness
Tak prosím pojď sem blíže
So please come closer
Se podívam, podívam blíž
I'll take a closer look, take a closer look
Tam najdeme tu skrýš
There we will find the refuge
Bude to skvelý, ty to víš
It will be wonderful, you know that
Poletím kam ty poletíš
I will fly wherever you fly
Nechci bez spát
I don't want to sleep without her
Zase začínam se bát
I'm starting to get scared again
nechci bez spát
I don't want to sleep without her
Ale nedávam to znát
But I'm not letting it show
nechci bez spát
I don't want to sleep without her anymore
nechci bez probouzet se
I don't want to wake up without her anymore
Začínam se bát, že kdybych o prišel
I'm starting to get scared that if I were to lose her
Tak by hrozil další pád
Then another fall would be imminent
nechci bez spát
I don't want to sleep without her anymore
nechci bez probouzet se
I don't want to wake up without her anymore
Začínam se bát, že kdybych o prišel
I'm starting to get scared that if I were to lose her
Tak by hrozil další pád
Then another fall would be imminent

Writer(s): Unknown Unknown, Andrei Yurievich Khalilov

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