La Fúmiga feat. Maluks - Cap. 3: L'aposta (feat. Maluks) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction La Fúmiga feat. Maluks - Cap. 3: L'aposta (feat. Maluks)

Cap. 3: L'aposta (feat. Maluks)
Chapter 3: The Bet (feat. Maluks)
Una llarga primavera
A long spring
Dona pas al que teníem ja parlat.
Gives way to what we had already talked about.
Un desig que em desespera.
A desire that makes me desperate.
Jo pensava que t'hauries oblidat.
I thought you would have forgotten.
Enfilem la carretera
We drive down the highway
Que el destí ja està esperant-nos.
That destiny is already waiting for us.
Una aposta vora mar.
A bet by the sea.
Haurem d'arribar a hora,
We'll have to arrive on time,
O la llum que ens enamora
Or the light that makes us fall in love
Ens dirà que fins demà.
Will tell us that it's over.
Per què no l'hem trobat?
Why haven't we found it?
Per què no pot ser nostra?
Why can't it be ours?
És l'hora de creuar.
It's time to cross over.
No et quedes en la costa.
Don't stay on the coast.
Sempre m'he imaginat
I've always imagined
La sensació més forta,
The strongest feeling,
Però sempre al teu costat.
But always by your side.
Tu eres la meua aposta.
You are my bet.
Ja fa un any de la darrera.
It's been a year since the last time.
He de dir-te que este any s'ha fet molt llarg.
I have to tell you that this year has been very long.
Però tinc una manera
But I have a way
D'oblidar-nos de tot el que ens ha passat.
To forget everything that has happened to us.
Caminem fins a la vora.
We walk to the edge.
Tot arriba tard o d'hora.
Everything comes sooner or later.
L'espectacle ha començat.
The show has started.
Un instant sense mirar-nos,
A moment without looking at each other,
Un moment per relaxar-nos.
A moment to relax.
Bona nit i fins demà.
Goodnight and see you tomorrow.
Per què no l'hem trobat?
Why haven't we found it?
Per què no pot ser nostra?
Why can't it be ours?
És l'hora de creuar.
It's time to cross over.
No et quedes en la costa.
Don't stay on the coast.
Sempre m'he imaginat
I've always imagined
La sensació més forta,
The strongest feeling,
Però sempre al teu costat.
But always by your side.
Tu eres la meua aposta.
You are my bet.
Vam estar en Santa Pola i ens quedàrem a sopar
We were in Santa Pola and we stayed for dinner
A la cala de Moraira que sempre ens ha enamorat.
In the cove of Moraira that has always made us fall in love.
Una volta per Cullera, ens espera un festival.
A trip to Cullera, a festival awaits us.
Benicàssim i Borriana mai deixaren de ballar.
Benicàssim and Borriana never stopped dancing.
Despertàrem al Vendrell i passàrem la setmana
We woke up in El Vendrell and spent the week
Fins que anàrem a Canet. Quina nit tan catalana!
Until we went to Canet. What a Catalan night!
Direcció Palafrugell, el lloc que més ens agrada,
Heading to Palafrugell, the place we like the most,
Però mai com a ses Illes on la mar el Sol amaga.
But never like the islands where the sea hides the sun.
Per què no l'hem trobat?
Why haven't we found it?
Per què no pot ser nostra?
Why can't it be ours?
És l'hora de creuar.
It's time to cross over.
No et quedes en la costa.
Don't stay on the coast.
Sempre m'he imaginat
I've always imagined
La sensació més forta,
The strongest feeling,
Però sempre al teu costat.
But always by your side.
Tu eres la meua aposta.
You are my bet.
Tu eres la meua aposta.
You are my bet.
Tu eres la meua aposta.
You are my bet.

Writer(s): Arturo Martínez Marzo, Jose Beteta Martínez, Lorenzo Giner Puchol

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