LIV - Lava - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais LIV - Lava

2003, Aightgenossa Forum ->
2003, Aightgenossa Forum -
Dr Hass wo entgägaschloht isch für mi as Novum -
Dr. Hass, wherever he strikes, is a novelty to me -
2021, SRF Podcast -
2021, SRF Podcast -
Immerno dr glich huara Hater sit da Shottas
Still the same damn hater since the Shottas
Mit einem Satz selber diskreditiert -
Discredited himself with one sentence -
- N genau drum wirsch du nit respektiert -
- That's exactly why you're not respected -
Do het niamert as Problem mitm Mory -
Nobody has a problem with Mory anymore -
Homes nur mit diar, will du bisch ehrlich nur vorig -
Homes only with you, because you're honestly just stale -
A Rundi Mitleid für jeda wo dem Hater glaubt ->
A round of pity for anyone who believes this hater -
Wella Manager macht 20 Fake-Accounts -
What kind of manager makes 20 fake accounts -
N Radio-Host beleidigt Nochwuchsrapper -
A radio host insults young rappers -
- Nur wills Gschichta vu dr Stross ufsägen -
- Just because he wants to tell stories from the street -
Alta hesch du denn dia Stross patentiert? -
Dude, did you patent the streets? -
- Oder gits dia Stross nur bi diar? -
- Or are the streets only with you? -
Wieso bisch du uf dia Stross so fixiert? -
Why are you so fixated on the streets? -
Hesch demfall selber dia Stross zementiert?
Did you perhaps cement the streets yourself?
Du kasch motza - du kasch hassa -
You can grumble - you can hate -
- Du kasch das würklich gära macha -
- You can really enjoy doing that -
Du kasch hata - du kasch labra -
You can hate - you can talk -
Ja mann - aber Bündner Rap isch Lava -
Yeah man - but Bündner Rap is Lava -
Lava... Lava...
Lava... Lava...
Lava - Bündner Rap isch Lava...
Lava - Bündner Rap is Lava...
Du kasch hata - du kasch labra -
You can hate - you can talk -
Ja mann - aber Bündner Rap isch Lava -
Yeah man - but Bündner Rap is Lava -
I kriaga Messages, und dJungs frogen wer isch das? ->
I get messages, and the guys ask who is that? -
Wo do gäga Bündner Rap au mol wieder Wella macht? -
Who's making waves against Bündner Rap again? -
I denk mr wella Spast, nimmt sich denn das Recht ussa ->
I think, what kind of jerk takes that right -
Und verhaltet sich als wär er rechts dussa? -
And acts like he's on the far right? -
Dini Wohrnemig dia isch so mies wia din Diss ->
Your perception is as bad as your diss -
Du redsch vu Käs aber merksch nit wia cheesy du bisch? -
You talk about cheese but don't notice how cheesy you are? -
Akzeptier mol dass jeda sina Gschmack het -
Accept that everyone has their own taste -
Dr Blizzo kunnt mit Hackbrett, dr Livty mitm Raclette -
Blizzo comes with a dulcimer, Livty with raclette -
Und sisch üs au egal was du machsch jetzt ->
And we don't care what you do now -
Als sogenannta Expert bisch du endlich abgsetzt -
As a so-called expert, you're finally deposed -
A Backuprapper het üs Churer bitzli agschwärzt -
A backup rapper blackened us Chur people a bit -
- Etz isch er kai Figur meh uf dem Schachbrett -
- Now he's no longer a figure on the chessboard -
Matt gsetzt - mitama Eigagoal ->
Checkmated - with an own goal -
Senderos vum CH Rap Digga as isch eifach so ->
Senderos of CH Rap dude, it's just like that -
Xehns mol i dass da meista uf da Zeiger gohsch ->
I tell you ten times that most people get on your nerves -
Wenn du ufhörsch brüalt dr ganz sicher keina noh -
If you stop yelling, nobody will surely follow -
Du kasch motza - du kasch hassa -
You can grumble - you can hate -
- Du kasch das würklich gära macha -
- You can really enjoy doing that -
Du kasch hata - du kasch labra -
You can hate - you can talk -
Ja mann - aber Bündner Rap isch Lava -
Yeah man - but Bündner Rap is Lava -
Lava... Lava...
Lava... Lava...
Lava - Bündner Rap isch Lava...
Lava - Bündner Rap is Lava...
Du kasch hata - du kasch labra -
You can hate - you can talk -
Ja mann - aber Bündner Rap isch Lava -
Yeah man - but Bündner Rap is Lava -
Das isch nit Basel gäga Chur, nei mit Basel bini cool -
This is not Basel against Chur, no, I'm cool with Basel -
Das isch nur ignorants Gefasel us dim Muul -
This is just ignorant nonsense from your mouth -
Wenn kei Ahnig hesch denn halt di eifach drus ->
If you have no idea, then just stay out of it -
Aber mach doch nit so Moves, was erwartisch diar do nur? -
But don't make such moves, what do you expect here? -
Was hesch davo wenn a Region diffamiersch? ->
What do you gain from defaming a region? -
Wo niamert sich für dini Person intressiert? -
Where nobody is interested in your person? -
Dia meista do di vorher no nitamol kennt hend -
Most people here have never known you before -
Und etz sicher au nüt positivs denken -
And now they certainly don't think anything positive -
- A Dramaqueen wo sich als a Macho xeht ->
- A drama queen who sees himself as a macho -
Und dur so schlechti Witz wird ma halt zum Hassobjekt -
And through such bad jokes you become a hate object -
Han nur min Sound als Waffa und drum machis jetz -
I only have my sound as a weapon and that's why I'm doing it now -
Nüt persönlichs und glich isch alles Tacheles -
Nothing personal and everything is straight talk -
Finito, han xeit was i so muass ->
Finito, I said what I had to -
Kasch witer drüber reda aber keina lost meh zua -
You can keep talking about it, but nobody listens anymore -
- Dini Meinig dia isch vogelfrei -
- Your opinion is outlawed -
Peace Out - schöna Gruass us dr Molkerei -
Peace Out - greetings from the dairy -
Du kasch motza - du kasch hassa -
You can grumble - you can hate -
- Du kasch das würklich gära macha -
- You can really enjoy doing that -
Du kasch hata - du kasch labra -
You can hate - you can talk -
Ja mann - aber Bündner Rap isch Lava -
Yeah man - but Bündner Rap is Lava -
Lava... Lava...
Lava... Lava...
Lava - Bündner Rap isch Lava...
Lava - Bündner Rap is Lava...
Du kasch hata - du kasch labra -
You can hate - you can talk -
Ja mann - aber Bündner Rap isch Lava -
Yeah man - but Bündner Rap is Lava -

Writer(s): Livio Biondini

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