La Familia - Fa ce trebuie sa faci - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction La Familia - Fa ce trebuie sa faci

Fa ce trebuie sa faci
What You Gotta Do
Fa ce tre sa faci...
Do what you gotta do...
Fa ce tre sa faci...
Do what you gotta do...
Imi place sa fac ce-mi trece prin cap
I like to do what comes to mind
Fara regrete fara alte sentimente
No regrets, no other feelings
Bine sau rau o fac in felul meu
Good or bad, I do it my way
E si mai greu cand lumea te catalogheaza derbedeu
It's even harder when the world labels you a good-for-nothing
Si cateodata asta ma streseaza
And sometimes that stresses me out
Fac ce simt ca tre sa fac asta conteaza
I do what I feel I have to do, that's what matters
O sa fiu exact asa cum o sa fiu
I'm going to be exactly who I'm going to be
Ce-o sa fie la final... nu stiu
What will be in the end... I don't know
Am facut greseli nu vreau sa le repet
I made mistakes, I don't want to repeat them
Ce am castigat am castigat prin ce sunt nu vreau sa pierd
What I've earned, I've earned through who I am, I don't want to lose
Nici nu sunt un model nici nu am da gand sa fiu
I'm not a role model, nor do I intend to be
Ce am fost sunt si acum voi si mai tarziu
What I was, I am now, and I will be later
Daca vrei sa spui ceva... spune
If you want to say something... say it
Daca vrei sa faci bani... fai
If you want to make money... make it
Daca vrei sa stai degeaba... stai
If you want to sit around... sit
Nimeni nu te indruma si nu spune ce sa faci
No one guides you or tells you what to do
Ar trebui sa stii ca intotdeauna... faci ce vrei.
You should know that you always... do what you want.
Refren: fa ce tre sa faci... numai tu stii
Chorus: Do what you gotta do... only you know
Fa ce tre sa faci... o sa fii cum o sa fii
Do what you gotta do... you'll be who you'll be
Fa ce tre sa faci... numai tu stii
Do what you gotta do... only you know
Fa ce tre sa faci... o sa fii cum o sa fii
Do what you gotta do... you'll be who you'll be
Am muzica asta in sange si se ia
I have this music in my blood, and it's contagious
Ti-aduci aminte care-i treaba cu muzica mea
Do you remember what's up with my music
Daca da... stii ca vreau ceva respect
If so... you know I want some respect
Dar nu stau asa aiurea sa il astept
But I'm not just sitting around waiting for it
Lucrurile nu se intampla asa deodata
Things don't just happen like that
Tre sa le fac sa se intample de fiecare data
I have to make them happen every time
N-o sa ma vezi ca fac fite.
You won't see me acting all fancy.
Ca fraierii aia care canta ca niste fetite
Like those fools who sing like little girls
Unii ar vrea sa ma invete cum sa ma port
Some would like to teach me how to behave
Unii sa ma lase in pace... nu ii suport
Some to leave me alone... I can't stand them
Daca vrei sa alergi dupa bani
If you want to chase money
Sau cu golani sa stai pe strada ani
Or hang out with thugs on the street for years
Daca vrei sa tii capul sus indiferent de suma
If you want to hold your head high regardless of the amount
Sau sa cedezi usor ca o t***a buna
Or give in easily like a good b****
Fa-o asa... nu regreta
Do it that way... don't regret it
Fa ce simti ca tre sa faci cu viata ta
Do what you feel you have to do with your life
Refren x2
Chorus x2
Nu vorbesc prostii e despre hartii
I'm not talking nonsense, it's about papers
Daca vrei sa fii cineva trebuie sa-i faci... stii
If you want to be someone you have to make them... you know
Fiecare are modul lui de-a castiga ceva
Everyone has their own way of earning something
Mie castigul mi-l aduce muzica
Music brings me my earnings
Daca vrei s-o faci cu noi... vino in brigada
If you want to do it with us... come join the brigade
Nu mai sta deoparte vino si tu in strada
Don't stay aside, come join us on the street
Vreau sa spun ca brigada asta-i dedicata
I want to say that this brigade is dedicated
Tuturor celor care si-au pastrat inima curata
To all those who have kept their hearts pure
Si-au facut ceea ce-au simtit ca trebuie sa faca
And have done what they felt they had to do
Nu sau lasat condusi de altii niciodata
They never let themselves be led by others
Personal am mandria mea de luptator
Personally, I have my fighter's pride
Si o sa raman asa pana atunci cand o sa mor
And I will remain that way until I die
Fac doar ce simt ca e bine pentru mine
I only do what I feel is right for me
Doar tu stii ca am respectul pentru strada
Only you know that I have respect for the street
Si-am ramas in viata
And I stayed alive
Nu vad ce spun altii ca ar fi bine sa fac
I don't see what others say I should do
Fac doar ce simt ai asa raman adevarat
I only do what I feel and that's how I stay true
Refren x2
Chorus x2

Writer(s): 6:6, Andrei Kerestely, Dragos Gardescu, Sisu Tudor

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