La Gossa Sorda - Putrefactes - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction La Gossa Sorda - Putrefactes

Vos he percebut putrefactes
I have perceived you putrefied
A pesar del maquillatge
Despite the make-up
Heu establert una arrítmia constant
You have established a constant arrhythmia
Entre desitjos i realitat
Between desires and reality
No percebuda per molts de nosaltres
Unnoticed by many of us
Mentre vosaltres anuncieu un cop més
While you announce once more
Les meravelles d'aquesta quimera
The wonders of this chimera
No percebuda per molts de nosaltres
Unnoticed by many of us
Venga a vivir por encima de los demás
Come to live above the others
Un anunci on abans tot era horta
An ad where before everything was a garden
Venga a vivir por encima de los demás
Come to live above the others
Un anunci on abans tot era horta (Everyone)
An ad where before everything was a garden (Everyone)
Venga a vivir por encima de los demás
Come to live above the others
Un anunci on abans tot era horta
An ad where before everything was a garden
Venga a vivir por encima de los demás
Come to live above the others
On abans tot era horta
Where before everything was a garden
De comissió en comissió
From commission to commission
A pesar del maquillatge
Despite the make-up
Des de sempre vau tindre molt clar
From the very beginning you were very clear
Que ningú s'ha fet ric treballant
That nobody has become rich by working
I heu engreixat de plusvàlua en plusvàlua
And you have fattened on capital gain after capital gain
Un paisatge de verd uniforme
A landscape of uniform green
Del color del vostre uniforme
The color of your uniform
Engreixat de plusvàlua en plusvàlua
Fattened on capital gain after capital gain
Venga a vivir por encima de los demás
Come to live above the others
Un anunci on abans tot era horta
An ad where before everything was a garden
Venga a vivir por encima de los demás
Come to live above the others
Un anunci on abans tot era horta
An ad where before everything was a garden
Venga a vivir por encima de los demás
Come to live above the others
Un anunci on abans tot era horta
An ad where before everything was a garden
Venga a vivir por encima de los demás
Come to live above the others
On abans tot era horta
Where before everything was a garden
I ara ja fa temps que va la cosa
And now the thing's been going on for a while
Els daus rodaren
The dice have rolled
Sempre al sis per a vosaltres
Always to six for you
I ja ens sobra
And we've had enough
Però tranquils que el tapet poc a poc
But rest assured that the carpet little by little
Ja vegem que rosega
We see that it's gnawing
I és que segur que no tot són asos
And it's that surely not everything is aces
A les vostres cartes
In your cards
Com segur tampoc tants sisos
As surely not so many sixes
Dins les vostres sarpes
In your claws
(Come on)
(Come on)
Venga a vivir por encima de los demás
Come to live above the others
Un anunci on abans tot era horta
An ad where before everything was a garden
Venga a vivir por encima de los demás
Come to live above the others
Un anunci on abans tot era horta
An ad where before everything was a garden
Venga a vivir por encima de los demás
Come to live above the others
Un anunci on abans tot era horta
An ad where before everything was a garden
Venga a vivir por encima de los demás
Come to live above the others
On abans tot era horta
Where before everything was a garden

Writer(s): Alejandro Segui Ruiz, Arnau Giménez Sánchez, Eduardo Torrens Sendra, Joan Marc Perez Girau, Jose Ramon Nadal Sendra, Pere Joan Pons Cambrils, Salvador Bolufer Sendra

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