La Fúmiga - Comèdia dramàtica - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction La Fúmiga - Comèdia dramàtica

Comèdia dramàtica
Dramatic Comedy
Ei, va, tu què fas? Quina peli t'has montat?
Hey, come on, what are you doing? What kind of movie are you making in your head?
Una nova ratlladeta, ja comença el mal de cap
Another line, the headache is already starting
Tinc un ascensor que em puja les pedres al meu terrat
I have an elevator that brings the stones up to my roof
Jo m'invente tantes merdes que no em deixen respirar
I invent so many lies that they don't let me breathe
Hoy me sale todo mal
Everything is going wrong today
Nunca la podré olvidar
I'll never be able to forget her
Que sí, que sí, ja estan ací
Yes, yes, they are already here
S'han apoderat de mi
They have taken over me
Les mogudes que m'invente sempre
The crazy things I always invent
I no em deixen creure en mi
And they don't let me believe in myself
No tot és tan fàcil, ni tampoc tan complicat, no ho faré perfecte
Not everything is so easy, nor so complicated, I won't do it perfectly
És la meua història, vaig canviant el decorat
It's my story, I'm changing the scenery
Comèdia dramàtica sense efectes especials, tota en blanc i negre
Dramatic comedy without special effects, all in black and white
Dona'm temps per a trobar el meu propi paper principal
Give me time to find my own leading role
Què estaran pensant? Fijo que no els he agradat
What are they thinking? I bet they didn't like me
Per què portaré esta roba si que em queda fatal?
Why am I wearing these clothes if I know they look terrible on me?
Deu minuts i no em contesta, estarà molt ocupat
Ten minutes and she hasn't answered, she must be very busy
O hauré dit alguna cosa que sobrava, mai se sap
Or I must have said something I shouldn't have, you never know
Altre examen catejat
Another failed exam
No em podré independitzar
I won't be able to become independent
I esta taca què fa ací? No la recordava amb mi
And what is this stain doing here? I didn't remember it with me
Pille el cotxe, vaig a urgències; mire, no tinc ganes de morir
I'll take the car, I'm going to the emergency room; look, I don't want to die
No tot és tan fàcil, ni tampoc tan complicat, no ho faré perfecte
Not everything is so easy, nor so complicated, I won't do it perfectly
És la meua història, vaig canviant el decorat
It's my story, I'm changing the scenery
Comèdia dramàtica sense efectes especials, tota en blanc i negre
Dramatic comedy without special effects, all in black and white
Dona'm temps per a trobar el meu propi paper principal
Give me time to find my own leading role
No puc ni dormir
I can't even sleep
Pa' què vaig a dir-li res, si ja que no
Why would I tell her anything, if I already know she won't
Fua! Hauran pensat que soc idiota
Whoa! They must have thought I was an idiot
Crec que m'estic quedant calvo
I think I'm going bald
Estan tots mirant-me, o...
They're all looking at me, or...
No el conec de res però segur que faríem súper bona parella
I don't know him at all but I'm sure we'd make a great couple
No vaig ni a intentar-ho, perquè és impossible
I'm not even going to try, because it's impossible
Esta arruga m'ha eixit de riure'm tant
I got this wrinkle from laughing so much
Quin és el braç de l'infart?
Which arm is the heart attack one?
Ací són tots millor que jo, pire a casa
Everyone here is better than me, I'm going home
Ara ja és tard per canviar de carrera
It's too late to change careers now
Tinc Covid
I have Covid
Vos dic una cosa seriosament?
Can I tell you something seriously?
Crec que en la vida, en la vida vaig a ser feliç
I think in life, in life I'm going to be happy
Les pelis que et montes
The movies you make up in your head
Les pelis que et montes
The movies you make up in your head
Les pelis que et montes
The movies you make up in your head
No son poques ni moltes
They are neither few nor many
(Les pelis que et montes)
(The movies you make up in your head)
No tot és tan fàcil
Not everything is so easy
(Les pelis que et montes)
(The movies you make up in your head)
Ni tampoc tan complicat
Nor so complicated
(Les pelis que et montes)
(The movies you make up in your head)
No ho faré perfecte
I won't do it perfectly
No tot és tan fàcil, ni tampoc tan complicat, no ho faré perfecte
Not everything is so easy, nor so complicated, I won't do it perfectly
És la meua història, vaig canviant el decorat
It's my story, I'm changing the scenery
Comèdia dramàtica sense efectes especials, tota en blanc i negre
Dramatic comedy without special effects, all in black and white
Dona'm temps per a trobar el meu propi paper principal
Give me time to find my own leading role

Writer(s): Arturo Martínez Marzo, Jose Beteta Martínez, Lorenzo Giner Puchol

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