La Gossa Sorda - Babaloco - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction La Gossa Sorda - Babaloco

Babaloco, que amb la mirada desarma
My dear Babaloco, you disarm with your gaze
Per la vorera vas curt de cash
You walk the streets short on cash
Per la vorera vas curt de cash
You walk the streets short on cash
Fugint de la guàrdia urbana
Running from the city guard
Babaloco, hombre habitual de la Rambla
My love, Babaloco, a fixture on La Rambla
Les teues frases són la teua llar
Your words are your home
El teu imperi del Raval al mar
Your empire stretches from the Raval to the sea
Els teus records un fil de sobrietat dins d'una eterna resaca
Your memories a lifeline of sobriety amidst an unending hangover
Sense direcció, sense bruixola, ni timó...
Without direction, compass, or rudder...
Balla-li, balla-li...
Dance, my darling, dance...
A la Rambla putes i kebabs i carteristes
On La Rambla, hookers and kebabs and pickpockets
Botiguers desconfiats i cases buides
Suspicious shopkeepers and empty houses
Guiris, camells, uniformes i secretes
Tourists, drug dealers, uniforms, and secrets
Un grup de valencians que s'avorreixen el diumenge
A group of Valencians wandering aimlessly on a Sunday
Demanes per fumar i t'asseus al nostre roble
My Babaloco, you ask for a cigarette and join our company
Amb certa timidessa ens miraves
Watching us with a trace of shyness
El fum et fa somriure i t'allibera les paraules
The smoke brings a smile to your face and frees your words
Fumaves, callaves, parlaves de ta mare
You smoked, you fell silent, you spoke of your mother
Babaloco is on fire...
My dearest, Babaloco is on fire...
Babaloco is on fire...
Babaloco is on fire...
Babaloco is on fire...
Babaloco is on fire...
Babaloco is on fire, fire, fire, fire...
Babaloco is on fire, fire, fire, fire...
Cavaller de ferro desafiant al dimoni
A knight of the street, defying the devil
Els va jurar als seus que tornaria amb diners
You swore to your friends you would return with money
(I no va tornar)
(But you never did)
Juga-li fort a la vida, les paraules són oscures
Play hard, my love, the words are dark
I el conflicte de la sentencia la falacia més fatal
And the conflict of the sentence, the most fatal fallacy
Raval amunt, Raval avall, Raval amunt, Raval avall
Up and down the Raval, up and down the Raval, up and down the Raval, up and down the Raval
Raval, Raval, Raval, Raval, Raval...
Raval, Raval, Raval, Raval, Raval...
Passeja engalanada una moral europeista que no vol morir
A European morality parades by, unwilling to die
Jugarem i aprendrem esquiçofrènia cultural
We will play and learn cultural schizophrenia
Jugarem a ser els mediadors de la veritat
We will play at being the arbiters of truth
Conta-li el conte a qui se'l crega, hola, què tal? Benvinguts a Barcelona
Tell your tale to whoever believes it, hello, how are you? Welcome to Barcelona
A la ciutat més moderna, més europea, el civisme patrulla els carrers
In the most cosmopolitan, the most European of cities, civility patrols the streets
La misèria s'amaga i la gent guapa no vol saber res del sense papers
Misery hides away and the beautiful people want nothing to do with the undocumented
A la ciutat més bufona, sona o no sona la sirena de la veritat
In the city of fools, the siren of truth rings out or it doesn't
I una ombra que escapa de matinada i el civisme que apunta i dispara a matar
And a shadow escapes at dawn and civility points and shoots to kill
Babaloco is on fire...
My dearest, Babaloco is on fire...
Babaloco is on fire...
Babaloco is on fire...
Babaloco is on fire...
Babaloco is on fire...
Babaloco is on fire...
My love, Babaloco is on fire...
Babaloco is on fire...
Babaloco is on fire...
Babaloco is on fire...
Babaloco is on fire...
Mai més, mai més, mai més, mai més, mai més, mai més...
Never again, never again, never again, never again, never again, never again...

Writer(s): Arnau Gimenez Sanchez, Marcos Ubeda Faus, Jose Ramon Nadal Sendra, Salvador Bolufer Sendra, Alejandro Segui Ruiz, Jorge Marti Azara, Pere Joan Pons Cambrils, Joan Marc Perez Girau, Eduardo Torrens Sendra

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