La Fúmiga - Espremedors - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction La Fúmiga - Espremedors

Trenques les barreres que m'havia fet
Break the barriers you made me
No em demanes res a canvi. Tot anirà
Don't ask me for anything in return. Everything will be fine
Tens la porta oberta si no hi ha il·lusió
The door is open if there is no excitement
Estimar no és esperança, és Revolució
Love is not hope, it is revolution
Quan estem junts tot tremola
When we are together, everything trembles
Quan estem juntes, brutal
When we are together, it's amazing
Quan estem junts tot tremola
When we are together, everything trembles
Quan estem juntes, brutal
When we are together, it's amazing
No em faltes tu. No et falte jo
I don't need you. You don't need me
Que no som taronges, som espremedors
Because we are not oranges, we are juicers
Qui més t'estima no et farà plorar
The one who loves you most will not make you cry
Et durà a una festa, et traurà a ballar
They will take you to a party, they will take you dancing
Obrirà les ales i et farà volar!
They will open their wings and make you fly!
I et farà volar!
And they will make you fly!
Obrirà les ales i et farà volar!
They will open their wings and make you fly!
I et farà volar!
And they will make you fly!
Obrirà les ales i et farà volar!
They will open their wings and make you fly!
No som utopia, som la realitat
We are not utopia, we are reality
Quan se'ns fa de dia, quan tu em fas vibrar
When it's dawning, when you make me thrill
Tot damunt la taula, destapem les emocions
Everything on the table, let's uncover the emotions
No parlem de prínceps, carabasses, ventafocs
Let's not talk about princes, pumpkins, or glass slippers
Quan estem junts tot tremola
When we are together, everything trembles
Quan estem juntes, brutal
When we are together, it's amazing
Quan estem junts tot tremola
When we are together, everything trembles
Quan estem juntes, brutal
When we are together, it's amazing
No em faltes tu. No et falte jo
I don't need you. You don't need me
Que no som taronges, som espremedors
Because we are not oranges, we are juicers
Qui més t'estima no et farà plorar
The one who loves you most will not make you cry
Et durà a una festa, et traurà a ballar
They will take you to a party, they will take you dancing
Obrirà les ales i et farà volar!
They will open their wings and make you fly!
I et farà volar!
And they will make you fly!
Obrirà les ales i et farà volar!
They will open their wings and make you fly!
I et farà volar!
And they will make you fly!
Obrirà les ales i et farà volar!
They will open their wings and make you fly!
No em faltes tu. No et falte jo
I don't need you. You don't need me
Que no som taronges, som espremedors
Because we are not oranges, we are juicers
Qui més t'estima no et farà plorar
The one who loves you most will not make you cry
Et durà a una festa, et traurà a ballar
They will take you to a party, they will take you dancing
Obrirà les ales i et farà volar!
They will open their wings and make you fly!
I et farà volar!
And they will make you fly!
Obrirà les ales i et farà volar!
They will open their wings and make you fly!
I et farà volar!
And they will make you fly!
Obrirà les ales i et farà volar!
They will open their wings and make you fly!

Writer(s): Arturo Martínez Marzo, Jose Beteta Martínez, Lorenzo Giner Puchol

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