Yo se que no me puedes esperar, solo quiero que no me olvides.
I know you can't wait for me, I just want you not to forget me.
Recuerda siempre que fui tu papa y que pudimos ser felices...
Always remember that I was your man and that we could be happy...
Ahora que me van a encerrar, no te puedo pedir mas, yo se que esto era de verdad...
Now that they're locking me up, I can't ask for more, I know this was for real...
Solo quiero que no me olvides.
I just want you not to forget me.
No lo deja el tiempo eso esta claro, me piden
4 años y ya lo he dejado.
Time won't let it go, that's clear, they are asking for
4 years and I've already given up.
Quieren alejarme de tu lado, yo lo recurro con un fucking abogado pero si no sale bien yo quiero que sepas esto, que siempre supe que no eras como el resto, nos entendiamos tansolo con un gesto, los dos sabiamos como seria esto.
They want to keep me away from you, I'm fighting it with a fucking lawyer, but if it doesn't go well I want you to know this, that I always knew you weren't like the rest, we understood each other with just a gesture, we both knew how this would be.
Pero si al final voy preso mami baila por mi, y busca a otro hombre que sea capaz de hacerte feliz.
But if in the end I go to prison, baby, dance for me, and find another man who can make you happy.
No me llores, no me sufras, solo te pido que no te olvides de mi.
Don't cry for me, don't suffer for me, just please don't forget me.
Ay, mamasita no te olvides de mi.
Oh, baby, don't forget me.
Dame un porrillo en el vis a vis, cuentame que tal esta todo por ahi, cuando salga nos vamos a Paris.
Give me a joint during a contact visit, tell me how things are going out there, when I get out we'll go to Paris.
Mami la calle es asi, no le pilles odio.
Baby, that's how the streets are, don't hate them.
Ay que mantenerlo y esto es solo un episodio, mami no te olvides de mi, mala you fucka, yo se que tu me quieres de verdad.
We've got to live with it and this is just an episode, baby, don't forget me, you bad fucka, I know you really love me.
Yo se que no me puedes esperar, solo quiero que no me olvides.
I know you can't wait for me, I just want you not to forget me.
Recuerda siempre que fui tu papa, y que pudimos ser felices.
Always remember that I was your man, and that we could be happy.
Ahora que me van a encerrar, no te puedo pedir maaas, yo se que esto era de verdaaad, solo quiero que no me olvides.
Now that they're locking me up, I can't ask for more, I know this was real, I just want you not to forget me.
Yo necesito verte, no quiero perderte.
I need to see you, I don't want to lose you.
Me han dicho que el amor es solo pa'l que lo merece y le estoy pidiendo a Dios pa' que to' esto se arregle.
They've told me that love is only for those who deserve it and I'm praying to God that all this will be resolved.
Que no puedo quererte a mi cualquier dia me meten, que solo tengo ruina en mi expediente.
That I can't love you because any day they'll throw me in jail, that my record is only full of bad things.
Dime que puedo ofrecerte!!
Tell me what I can offer you!
Mami no me olvides que te voy a recordar siempre, habibi dyali...
Baby, don't forget me, because I'll always remember you, my darling...
Yo se que no me puedes esperar, solo quiero que no me olvides.
I know you can't wait for me, I just want you not to forget me.
Recuerda siempre que fui tu papa, y que pudimos ser felices.
Always remember that I was your man, and that we could be happy.
Ahora que me van a encerrar, no te puedo pedir maaas, yo se que esto era de verdaaad, solo quiero que no me olvides.
Now that they're locking me up, I can't ask for more, I know this was real, I just want you not to forget me.
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