LMF - 債 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais LMF - 債

當天衝動不理結果 怎可分清楚
Acting on impulse that day, without thinking of the consequences. How can I tell who's right?
You blame me and I blame you. It's hard to bear.
一息間的失控 實在沒法躲
Losing control in a moment, there's no way to avoid it.
This slap has ruthlessly and hopelessly left me all alone.
What kind of parents are you?
有句說話老豆養仔仔養仔 你送佢去
There is a saying: "Father raises a son, son raises a son." You sent him away
(Waiting for you to come back)
Did you want him to be a yellow-skinned ghost of a foreigner?
定係想個女淨係識得落蘭桂芳湊鬼 你要繼續投機 俾多多錢
Or did you want your daughter to only know how to hang out in Lan Kwai Fong and date losers? You'll continue to speculate and give her more money.
(You should study hard)
你唔要有你地 D 代溝 pet 佢去地球既另外一面
Why don't you give up your generation gap and spoil him to the other side of the world?
問你點收 但你可能覺得自己無本事 揹唔起家呢一個字
Asking for your pay, but you feel that you are incapable and unworthy of shouldering the responsibilities of family life.
(The responsibilities of family life)
你唔俾佢呢樣個樣 驚佢學壞
You don't give him this or that, fearing that he will go astray.
但養佢又無 dum 心機 睇住佢大 呢一個仔由細到大
But you have no time or energy to raise him, to watch over him as he grows up.
(From childhood to adulthood)
點都覺得自己父母 一世失敗
He's always felt his parents were lifelong failures.
只不過佢地又係咁樣捱大 個包袱咁大
But then, they also struggled to grow up. Their burden was just as heavy.
When will we ever be able to repay this debt to our children?
當天衝動不理結果 怎可分清楚
Acting on impulse that day, without thinking of the consequences. How can I tell who's right?
You blame me and I blame you. It's hard to bear.
一息間的失控 實在沒法躲
Losing control in a moment, there's no way to avoid it.
This slap has ruthlessly and hopelessly left me all alone.
If you had not been so harsh towards me back then,
今時今日 又點會行錯呢一條路
I would not have gone down this wrong path.
Even though you and I have wronged each other, it's hard to unlock our hearts.
假如你真係努力過 咁從頭黎過
If you had tried harder, then we could start over.
我諗 又會係另外一個結果
I think the outcome would be different.
悲哀的心輕輕撫摸 越錯誤越逃避我
I gently caress my aching heart. The more mistakes I make, the more I run away.
Every time I go home, all I see is fighting and discord.
How can you expect me to stay?
(No, I don't want to stay)
And every time I talk to him, all he talks about are money issues.
Has he ever shown any interest in my personal life?
Why have I always had to solve my own problems?
Mom, you left the house because of your own selfishness and never came back.
俾人睇低 俾人當我係孤兒仔
You let people look down on me and treat me like an orphan.
I only stay with Dad to have sex.
當天衝動不理結果 怎可分清楚
Acting on impulse that day, without thinking of the consequences. How can I tell who's right?
You blame me and I blame you. It's hard to bear.
一息間的失控 實在沒法躲
Losing control in a moment, there's no way to avoid it.
This slap has ruthlessly and hopelessly left me all alone.
回頭又再遇從前 落寞伴著落日 往昔家中的抱怨
I'll turn around and face my past. Loneliness lingers with the setting sun, with the nagging complaints of home.
願為你花去力氣 告別舊有隔膜 讓我跟你在一起
I'm willing to give my all for you, leave behind our differences, and let us be together.
成日叫我學下邊個邊個個仔 做份也野工
Always telling me to learn from this and that kid, to get a simple job.
讀緊也野系 我想話俾你知生我出黎唔係同人比賽鬥威
I'm studying in the science program. I want you to understand that I was not born to compete with others.
Stop comparing me to others.
時間一轉眼 點追都追唔番
Time passes in the blink of an eye, and we cannot catch up.
諗番起細個又曾經作反出去玩 唔想番屋企覺得屋企好煩
When I think of my childhood, I rebelled and went out to play. I didn't want to go home because home was so annoying.
書又唔讀 工又唔番 玩到唔知時間 光陰一去不返
I didn't study, I didn't work, I just played until I lost track of time and wasted my youth.
無得簡 做人都係得果幾廿年時間
Life is short and we only have a few decades.
我諗一諗 供書教學其實都好大負擔
When I think about it, supporting our education is a huge burden.
Our birth is like a maxed-out credit card.
分期攤還 最後發覺回頭太難
We pay it off in installments, but in the end, we realize it's too difficult to turn back.
我諗都係時候平心靜氣坐番低 去彌補同母親惡劣既關係
I think it's time to calm down and try to mend my strained relationship with my mother.
呢個世界根本就無解決唔到既問題 最怕你自閉 自己越轉越迷
There are no unsolvable problems in this world. The scariest thing is to withdraw into yourself and become increasingly lost.

Writer(s): Hong Wing Davy Chan, Mc Wah, / Mcyan, Mc Phat, Mc Kit

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