LUISA - Kedysi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction LUISA - Kedysi

Once Upon a Time
Tma okolo mňa ma stále žere ako sepsa
Darkness around me still eats me like sepsis
Keď si ma chce zobrať, tak to prosím ťa urob teraz
If it wants to take me, then please do it now
Ledva vstanem ráno, vlastne ma to nebaví ležiac
I can barely get up in the morning, actually I don't feel like it anymore
Súdiac podľa seba občas ma nebaví a nechtiac
Judging by myself, sometimes I don't feel like it and I don't want to
Som ready ako Biggie, iba mi chyba Faith Evans
I'm ready like Biggie, I just need Faith Evans
Mojím anjelom nosím každý deň kvety na revanš
I bring my angels flowers every day in return
Stretávam ich nonstop, bolo celkom vela tých seáns
I meet them non-stop, there were quite a few of those séances
A každý deň rozmýšlam nad tým, či mi to bolo treba
And every day I think about whether I needed it
Keď si so mnou niekede, snaž sa prosím nerušiť mi atmo
When you're with me somewhere, please try not to spoil my atmosphere
Šampaňské, jahody, biele posteľné prádlo
Champagne, strawberries, white bed linen
Medzi tými ľuďmi ma to nebaví dávno
I haven't enjoyed it with those people for a long time
Pýtam sa, či mi to všetko za to stálo
I wonder if it was all worth it
Stálo, či fakt niekde na mňa dáva pozor ten pán boh
Worth it, or is that God watching over me somewhere
Aj keď modliť sa viem naozaj len celkom krátko
Even though I can only pray very briefly
Otázok mám tak za plný kartón
I have questions for a full box
Poznámok o životě za plný iPhone
Notes about life for a full iPhone
ma to ani nebavi tak ako kedysi
I don't even enjoy it anymore like I used to
Nemám na nich toľko času tak ako kedysi
I don't have much time for them like I used to
Vezmi si ma do auta a voz ma hocikam
Take me in your car and drive me anywhere
Aj tak keď to potrebujem najviac vtedy neni ich
Anyway, when I need it most, they're not there
ma to ani nebaví tak ako kedysi
I don't even enjoy it anymore like I used to
Nemám na nich toľko času tak ako kedysi
I don't have much time for them like I used to
Vezmi si ma do auta a voz ma hocikam
Take me in your car and drive me anywhere
Aj tak keď to potrebujem nejviac vtedy neni ich
Anyway, when I need it most, they're not there
ma to ani nebaví tak ako kedysi
I don't even enjoy it anymore like I used to
Nemám na nich toľko času tak ako kedysi
I don't have much time for them like I used to
Vezmi si ma do auta a budeme sa flákať
Take me in your car and let's hang out
Darmo mi hovoria "Luisa prestaň", ja som raz taká
In vain they tell me "Luisa, stop", I'm already that way
Celý život na mňa tam niekde za rohom číha satan
Satan is lurking around the corner for me all my life
Málokedy si uvedomujem, že som mohla skapať
I rarely realize that I could have died
To, že tu teraz stojím je tak trochu zázrak
The fact that I'm standing here now is a bit of a miracle
Mala by som ďakovať celé noci a rána
I should be thanking all night and morning
Keď sa vidím v zrkadle tak je to fatamorgana
When I see myself in the mirror it's like a mirage
Neverím ani seba, ja som asi paradox sama
I don't even believe myself, I'm probably a paradox
Keď si so mnou niekde snaž sa prosím nerušiť mi atmo
When you're with me somewhere, please try not to spoil my atmosphere
Na ulici v Totonte niekedy nad ránom
In the street in Totonto sometimes in the early morning
Medzi tými luďmi ma to fakt nebaví dávno
Among those people, I really haven't enjoyed it for a long time
Pri odchode zvyknem vravieť iba "Rado sa stalo"
When I leave, I usually just say "It was a pleasure"
ma to ani nebaví tak ako kedysi
I don't even enjoy it anymore like I used to
Nemám na nich toľko času tak ako kedysi
I don't have much time for them like I used to
Vezmi si ma do auta a voz ma hocikam
Take me in your car and drive me anywhere
Aj tak keď to potrebujem najviac vtedy není ich
Anyway, when I need it most, they're not there
ma to ani nebaví tak ako kedysi
I don't even enjoy it anymore like I used to
Nemám na nich toľko času tak ako kedysi
I don't have much time for them like I used to
Vezmi si ma do auta a voz ma hocikam
Take me in your car and drive me anywhere
Aj tak keď to potrebujem najviac vtedy není ich
Anyway, when I need it most, they're not there

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