La Pozze Latina - Nebolusa - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction La Pozze Latina - Nebolusa

Volviendo en si mismo,
Coming to, my senses
Acostado sobre la caja vacia de un don francisco,
Lying upon the empty box of Don Francisco
Un 6.5 noquea su cuerpo uno listo,
A 6.5 knocks out my body, I'm ready
La puerta se abre tum tum un minuto mas tarde ya esposado
The door opens, boom, boom, a minute later I'm in cuffs
Camino a la comisaria memorizando el pasado
On my way to the station, memorizing my past
Coopera por horas interrogado por su crimen
Co-operating for hours, interrogated for my crime
La mala fortuna el tipo sapeado por vecinos que si ven
Bad luck, the guy snitched by the neighbors who see it all
Su hija menor de 6 14 la otra en estado de embarazo
His youngest daughter, 6, the other 14, pregnant
Las dos bien calladas de blanco testigo en la boda
Both very quiet, as bridesmaids in the wedding
Pues en este caso se ha formado un casamiento
In this case, a marriage has been formed
Contrae el violador las nupcias
The rapist gets married
Con lo que sentencio asi el juez exclama
With what I sentence so the judge exclaims
Explica que aplica el peso completo el crimen no paga
Explaining that he applies the full weight, the crime doesn't pay
El sistema se halaga por aceptar el reto moral
The system is flattered for accepting the moral challenge
Morales mas tarde sigue pa'dentro encerrado en el camion
Morales later follows to go inside, locked in the van
Camino pa'l centro penal de puente alto
On the way to the Puente Alto Detention Center
Entrega la ropa la bota la vida encomienda su hombria
He gives up his clothes, his boots, his life, he entrusts his manhood
Al señor que cree encontrar arriba
To the Lord he believes he will find above
Pero se cruza con otro el doble de peso el triple de odio
But he runs into another, twice as heavy, three times as much hatred
La noticia ha llegado el contrato expirado el plazo vencido
The news has come, the contract has expired, the deadline has passed
Abusador sin poder ni cartel camino de daño
Abuser with no power or cartel, on the path of harm
El patio no escucha, lo calzan en el baño
The inmates don't listen, they get him in the bathroom
La cronica anunciada de un cuerpo penando estando aun vivo
The announced chronicle of a body suffering while still alive
El karma que con paciencia busca equilibrio en lo real, en lo real
Karma, with patience, seeks balance in the real, in the real
De muy pequeño era el dinero,
From a very young age it was money,
Todo perdia brillo junto aquello
Everything lost its shine next to that
Bello reluciente estupefaciente no injectable
Beautiful, shiny, stupefying not injectable
Adictivo imperdonable
Addictive, unforgivable
Desde chico robando para trabajarse el nombre en la calle
Stealing from a young age to make a name for himself on the street
Luego ya compraba blanca, coca limpia,
Then he bought cocaine, pure coke,
El dulce de la santa recordada
The sweetness of the saint, remembered
Cargada de venganza consumiendose
Filled with revenge, consuming itself
Engrupiendose con estres y falta de movilidad
Becoming entangled with stress and lack of mobility
Jalandose la merca sin despues poder pagar
Snorting the coke without being able to pay later
Mar adentro en deuda con los tiburones de piel manchada
Deeper in debt with the sharks with spotted skin
Cayendo en la red enredada
Falling into the tangled net
Tras la enredada vida cuando se convierte en
After the entangled life when it becomes
El escapa a la casa de gravaron
The escape to the trap house
Traficando ahora base
Now trafficking base
La pesadila de su propia clase
The nightmare of his own kind
Lo poco que suele quedar de neuronas
The few neurons that are usually left
Piensa entrar a robar un kilo de pasta
Thinking of breaking in to steal a kilo of paste
Ladrones gritan se escucha
Thieves, they shout,
Su carne hambrienta de morir
His flesh hungry to die
Sangrando lo llevan adentro para oir
Bleeding, they take him inside to hear
La ultima confesion del demonio angustiado
The last confession of the anguished demon
No, por su cuerpo nadie se ha pronunciado
No, no one has spoken for his body
La muerte acoje la bolsa se acojen
Death welcomes the bag, they welcome it
En el maletero del viejo chevy ponen
In the trunk of the old Chevy they put it
Se dirigen para perder al vendedor de turno
They are heading to lose the dealer on duty
Lo lanzan a la balsa del liquido turbio
They throw him into the raft of the murky liquid


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