La Eminemca - Descarados, Marginados y Arrogantes - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction La Eminemca - Descarados, Marginados y Arrogantes

Descarados, Marginados y Arrogantes
Shameless, Marginalized and Arrogant
Epa, epa, epa, epa
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Voy abrir la jeta, súbele al beta y dile a romeo que julieta
I'm gonna open my mouth, turn up the beat and tell Romeo that Juliet
Se hizo las tetas y se fue con el de la camioneta
Got her boobs done and left with the guy in the truck
Deja la cantaleta y vacila caleta las caretas con muecas
Stop whining and secretly enjoy the masked faces with grimaces
Que deja benzi con zeta cuando la escoñeta
That Benzi with a Z leaves when the shotgun
No entrometas mi meta que en mi metas tus tretas
Doesn't meddle, my goal is that you don't meddle with your tricks
Mira que la gallina oyó mis rimas y quedo turuleca cabeza hueca,
Look, the chicken heard my rhymes and became a clueless airhead,
No me vean care' poceta, se que de la sociedad secreta
Don't look at me like a toilet, I know that the secret society
Son las escopetas que le encaletan a la heta,
Are the shotguns they hide on the girl,
Eta-te quieta marioneta que esto es boleta
Be quiet, puppet, this is a ticket
Como fumarse un kingsay oyendo un freestyle del vendetta
Like smoking a Kingsay while listening to a Vendetta freestyle
Tengo en la gaveta una libreta, repleta de letras, agrieta cornetas,
I have a notebook in the drawer, full of lyrics, cracking speakers,
Pa' los que alardean que idean y sus ideas andan en muletas
For those who boast that they have ideas and their ideas are on crutches
Por desgracia hay que darles gracia, dan gracias sus morisquetas
Unfortunately, you have to give them grace, they give thanks for their antics
Les daré su maqueta, chavez no sabe que quedan analfabeta
I'll give them their demo, Chavez doesn't know that there are illiterates left
Donde vivo dios no ahorca sólo aprieta
Where I live, God doesn't hang, he just squeezes
Si por el gatillo de un beretta y en motocicleta hacen pirueta en camiseta
If by the trigger of a Beretta and on a motorcycle they do pirouettes in a T-shirt
Cada cabeza es un mundo, la mía es otro planeta
Each head is a world, mine is another planet
La neta y su jugarreta se cunetan y se veta al que no respeta
The net and its little game are told and the one who doesn't respect is vetoed
Piezas súbele dos a la trompeta
Pieces, turn up the trumpet two
Que le dejes caer al nulo que sostuvo la de nuvo en la discoteca
Let it fall on the null that held the null again in the disco
Desde que hay pólvora en la calle no he visto mas karatekas
Since there's gunpowder in the street, I haven't seen any more karatekas
Y pensar que fue por la paz que se invento la metralleta
And to think that it was for peace that the machine gun was invented
Pon tu ego a dieta pa' que no se coma la luz en la glorieta
Put your ego on a diet so it doesn't eat the light in the roundabout
Y evitar que pase una carreta y me deje la vida chueca
And avoid a cart passing by and leaving my life crooked
La fama es coqueta, y el rap sólo me ha dejao'
Fame is flirtatious, and rap has only left me
Dolores de muñeca y la boca seca, eureka!
Wrist pain and dry mouth, eureka!
Pero si interpretas lo que digo veras que es obvio
But if you interpret what I say you'll see it's obvious
Que el odio de mi enemigo me completa muñeca.
That my enemy's hatred completes me, baby.
Esto es control mental mami, usare el lápiz como aguja (relax)
This is mind control, baby, I'll use the pencil as a needle (relax)
Cooperan, salen o entran de la burbuja
They cooperate, they come out or they enter the bubble
DESCARADOS, atrevidos, desvergonzados, insolentes,
SHAMELESS, daring, shameless, insolent,
Cínicos, procasios, sinvergüenzas, impertinentes
Cynical, outrageous, shameless, impertinent
MARGINADOS, inadaptados, excluidos, incomprendidos
MARGINALIZED, misfits, excluded, misunderstood
En la pirámide de los oprimidos
In the pyramid of the oppressed
Y ARROGANTES, alentados, desenvueltos y modesto distinguido
And ARROGANT, encouraged, developed and modestly distinguished
O todas las anteriores, ¿entiendes lo que digo?.
Or all of the above, do you understand what I'm saying?.
Sodanimuli, el rap se titule no a la eminemca vinculen
Sodanimuli, the rap is titled, don't link it to the eminemca
El dios del dinero no adulen o no creo que matriculen
Don't flatter the god of money or I don't think they'll enroll
Actitudes, yo sólo comprara algo mejoren que no se postulen
Attitudes, I'll only buy something better than they don't run
Duren tropezando con la misma piedra hasta que fracturen
Keep stumbling over the same stone until they fracture
Actúen, en vano me juren, que no quiere que todos se apuren
Act, in vain they swear to me, that they don't want everyone to hurry
Y coman comida que sólo enferma con medicinas que nunca los curen
And eat food that only makes you sick with medicines that never cure you
Carburen y recapitulen
Carburete and recapitulate
Que en este mundo artificial hay que ser natural como el tabule
That in this artificial world you have to be natural like tabbouleh
Podrán que se muden, huyen pa' otro planeta e' lujo lo auto-destruyen
They may move, flee to another planet, and self-destruct in luxury
Suele pasar que los que tu ayudas no son los mismos que te ayuden
It usually happens that those you help are not the same ones who help you
Especulen de mis letras, duden corazón de pierda cerebro de ule
Speculate on my lyrics, doubt stone heart brain of ule
Mientras más ganas ganas de gastar en comprar la cuerda pa' que se estrangulen
The more you earn, the more you want to spend on buying the rope to strangle yourself
Blue-benzina, esta va por la casa no la facturen
Blue-gasoline, this one goes for the house, don't bill it
Que la buena vibra circule, estés a la pieza triangulen
Let the good vibes circulate, be in the room triangulate
Anulen a todos los pures para que modulen verdades ovulen
Cancel all the pure ones so that they modulate truths ovulate
Ando buscando ese yo interno, hacen enfermo pa' que dianbulen
I'm looking for that inner me, they make me sick so they sleepwalk
Plantemos un merecure, por cada lagrima y calcule
Let's plant a merecure, for every tear and calculate
Que le falta el agua de gota avivando el esfuerzo cuando suden
That they lack the water of drop fanning the effort when they sweat
Asumen el panorama, a ver si mañana salen aptitudes
They assume the panorama, to see if aptitudes come out tomorrow
Y esperan que la eminemca los felicite congratulen.
And they expect the eminemca to congratulate them.
Esto es control mental mami, usare el lápiz como aguja (relax)
This is mind control, baby, I'll use the pencil as a needle (relax)
Cooperan, salen o entran de la burbuja
They cooperate, they come out or they enter the bubble
DESCARADOS, atrevidos, desvergonzados, insolentes,
SHAMELESS, daring, shameless, insolent,
Cínicos, procasios, sinvergüenzas, impertinentes
Cynical, outrageous, shameless, impertinent
MARGINADOS, inadaptados, excluidos, incomprendidos
MARGINALIZED, misfits, excluded, misunderstood
En la pirámide de los oprimidos
In the pyramid of the oppressed
Y ARROGANTES, alentados, desenvueltos y modesto distinguido
And ARROGANT, encouraged, developed and modestly distinguished
O todas las anteriores, ¿entiendes lo que digo?.
Or all of the above, do you understand what I'm saying?.

Writer(s): La Eminemca

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