La Ross Maria - Mi Regalo Mas Bonito - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais La Ross Maria - Mi Regalo Mas Bonito

Mi Regalo Mas Bonito
My Most Beautiful Gift
Amiga, esto es pa' ti que de ti, él se quiere aprovechar
Girlfriend, this is for you, because he wants to take advantage of you.
Que te dice que te quiere pero no te quiere na'
He tells you that he loves you, but he doesn't love you at all.
Con palabras bonitas te quiere endulzar
He wants to sweet-talk you with pretty words,
Para usarte, enamorarte y luego dejarte como si na'
To use you, make you fall in love, and then leave you like nothing happened.
Él te está hablando mentiras diciéndote que te ama
He is telling you lies by saying that he loves you,
Y verdaderamente solo te quiere en su cama
And he really just wants you in his bed.
haciéndote ilusiones, porque en verdad lo amas
You are creating illusions because you truly love him,
Pero lamentablemente, para él, no eres dama, entiende
But unfortunately, for him, you are not a lady, understand.
Las mujeres se valoran, se respetan
Women are valued, they are respected.
Aunque no le veas la corona, se tratan como princesa
Even if you don't see her crown, they are treated like princesses.
No lo digo por nada, es pa' que sepan
I'm not saying this for nothing, it's so you know,
Que si no cuidan las flores del jardín, al tiempo las encuentran secas
That if you don't take care of the flowers in the garden, over time you will find them dry.
Él tiene que decirte, mami, ere' un bomboncito
He has to tell you, babe, you are a little candy.
Contigo se me pone a mil el corazoncito
My little heart goes crazy with you.
eres mi regalo más bonito, contigo quiero casarme
You are my most beautiful gift, I want to marry you,
Y que tengamos un muchachito
And for us to have a little boy.
Y así, así es que se tratan to'as las mujeres
And that's how all women should be treated.
puedes tener quinientas, pero solo una te quiere
You can have five hundred, but only one loves you.
Solo una te quiere
Only one loves you.
Y no le falles que esa es la única que por ti muere
And don't fail her, because she is the only one who dies for you.
Dile que la adoras, que la extrañas, que la amas
Tell her you adore her, that you miss her, that you love her,
Que no la cambias por nada, que es la que te desprograma
That you wouldn't trade her for anything, that she's the one who reprograms you,
Que es tu bomboncito, tu niña mimada
That she's your little candy, your spoiled girl,
Y es la princesa que quiere' ver en tu cama todas las mañanas
And she is the princess that you want to see in your bed every morning.
Y esa mujer de ti no se merece menos
And that woman deserves no less from you.
Llénale su vida solo de momentos buenos
Fill her life with only good moments.
Donde quiera que se mueva, dile: "mami, yo te freno"
Wherever she moves, tell her: "Baby, I'll stop you.
Y si te convierte' en un fuego, pues contigo yo me quemo
And if you turn into a fire, I'll burn with you.
Que no se te vaya nunca de tu vida
May she never leave your life,
Porque sin ella no tendría sentido
Because without her it would be meaningless,
Y quieres volverla tu prometida
And you want to make her your fiancée,
Y eres un loco enamora'o, que sin ella estaría perdido
And you are a crazy man in love, who would be lost without her.
Él tiene que decirte, mami ere' un bomboncito
He has to tell you, babe you are a little candy.
Contigo se me pone a mil el corazoncito
My little heart goes crazy with you.
eres mi regalo más bonito, contigo quiero casarme
You are my most beautiful gift, I want to marry you,
Y que tengamos un muchachito
And for us to have a little boy.
Y así, así es que se tratan to'as las mujeres
And that's how all women should be treated.
puedes tener quinientas, pero solo una te quiere
You can have five hundred, but only one loves you.
Solo una te quiere
Only one loves you.
Y no le falles que esa es la única que por ti muere
And don't fail her, because she is the only one who dies for you.
Esa es la única que por ti muere
She is the only one who dies for you.
Esa es la única que por ti muere
She is the only one who dies for you.
Él puede tener otras quinientas
He can have five hundred others,
Y al final solo eres quién lo quiere
And in the end you are the only one who loves him.
La Ross
La Ross
Te quiero, mami
I love you, babe.
8-29 Music Mundial
8-29 Music Mundial
Baby, eres para un cielo
Baby, you are for a heaven.
Y así, así es que se tratan to'as las mujeres
And that's how all women should be treated.
puedes tener quinientas
You can have five hundred,
Pero solo una te quiere
But only one loves you.

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