La Mulata - Caçadors de Bolets - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction La Mulata - Caçadors de Bolets

Caçadors de Bolets
Mushroom Hunters
Me'n vaig a la muntanya
I'm going to the mountains
A collir bolets
To collect mushrooms
A prop de la Cerdanya
Near Cerdanya
Diuen que n'és ben ple
They say it's full of them
Em trobo un rovelló
I find a chanterelle
També m'hi trobo un cep
I also find a boletus
Agafo un rossinyol
I catch a nightingale
Després un camasec
Then a slippery jack
Diuen que són molt bons
They say they are very good
Els bolets catalans
Catalan mushrooms
Els poses a la truita
You put them in the omelet
I surt molt especial
And it comes out very special
Li dóna un gust brutal
It gives it a brutal taste
Aquest dissabte a Berga
This Saturday in Berga
I diumenge al Montseny
And Sunday at Montseny
Torno a casa amb llenegues
I come home with my bags full
I també amb molts carlets
And also with lots of money
Farem un estofat
We will make a stew
Que ens lleparem els dits
That we will lick our fingers with
Tothom hi és convidat
Everyone is invited
Serà demà al matí
It will be tomorrow morning
Tinc plena la cistella
I have my basket full
Amb mil llengües de bou
With a thousand beef tongues
Esmoleu les orelles
Sharpen your ears
Perquè ara farà un solo
Because now it is going to be a solo
La trompeta de la mort!
The trumpet of death!
Caçadors de bolets!
Mushroom hunters!
Caçadors de bolets!
Mushroom hunters!
Caçadors de bolets!
Mushroom hunters!
Caçadors de bolets!
Mushroom hunters!
M'han posat uns monguis
They put some snails on me
Dins els canelons, què m'està passant?
Inside the cannelloni, what's happening to me?
Tens un drac ballant a les pestanyes
You have a dragon dancing on your eyelashes
O estic delirant?
Or am I delirious?
Potser per la censura
Maybe because of the censorship
Hem eliminat un vers
We have eliminated a verse
Si vols saber com diu
If you want to know how it says
Ho farem en concert
We will do it in concert
És cosa de Borbó
It's a thing of Bourbon
Tenir l'estómac ple
Having a full stomach
I si a algú li interessa
And if anybody's interested
Que es pregunti de què
May they wonder about what
Qui diu que no són bons
Who says they're not good
El bolets catalans?
Catalan mushrooms?
Els poses a la truita
You put them in the omelet
I hi ha menú especial
And you have a special menu
Audiència Nacional
National Audience
Caçadors de bolets!
Mushroom hunters!
Caçadors de bolets!
Mushroom hunters!
Caçadors de bolets!
Mushroom hunters!
Caçadors de bolets!
Mushroom hunters!
Caçadors de bolets!
Mushroom hunters!
Caçadors de bolets!
Mushroom hunters!
Caçadors de bolets!
Mushroom hunters!
Caçadors de bolets!
Mushroom hunters!

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