La Santa Grifa - No Me Dejan De Juzgar - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction La Santa Grifa - No Me Dejan De Juzgar

No Me Dejan De Juzgar
They Don't Stop Judging Me
No me dejan de juzgar
They don't stop judging me
No me dejan de juzgar
They don't stop judging me
No me dejan de juzgar
They don't stop judging me
No me dejan de juzgar
They don't stop judging me
No me dejan de juzgar
They don't stop judging me
No me dejan de juzgar
They don't stop judging me
No me dejan de juzgar
They don't stop judging me
No me dejan de juzgar
They don't stop judging me
Cada que la sangre me hierve
Every time my blood boils
Me da ganas de hacer un desvergue Pinche gente, Que juzga,
I feel like freaking out, damn people, who judge me
Sin conocerme Que van a saber de mí?
Without knowing me, what do they know about me?
Pinches culeros Critican y critican...
They criticize me and criticize me.
Sin conocerme primero Es tan deprimente Que la gente te juzgue
Without getting to know me first, it's so depressing, that people judge you.
Tan solo por la apariencia
Just by the way I look
Que si fumo la hierba
That if I smoke weed,
Estoy cometiendo un acto de delincuencia
I'm committing a crime.
Hay no mamen
Oh, come on!
Al chile eso ya es pasarse de verga
That's going too far.
Por eso me vale verga
That's why I don't care, the asshole
El cabron o la cabrona
That gets offended
Que se ofenda
I hope you understand
No se si me entienda
But I've also been offended,
Pero yo también me he ofendido
When you discriminated against me for being,
Cuando usted me ha discriminado Por andar
Bald, laid-back, and chill. And what's wrong with that?
Pelón, tumbado y grillo Y que tiene de malo
Let's see,
A ver
What's wrong with that?
Que tiene de malo
Pos nada
So stop whining
Entonces deje de andar cagando el palo
They don't stop judging me
No me dejan de juzgar
They don't stop judging me
No me dejan de juzgar
They don't stop judging me
No me dejan de juzgar
They don't stop judging me
No me dejan de juzgar
And I'm not going to change my ways
Y al chile no pienso cambiar para nada
My style, my lifestyle
Mi forma, mi estilo de vida
The street, the clique, pure Santa Grifa
La calle, la clika pura Santa Grifa
The corner that amazes you
La esquina que rifa que te amazisa
The lunatics who are always getting high
Los locos que siempre se atizan
Who never go to mass
Que nunca van a misa
But who sign you when you're in trouble
Pero si te persinan cuando te toca la pinche verguisa
Listen, my friend,
Y escucha mi compa
This is going to be a long one
Que esto pa largo
I'm not giving up
Yo no me apago
For all those assholes who keep criticizing,
Por todos esos putos que andan criticando
And I'm relaxed with a joint in my mouth.
Y ando relajado con un churro en mamo
With my cold beer and my middle finger up.
Con mi guama helada y el dedo medio levantado
They want to see me fall,
Ellos me quieren ver caer
But I'm not going to please them.
Pero no los voy a complacer
I know that part of the crooked path I have to take,
Se bien que parte del camino chueco recorrer
And here I am, you keep waiting.
Y aqui ando Ustedes sigan esperando
They don't stop judging me
No me dejan de juzgar
They don't stop judging me
No me dejan de juzgar
They don't stop judging me
No me dejan de juzgar
They don't stop judging me
No me dejan de juzgar
I don't understand it.
Al chile que no entiendo
Why do they just keep judging us?
Porque namas se la pasan juzgando
They don't even know us,
Ni siquiera nos conocen
And they're already talking.
Y ya andan hablando
Seriously, man,
La neta si carnal
All we want is,
Nosotros lo único que buscamos
To represent the neighborhood.
Es representar al barrio
I know, but there are always people who criticize,
Lo Pero siempre hay gente que crítica
But still,
Mas sin embargo
I get really drunk,
Yo me pongo bien pedo
Whenever I want.
Cada que yo quiero
I don't give a damn
Me vale una mierda
If they watch.
Que se queden viendo
They want to judge me,
Me quieren juzgar
Even the cop wants to take me away.
Hasta me quiere llevar el oficial
People point at me
La gente me apunta
And don't know what's up.
Y no saben que pedo
I had to live in the ghetto.
Ni pedo tuve que vivir en el ghetto
As a kid, I had to play with tops.
De morro tuve que fletarme los trompos
And now as an adult I celebrate my achievements.
Y ahora de grande festejar mis logros
It feels great, man.
Al chile se siente bien verga
But the people who talk everywhere, they ruin it.
Pero la caga la gente que habla por dondequiera
They see me shaved,
Me ven rapado
They see me laid-back with all my friends,
Me ven tumbado Con todos mis compas
And really wasted.
Y bien avionado
I hang out with a cool gang,
Me junto con pura banda
From the cool 2-13 Mexico Santa Grifa,
De la chida 2-13 la México Santa Grifa Digan lo que digan
Say what you want,
No nos quitan la sonrisa
They won't take our smiles away,
Y ellos me quieren ver caer
And they want to see me fall,
Pero no los voy a complacer
But I'm not going to please them.
Se bien que parte del camino chueco recorrer
I know that part of the crooked path I have to take,
Y aqui ando
And here I am.
Ustedes sigan esperando
You keep waiting.
No me dejan de juzgar
They don't stop judging me
No me dejan de juzgar
They don't stop judging me
No me dejan de juzgar
They don't stop judging me
No me dejan de juzgar
They don't stop judging me

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