En tanto mamboteo metiendole fuego al perreo como me blanqueo como te maquineo la que se da en los huevos aunque trate de apagarme como quedate campeo
In so much mamboteo putting fire to the perreo like I whiten myself like I plan you the one that happens in the balls although I try to turn myself off like stay champ
Con mi compaÑia tengo tremento vaquero con mi voz te canto y te mando al cementerio no quiero nevuleo te busca el tiroteo los lamentos pÁ se oyen en el cielo
With my company I have a great cowboy with my voice I sing to you and send you to the graveyard I don't want nebulous, the shooting looks for you, the cries are heard in heaven
Esto es pÁ que sepas que con la hill no se juega aprende de mi escuela que yo se de tu maestra saque certificado tengo muchas letras por que en mi recinto aqui no se huelgan
This is so that you know that you don't play with the hill, learn from my school that I know about your teacher, I got a certificate, I have many letters because in my precinct here they don't strike
Y a la gobernadora permiso mi seÑora campeona esto es por sus obras le tocan muchos hombres de la loma y con el sudor de su frento represento a mucha honrra
And to the governor, my permission lady champion This is for your works, many men touch you from the hill, and with the sweat of your forehead I represent much honor
Y al sexo masculino que se guillan de machitos abusando oye del sexo femenino dando a las mujeres como una pandereta por eso lo del nabo te pico la maceta los hombres deben ya saber de gullaveracua por que te enseÑaron
And the male sex that rogues of machitos abusing it hey from the feminine sex giving the women like a tambourine that's why I peck the pot with the turnip the men should already know of gullaveracua, why did they teach you
Que la mujer se respeta
That women are respected
Paso a paso lo que me pongan te lo canto a tu lado y sin ti yo te lo hago cato mi lirica es pesada y tus ojitos retumbando ya te dije tu cantar no se parece ni a los panchos
Step by step, what they put on me, I sing it to you, by your side and without you, I make it cato, my lyrics are heavy, and your eyes are booming, I already told you, your singing doesn't even sound like the panchos
Paso a paso lo que me pongan te lo canto a tu lado y sin ti yo te lo hago cato mi lirica es pesada y tus ojitos retumbando ya te dije tu cantar no se parece ni a los panchos
Step by step, what they put on me, I sing it to you, by your side and without you, I make it cato, my lyrics are heavy, and your eyes are booming, I already told you, your singing doesn't even sound like the panchos
Y el super intendente que se cree que tiene rango que monta el ecuador de los negros de los tango pÁ que se cantan de los pobres abusando y cuando van cenando por ahy ya estan violando
And the superintendent who believes he has a rank that rides the equator of the blacks of tango to sing about the poor abusing and when they go to dinner over there they are already raping
Y a los cuellos rojos que son unos racistas obligando a sus hijos que se casen con blanquitas materialistas con mentes omicidas si fuera por ellos nos quemarian todas vivas
And the rednecks who are racist forcing their children to marry white materialists with homicidal minds if it were up to them they would burn us all alive
Yo soy negrita lista para guerrear ni tu ni tu legado a los mios pararan por que mi negrura monto su cadillac algo que su raza no quiziera eliminar
I'm a clever little black girl ready to fight neither you nor your legacy will stop mine because my blackness rides its cadillac something that your race would not want to eliminate
A dios gracias por darme este color aunque tu misma presees que el tuyo es el mejor oye reyna cuidado con el sol no vaya aser que te pongas negra como yo
Thank God for giving me this color although you yourself preside that yours is the best, hey, queen, be careful with the sun, don't let yourself get as black as me
Si no embaja la hill nunca se cansa aunque pongan el pie se cae vuelve y se levanta es pa los machistas con un grado de egoista que en las producciones no quiere que cante esta damita
If the embassy doesn't, the hill never gets tired even if they put their foot down, she falls and gets up again, it's for machists with a degree of selfishness who don't want this lady to sing in the productions
Oye mijo mira avanza apuntame en la lista mejor que tu me sale que esta aqui la rima no es que yo me gulle de tremenda raperrita pero hablo la verdad y eso a ti te pica
Hey, boy, look, go ahead, put me on the list, I do better than you, that the rhyme is here, it's not that I brag about being such a great rapper, but I speak the truth, and that stings you
Esta es la negra que la llaman la hill querias algo lindo y no te lo sedi
This is the black girl they call the hill, you wanted something nice and I didn't give it to you
Dijiste que no llegaria sola sin ti que paso pana mirame aqui
You said you wouldn't be alone without you, what happened, dude, look at me here
Y me retiro te seguire cantando saludos aquellos que de mi se mofaron no seas loco ya no quiero tu respaldo no te me preocupes que yo sigo paso a paso
And I retire I will continue singing to you greetings to those who made fun of me don't be crazy I don't want your support anymore don't worry about me I continue step by step
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