La Pozze Latina - Maria Mc'Dalena - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais La Pozze Latina - Maria Mc'Dalena

Maria Mc'Dalena
Maria Mc'Dalena
Tu cuerpo tibio no no no dejes de frotarlo al mio. sin cesar
Your warm body, don't stop, don't stop rubbing it on mine, endlessly.
Tus movimientos sueltan tus pechos que me tienen loco
Your moves release your breasts, they drive me crazy.
Veo que tu boca se transforma lentamente en un nino...
I see your mouth slowly transform into a child...
Y que sencillo sentir tus labios y tu lengua hacer contacto con mi alma
And how simple it is to feel your lips and your tongue make contact with my soul.
Conozco una chica electrica tiene solamente 16 pero se siente como si
I know an electric girl, she's only 16 but feels like she's
Tuviera 26 gozosa.
26, joyful.
Cuando con la mirada ella te rosa, la mente afloja, se moja te olvida de
When she looks at you, your mind relaxes, it gets wet, you forget about
Cualquier otra cosa ah pero que sabrosa no te da perfume ella te da
anything else, ah but how delicious, she doesn't give you perfume, she gives you
Corriente mato 220 voltios en cada vuelta del ciclo lunar terremoto que
current, kill 220 volts in each turn of the lunar cycle, an earthquake that
Ya voy para ponerte en su corral
I'm coming to put you in her pen
(Sabe apezar de no saber demasiado)
(She knows despite not knowing too much)
La recojes, la acoges mil le compras los regalos, los condones y un
You pick her up, you take her in a thousand, you buy her gifts, condoms and an
Helado para pagar las 7 chispas relusientes
ice cream to pay for the 7 shining sparks
Si te portas mal con ella, tiende a mostrar los dientes
If you misbehave with her, she tends to show her teeth
Hey no es obediente, no le hace caso a su papito chulo
Hey, she's not obedient, she doesn't listen to her pretty daddy
Igual me tiene duro con su lado oscuro si ella quiero, tu dios mio
She still gets me hard with her dark side if I want her, oh my God
No sabes en que lio te haz metido
You don't know what a mess you've gotten yourself into
Veo que tu boca se transforma lentamente en un nino...
I see your mouth slowly transform into a child...
Si que sencillo sentir tus labios y tu lengua hacer contacto con mi alma
It's so simple to feel your lips and your tongue make contact with my soul
La vida se enciende prende.contra la muralla arrodillandose
Life lights up, turns on against the wall, kneeling
Que cosa es la envidia entre los hombres a donde tu la vez mueren
What is envy between men where you see them die
Los famosos condes de la reina puritana tierra dama blanca
The famous counts of the puritan queen, white lady earth
La sangre de gitana mezclada entre las ancas de rana
Gypsy blood mixed between frog legs
Aveces nose es que te enchufan en su cuerpo y no resisten
Sometimes I don't know, they plug you into their body and you can't resist
Demasiados cortes en el flujo de electrones
Too many cuts in the flow of electrons
Organico erotizando la estatica campo de batalla de protones
Organic, eroticizing the static battlefield of protons
Chica electrica buscando relaciones cuaticas
Electric girl looking for aquatic relationships
No tiene agua tonica
She doesn't have tonic water
Bajando la ansiedad que le grita en su planta hidroelectrica
Lowering the anxiety that screams at her in her hydroelectric plant
Flujo de protones acostumbrado enamorado de mayores
Flow of protons accustomed, in love with older
Casados, solterones con la voluntad de satisfacer la mujer que grita
Married, single men with the will to satisfy the woman who screams
En ti.
In you.
Tu eres para mi, mi chica electrica
You are for me, my electric girl
Uh ah chica electrica
Uh ah electric girl
Uh ah chica electrica
Uh ah electric girl
Uh ah chica electrica
Uh ah electric girl
Uh ah chica electrica
Uh ah electric girl
Uh ah chica electrica
Uh ah electric girl
Uh ah chica electrica
Uh ah electric girl
Uh ah chica electrica
Uh ah electric girl
Uh ah chica electrica...
Uh ah electric girl...
La luz se va pues valen mas semillas se que todo lo que sube tendra
The light goes out because more seeds are worth it, I know that everything that goes up will have
Que caer al suelo de una vez
to fall to the ground at once
Reverciado no miro para mi pero muero por saber si eres lo que busa
Reverberated I don't look for me but I'm dying to know if you are what you're looking for
Abusa de mi ser.quieres ver mas.
Abuse my being. You want to see more.
Jamas sera de lo que no te atrevas a tocar jara rana electrical original
It will never be what you dare not touch jara rana electrical original
Sin fin; orgullo propio
Endless; self-respect
Ahora verde eco ello luego paragoyo ello GUAYO!
Now green eco it then paragoyo it GUAYO!
Sino uno de los guatone nos fumamos miro miro que tu sexo flaquita
But one of the fat guys smokes us, I look, I look at your skinny sex
Sea mi retiro unde tu lengua y asi te mojo gentilmente subo, bajo largo
Be my retreat where your tongue and so I wet you gently I go up, down, long
Te vuelvo indecente incuncundandote cual chico malo malo brando
I make you indecent by rocking you which bad bad Brando boy
Pero de canto soy asi que dilo pues sino vacion plom plom la bala debo
But I sing like dilo because if not empty plom plom the bullet I owe
El sol, a la luz de la vela de canela quiero hacerte el amor baby...
The sun, in the light of the cinnamon candle I want to make love to you baby...
Tu cuerpo tibio no no no dejes de frotarlo al mio sin cesar.ahh
Your warm body don't don't don't stop rubbing it on mine endlessly. ahh
Tus movimientos sueltan tus pechos que me tienen loco
Your moves release your breasts, they drive me crazy
Veo que tu boca se transforma lentamente en un nino
I see your mouth slowly transform into a child
(I love you so much)uuuuu
(I love you so much)uuuuu
Si que sencillo sentir tus labios y tu lengua hacer contacto con mi alma
It's so simple to feel your lips and your tongue make contact with my soul
Uh ah uh ah uh ah uh ah uh ah
Uh ah uh ah uh ah uh ah uh ah
Chica electrica
Electric girl
Rosandote...(piel de chocalate blanco)
Touching you...(white chocolate skin)
Enciendete.(acaso no me quieres?)
Turn on...(don't you want me?)
Frotandote...(como buscanco solo un lugar)
Rubbing you...(like I'm only looking for one place)
No quieres hacer conmigo el amor?
Don't you want to make love to me?

Writer(s): Victor Flores, Jimmy Fernandez

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