La Gossa Sorda - Falsos I Absurds - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction La Gossa Sorda - Falsos I Absurds

Falsos I Absurds
False and Absurd
Dóna comba bomba
It booms when it explodes
Quan ix als diaris
When it comes out in the newspapers
Notícia i primícia són sinònims rei
News and scoop are synonymous, king
Heu aconseguit sense massa esforç
You have achieved without much effort
Enganyar a molta gent
To fool many people
Furgaré on no toca i no aniré a l'infern
I will dig where it doesn't belong and I won't go to hell
Dóna comba bomba
It booms when it explodes
Quan ix a la tele
When it comes out on TV
Notícia i escàndol esdevenen dogma, rei
News and scandal become dogma, king
El perquè es confon
The reason is confused
I la balança cau perquè no suporta el pes
And the scale falls because it can't support the weight
Furgaré on no toca i no aniré a l'infern
I will dig where it doesn't belong and I won't go to hell
Riures de la realitat
Laughter of reality
I contar-la fent com fan
And tell it as they do
Blanc o negre, roig o verd
White or black, red or green
Que plore la veritat
Let the truth cry
I ara endevina
And now guess
Qui és eixe que amagava
Who is that one who was hiding
Bragues als calaixos?
Pants in the drawers?
Què trista pot ser la glòria!
How sad glory can be!
No els preocupa l'equilibri
They don't care about balance
Són els amos del trapezi
They are the masters of the trapeze
Són capaços de fer-nos creure
They are able to make us believe
Falsos absurds
False absurdities
Callen els muts
The mute are silenced
No els preocupa l'equilibri
They don't care about balance
Són els amos del trapezi
They are the masters of the trapeze
Són capaços de fer-nos creure
They are able to make us believe
Falsos i absurds
False and absurd
Llei de l'embut
Law of the funnel
Amagueu-se venen dispostos
Hide yourselves, they come willing
Les riallades són massa fortes
The laughs are too loud
El ridícul una ganyota
The ridiculous, a grimace
Que ells la fan molt
Which they do very well
Y sigue siendo necesaria la respuesta colectiva
And the collective response is still necessary
Entre valles de lamentos y montañas malheridas
Between valleys of lament and wounded mountains
No apagará nuestra llama ese viento
That wind will not extinguish our flame
Aunque nos falte el aliento y no se cierre la herida
Even if we lack breath and the wound does not close
Y hay una gossa que ladra rabiosa y que ruge
And there is a bitch that barks rabidly and roars
Grandiosa una revolución
A grandiose revolution
No nos afecta tu veneno, que no, y tus jaulas
Your poison does not affect us, no, and your cages
Sirven de poco si nos queda el habla
Are of little use if we still have our voice
Que la tele és un circ i el món una estratègia
Because TV is a circus and the world a strategy
Sólo es tablero de la guerra.
It is only the game board of war.
Confonen les paraules i amaguen l'evidència
They confuse the words and hide the evidence
Hay tanta cabecita enferma
There are so many sick little heads
Tiembla, que empuñaremos de nuevo las piedras
Tremble, we will take up the stones again
Retumbaremos por toda la tierra
We will rumble throughout the land
Nuevas raíces despiertan
New roots awaken
No els preocupa l'equilibri
They don't care about balance
Són els amos del trapezi
They are the masters of the trapeze
Són capaços de fer-nos creure
They are able to make us believe
Falsos absurds
False absurdities
Callen els muts
The mute are silenced
No els preocupa l'equilibri
They don't care about balance
Són els amos del trapezi
They are the masters of the trapeze
Són capaços de fer-nos creure
They are able to make us believe
Falsos i absurds
False and absurd
Llei de l'embut
Law of the funnel
No els preocupa l'equilibri
They don't care about balance
Són els amos del trapezi
They are the masters of the trapeze
Són capaços de fer-nos creure
They are able to make us believe
Falsos absurds
False absurdities
Callen els muts
The mute are silenced
No els preocupa l'equilibri
They don't care about balance
Són els amos del trapezi
They are the masters of the trapeze
Són capaços de fer-nos creure
They are able to make us believe
Falsos i absurds
False and absurd
Llei de l'embut
Law of the funnel
No els preocupa l'equilibri
They don't care about balance
Són els amos del trapezi
They are the masters of the trapeze
Són capaços de fer-nos creure
They are able to make us believe
Falsos absurds
False absurdities
Callen els muts
The mute are silenced
No els preocupa l'equilibri
They don't care about balance
Són els amos del trapezi
They are the masters of the trapeze
Són capaços de fer-nos creure
They are able to make us believe
Falsos i absurds
False and absurd
Llei de l'embut
Law of the funnel
La historia d'una gossa faenera
The story of a scavenger bitch
Que es va fer una patera
Who made herself a raft
I amb la lluna guerillera
And with the guerrilla moon
Se'n va anar mar endins, tot mar endins
She went out to sea, all the way out to sea
Camina cada dia i vigila
Walk every day and watch out
I fuig de la guardia que et jugues la vida
And flee from the guard that you risk your life
Camina entre preguntes i porzes
Walk among questions and pigs
Qui va a garrotades continuant la partida
Who goes with sticks continuing the game
Camina que no es questio de sort
Walk, it's not a matter of luck
I corre abans que arribe la mort
And run before death arrives
Camina que no es questio de sort
Walk, it's not a matter of luck
Colpeja fort!
Hit hard!
Respira entre canuts de matinada
Breathe between morning reeds
Diuen que es el dimoni, el paradigma del odi
They say it is the devil, the paradigm of hate
I obri una altra porta a la batalla
And open another door to battle
Obri la veda als seus somnis, que el temps s'acaba
Open the season on her dreams, time is running out
I abans de que rebente tot
And before everything explodes
Se sent la veu del nostre tronc
The voice of our trunk is heard
I abans de que rebente tot
And before everything explodes
Farem saó!
We'll make it right!
Conta-la, la meua historia
Tell it, my story
La meua historia, la meua historia
My story, my story
Tell it
Conta-la, la meua historia
Tell it, my story
La meua historia, la meua historia
My story, my story
Tell it
Per un sender, recordant cada pedra
Along a path, remembering every stone
Recordant aquells temps
Remembering those times
Tota la nit sensera
All night awake
Per un sender, l'unic camí que ens queda
Along a path, the only way we have left
Caminarem just per l'ultima carretera
We will walk right along the last road
I xafarem mes fort
And we will step harder
Quan trepitgem l'escoria
When we step on the scum
Este es el nostre esport
This is our sport
Esta es la nostra historia
This is our story
I cantarem mes fort i amb molta mes euforia
And we will sing louder and with much more euphoria
Farem vibrar el mon amb nostra rabia
We will make the world vibrate with our rage
I dançarem, tota la nit sensera
And we will dance, all night awake
Som viatgers del temps, per aquesta borera
We are time travelers, through this wasteland
Conta-la, la meua historia
Tell it, my story
La meua historia, la meua historia
My story, my story
Tell it
Conta-la, la meua historia
Tell it, my story
La meua historia, la meua historia
My story, my story
Tell it

Writer(s): Arnau Gimenez Sanchez, Jose Ramon Nadal Sendra, Salvador Bolufer Sendra, Alejandro Segui Ruiz, Jorge Marti Azara, Pere Joan Pons Cambrils, Joan Marc Perez Girau, Eduardo Torrens Sendra

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