But days and days go by and sometimes I cry for your love
No creas que estoy resentido por que hace tiempo no hablamos es que no puedo ser tu amigo si te quiero demasiado
Don't think I'm resentful because we haven't talked in a long time, it's just that I can't be your friend if I love you too much
Quisiera ser como tu tan indiferente que nada te importa por que nada sabes del amor
I wish I could be like you, so indifferent, that nothing matters to you because you know nothing about love
Quisiera ser como tu decir lo que quiera que no me interesas pero no me deja el corazon
I wish I could be like you, to say whatever I want, that I'm not interested, but my heart won't let me
Como extraño tus miradas esas que me ilucionaron como extraño tu sonrisa dejame estar a tu lado
How I miss your glances, the ones that excited me, how I miss your smile, let me be by your side
Sabes bien que eres mi vida donde voy siempre te pienso y en mi rostro habra alegria el dia que me des tus besos
You know well that you are my life, wherever I go I always think of you, and there will be joy on my face the day you give me your kisses
Quisiera ser como tu tan indiferen que nada te importa por que nada sabes del amor
I wish I could be like you, so indifferent, that nothing matters to you because you know nothing about love
Quisiera ser como tu decir no te quiero que no me interesas pero no me deja el corazon
I wish I could be like you, to say I don't love you, that I'm not interested, but my heart won't let me
Quisiera ver nacer otra ilusion en mi vida y sacarte de mi alma o que sientas como yo y asi puedas entender lo grande que es el amory no me olvides mujer no se di talvez me amaste y te dio miedo decirlo no he debido ilusionarme ni entregarte mi cariño
I wish I could see another illusion born in my life and get you out of my soul, or that you could feel like me and thus be able to understand how great love is, and don't forget me, woman, I don't know perhaps you loved me and were afraid to say it, I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up or given you my love
Quisiera ser como tu tan indiferente que nada te importa por que nada dabes del amor
I wish I could be like you, so indifferent, that nothing matters to you because you know nothing about love
Quisiera ser como tu decir no te quiero que no me interesa pero no me deja el corazon
I wish I could be like you, to say I don't love you, that I'm not interested, but my heart won't let me
Linda se que si me amaras no habria nada en este mundo que imoidiera que mi alma estuviera al lado tuyo linda se que si intentaras comprender lo que yo siento vivirias enamorada y mi corazon contento quisiera ser como tu tan indiferente que nada te importa por que nada sabes del amor
Darling, I know that if you loved me there would be nothing in this world that would prevent my soul from being by your side, darling I know that if you tried to understand what I feel, you would live in love and my heart would be content, I wish I could be like you, so indifferent, that nothing matters to you because you know nothing about love
Quisiera ser como tu decir no te quiero que no me interesas pero no me deja el corazon
I wish I could be like you, to say I don't love you, that I'm not interested, but my heart won't let me
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