LUNA SEA - Wall - traduction des paroles en anglais

Wall - LUNA SEAtraduction en anglais

さよなら 限りなき天よ 瞳閉じるよ
Goodbye, boundless sky, I close my eyes
さよなら 終わらない時よ 時計止まるよ
Farewell, endless time, the clock stops
声が世紀末も突き刺さるよ なにもかもが 涙の破片が
A voice pierces through the end of the century, everything is but fragments of tears
透明い時に包まれて あなたさえ失うの
Enveloped in transparent time, I lose even you
The sea that reflects children playing even at killing frightens
When I see you, who are unaware of the moment, I can only cry out
声が世紀末も突き刺さるよ キミの声が 涙の破片が
A voice pierces through the end of the century, your voice, fragments of tears
透明い時に包まれて あなたさえみうしない
Enveloped in transparent time, I lose even you
透明い時に包まれて 二人には戻れない
Enveloped in transparent time, we can never go back to the way we were
透明い時に包まれて 予言が聞こえて来る
Enveloped in transparent time, I hear a prophecy
透明い時が産り出す 破滅へのPrologue
A transparent time that gives birth to a prologue to destruction
白い壁が目の前を Ah ha Ah ha ha...
A white wall in front of my eyes Ah ha Ah ha ha...
白い風が何処までも Ah ha Ah ha ha...
A white wind that goes on forever Ah ha Ah ha ha...
さよなら ひかりよ さよなら Oh Friends
Farewell, light, farewell Oh Friends

Writer(s): j, J

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