La Familia feat. Don Baxter - Viata buna (Cheloo Subvision RMX) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction La Familia feat. Don Baxter - Viata buna (Cheloo Subvision RMX)

Viata buna (Cheloo Subvision RMX)
Good Life (Cheloo Subvision RMX)
Ce fac? Cum fac? Treaba mea!
What I do? How I do it? My business!
Plini de invidie pe mine, chiar si garda
Full of envy towards me, even the cops
Mareste spaga, ia foc
Increase the bribe, catch fire
Cand imi conduc masina beat mort...
When I drive my car dead drunk...
Bagabontii ma ajuta sa fac dintr-o piesa hit
The vagabonds help me make a hit out of a song
Tot ei il fac pe Dan Popi fericit,
They also make Dan Popi happy,
Traim un stil de viata diferit
We live a different lifestyle
Despre care la radio nu auzi nimic
About which you hear nothing on the radio
Asta-i viata buna, asa cum intelegem noi,
This is the good life, as we understand it,
Chiar daca-i interzis nu dam inapoi.
Even if it's forbidden, we don't back down.
Care industrie muzicala? Asta e boutique
What music industry? This is a boutique
Toti vor sa ciupeasca cate un pic,
Everyone wants to pinch a little bit,
Sa duca o viata buna, sa fie in top,
To lead a good life, to be on top,
Sa aiba frigiderul plin, sa nu mai stea la bloc.
To have a full fridge, to not stay in the block anymore.
Noi ne facem treaba pe scena si-n afara
We do our thing on stage and off
Ne vezi si la Atomic si la Urmarire Generala.
You see us both at Atomic and on General Pursuit.
Am zis o data pe luna,
I said once a month,
Sa ducem o viata buna,
To lead a good life,
Suntem toti impreuna,
We are all together,
Cand "Familia" se aduna.
When "La Familia" gathers.
Hai in dreapta mea atunci cand hoinaresc prin cartier,
Come to my right when I roam the neighborhood,
Stilul asta de viata nu o sa-l mai vezi nicaieri,
You won't see this kind of lifestyle anywhere else,
Droguri tari gasesti peste tot in jur
Hard drugs you find everywhere around
Aici... de faptul ca-ti da marfa sigur
Here... because he gives you the goods for sure
Mami, stiu ca-ti place sa privesti,
Baby, I know you like to watch,
Dar ce parere ai de o plimbare cu baietii rai de Bucuresti?
But what do you think about a ride with the bad boys of Bucharest?
Sunt brigada mea, nu pot sa spun ca sunt baieti cuminti.
They're my crew, I can't say they're good boys.
Altfel e fraierul...
Otherwise, you're a sucker...
Am tras ceva, am baut ceva,
I shot something, I drank something,
Ce pa mea! Criticam fraierii ca tine
What the hell! We criticize suckers like you
Viata mea e viata buna
My life is the good life
Asa cum stim noi ca trebuie sa fie
As we know it should be
Nu cum spun altii ca ar fi bine sa fie.
Not how others say it would be good to be.
Ce am face noi fara muzica asta?
What would we do without this music?
Fara bagabontii, strada, viata buna de acasa
Without the vagabonds, the street, the good life at home
Fara sampanie bauta in cartier, la volan,
Without champagne drunk in the neighborhood, at the wheel,
Fara viata buna traiti atatia ani?
Without the good life lived for so many years?
Am zis o data pe luna,
I said once a month,
Sa ducem o viata buna,
To lead a good life,
Suntem toti impreuna,
We are all together,
Cand "Familia" se aduna.
When "La Familia" gathers.
Am cei sapte ani de pe strada,
I have my seven years on the street,
Scopul declarat e sa facem bani gramada,
The declared purpose is to make a lot of money,
Fara suferinta si jumatati de masura
Without suffering and half measures
(Fara baietei care canta cu chef de pa)
(Without guys who sing with a craving for sex)
Ce am invatat pe strada a fost de folos
What I learned on the street was useful
Lumea showbiz-ului e un loc periculos
The world of showbiz is a dangerous place
Stilul bagabontilor din strada in studio
The style of the street vagabonds in the studio
(Din studio e problema la radio...)
(From the studio it's a problem on the radio...)
Bi de melodii suna-n difuzoare
Billions of songs sound in the speakers
Muzica de strada cica nu mai e la moda, fratioare
Street music is apparently no longer fashionable, brother
Producatorul sugereaza o schimbare
The producer suggests a change
Sisu si Puya nu sunt de vanzare...
Sisu and Puya are not for sale...
Ia-o asa, cadou de la La Familia
Take it like this, a gift from La Familia
Pana cenzureaza astia de la C. N. A.
Until those from the C.N.A. censor it
Radiourile pirat isi fac treaba
Pirate radios do their job
Am zis o data pe luna,
I said once a month,
Sa ducem o viata buna,
To lead a good life,
Suntem toti impreuna,
We are all together,
Cand "Familï a" se aduna.
When "La Familia" gathers.

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