La Familia - Probleme de familie - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction La Familia - Probleme de familie

Probleme de familie
Family Problems
Cand incerci sa inghesui sapte, opt insi, intr′un apartament la marginea Bucurestiului, problemele
When you try to cram seven, eight people into an apartment on the outskirts of Bucharest, the problems
De familie vin uite asa/
Of family come just like this/
Nu ma judeca prea aspru mama
Don't judge me too harshly, mama
N'o sa fiu un model insa nici o panarama
I won't be a role model, but I won't be a screw-up either
Droguri si bagabonteli pana in zori
Drugs and hanging out until dawn
Nu sunt acasa dimineata cand te scoli
I'm not home in the morning when you wake up
Certurile nu inceteaza /aha/
The arguments don't stop /aha/
Imi aduc aminte m′ai dat afara din casa
I remember you kicked me out of the house
Nu credeam sa mai ma intorc vreodata
I didn't think I'd ever come back
Nici o problema casa mea este pe strada
No problem, my home is on the street
Cu tovarasi si cu bulangii
With comrades and with bums
Cu baietii care ma sustin si barbugii
With the boys who support me and the bearded ones
Tata unde p**a mea umbli acum
Dad, where the f**k are you now
Unde dracu esti durerea sa ti'o spun
Where the hell are you, let me tell you the pain
Ar fi fost mai bine daca erai cu mine
It would have been better if you were with me
Mama s'a chinuit si′a reusit si fara tine
Mom struggled and succeeded even without you
Sunt probleme de familie si imi pare rau
There are family problems and I'm sorry
Ca nu ai stat sa le simti langa baiatul tau
That you didn't stay to feel them next to your son
/Nu imi mai aduc aminte cum arata taicameu, poate daca o sa vad pe cineva pe strada care imi seamana
/I don't remember what my dad looks like anymore, maybe if I see someone on the street who looks like me
O sa ma gandesc ca e el/
I'll think it's him/
E greu ca pustan singur sa reusesti
It's hard as a kid to succeed alone
O gramada de probleme intalnesti
You encounter a lot of problems
Buzunare, goale, doare
Empty pockets, it hurts
Cand taticu si′a luat votca cu banii de mancare
When dad took his vodka with the food money
Vine iar beat noaptea tarziu
He comes home drunk again late at night
Are impresii de mare barbugiu
He has the impressions of a big bum
Scandaluri in fiecare seara
Scandals every night
Mama ta munceste ca o sclava sa te tina la scoala
Your mom works like a slave to keep you in school
Macar tu sa o duci mai bine
At least you can have a better life
In cartier saracia se mentine
Poverty persists in the neighborhood
Vezi copii numai piele si os
You see children only skin and bones
Garsonierele jegoase iti intorc stomacu pe dos
The filthy studios turn your stomach inside out
Si iti vine sa iti iei lumea in cap
And you feel like running away
Cand parintii tai nu dau pe tine un scuipat
When your parents don't give a damn about you
Strange din dinti sa fie ce'o sa fie
Grit your teeth, whatever will be, will be
Sunt doar probleme, probleme de familie
These are just problems, family problems
Saturati sa schimbe slujbe unii cauta un pont
Tired of changing jobs, some are looking for a way out
Viata nu e ieftina deloc
Life is not cheap at all
Nu iti vine sa crezi cati bani iei intr′o zi de munca
You can't believe how much money you get in a day's work
Si altii'n teancuri ii arunca
And others throw it away in stacks
Surioara ta si′a dat prea multa importanta
Your little sister gave herself too much importance
Asa de multa incat a ajuns o zdreanta
So much so that she became a rag
Mama ta plange plina de vanatai
Your mom cries full of bruises
Minte c'a alunecat dar nu′i adevarat
She lies that she slipped but it's not true
Viata unora e ca o telenovela
Some people's lives are like a soap opera
Numai ca e live, e ca pe scena
Except it's live, it's like on stage
Esti actorul principal in rolul principal
You're the lead actor in the lead role
Chiar daca piesa ti se pare un cosmar
Even if the play seems like a nightmare to you
Joci rolul de tata, agita'te umpic
Play the role of a father, stir yourself up a bit
Nu fi doar un spectator daca'ntelegi ce vreau sa zic
Don't just be a spectator if you understand what I mean
Poate ti′e greu si tie
Maybe it's hard for you too
Si tu, si eu avem probleme de familie
You and I both have family problems
/Prea multi copii traiesc singuri in cartier si devin probleme pentru familiile lor
/Too many kids live alone in the neighborhood and become problems for their families
Asta e realitatea si nimeni nu are cum sa schimbe rahatul asta/
This is the reality and no one can change this shit/

Writer(s): Dragos Gardescu, Sisu Tudor

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