LMF - 再見型過龍 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais LMF - 再見型過龍

Fancy Chandelier Too Long
★MC Yan:
★MC Yan:
Hey, why are you not dead yet, you?
你眼中 淨係得你自已
You only care about yourself.
由細到大 都無人夠膽話你
Since you were a kid, no one has dared to tell you off.
嚟嚟去去 班友都係拍你馬屁
All your friends just suck up to you.
由你 一出世嗰日計起
Since the day you were born,
個天話咗你知 嗰啲叫做運氣
fate has told you that those are what you call luck.
Your mother gave birth to you like this,
唔駛憂柴憂米 你梗係無皇管
you've never had to worry about anything and you've never been taught any rules.
Hey, do you really realize how you are?
行到邊處 身邊都有陣悶氣
Wherever you go, you bring misery all around you.
朝見口 晚見面 又係你
Day in and day out, it's always you.
四圍認屎認屁 又係你
You're a filthy little gossip, it's always you.
睇吓你 叫我睇你 睇我睇你
Look at you, I'm looking at you and you're looking at me,
We all knew long ago how we should treat you.
你最型 你最乸型
You're the coolest, the gayest,
你塊臉皮 係一張好厚嘅日本旗
Your face is a big fat Japanese flag.
可能你呀 一心要做到自已 型到死
Maybe you really do want to be yourself and cool to the point of death,
So cool that you're nothing like anyone else.
Now the whole world is watching you make a fool of yourself.
再見嘞 型過籠 (型過籠)
Sayonara, way too fancy (way too fancy).
可能你呀 一心要做到自已 型到死
Maybe you really do want to be yourself and cool to the point of death,
So cool that you're nothing like anyone else.
Now the whole world is watching you make a fool of yourself.
再見嘞 型過籠 (型過籠)
Sayonara, way too fancy (way too fancy).
你要型 就唔係話唔比
If you want to be cool, I'm not going to stop you,
型唔型得起 就要睇你自已
But whether or not you can really pull it off is up to you.
吓吓大條道理 你咪爭住發表自已
You're always spouting nonsense, always trying to show off.
成日咁大口氣 係人都怕咗你
You're so arrogant that everyone's scared of you.
面係人地比 架就自已丟
You bring shame upon yourself, but you're the one who loses face.
對眼無病 又駛乜成日眼超超
Your eyes are fine, why do you always roll them?
我話過你聽 呢啲就叫做'囂'
I've told you before, that's what you call "being a dick".
黃皮白心 你點睇都係 一隻蕉
You're a yellow banana with a white heart.
Damn 睇見呢種人真係驚
Damn, it's scary to see people like this.
明明喺呢度大 又扮曬講中文唔係好靈
You were born here, but you pretend to not speak Chinese very well.
Every sentence you utter has to have some English in it for you to feel cool.
Yo!What Up!Man. Yeah. Yeah.
Yo!What Up!Man. Yeah. Yeah.
You're Chinese but you have a Japanese name.
You're a wretched little creature.
No matter how you look at it, you look like
A complete and utter idiot.
Way too fancy.
Way too fancy.
Way too fancy.
Way too fancy.
★Wah:Don't be so frivolous.
★MC Yan:你好命呀! 你有老豆照!
★MC Yan:You're so lucky! Your daddy takes care of everything for you!
★Wah:你再惡也需要求饒 你咪再去騷擾
★Wah:No matter how fierce you are, you still need to beg for mercy. Don't harass me anymore.
★MC Yan:你不如 呀! 返屋企食蕉
★MC Yan:Why don't you go home and eat some bananas?
★Wah:撞扳 打白鴿轉
★Wah:Pull the trigger and turn into a dove.
靚仔 你起圍 響軚 成街人
Baby, come on out and drive around. The whole street is full of people.
望住你 響旺角花園街
Look at you on Flower Street in Mong Kok,
Only about three meters away.
You scared the locals but you're still so smug about it.
You're still not satisfied, are you?
Your skin-tight little喇叭 outfit,
難得你每個配搭 呱啦啦
Every single one of your outfits is so gaudy.
七色檸檬頭 但係過咗期
Your lemon-yellow hair is so dated.
Wow, you are so cool.

Writer(s): Davy, Mc Kit, Mc Phat, Mc Wah, Mc Yan

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