La Zaga - It's Real - traduction des paroles en anglais

It's Real - La Zagatraduction en anglais

It's Real
It's Real
The real guaguancó en el beat
The real guaguancó in the beat
El que los borra con el sonido asqueroso Blah!
The one that erases them with the nasty sound Blah!
Con el sonido asqueroso You!
With the nasty sound You!
MR is real vuelve
MR is real is back
Listen to it!
Amanece y el barrio se torna feo la esquina es un video detonante de
Dawn breaks and the neighborhood turns ugly the corner is a detonating video of
Otro peo Y veo a ese que se quedo pegao en su rutina la soñó en la
Another mess And I see the one who stayed stuck in his routine he dreamed it on the
Esquina y la culebra se la prendió encima se dejo matar ese webon es
Corner and the snake caught him on top of her he let himself be killed that sucker is
Lo que escucho y ese que hiso el comentario luego le metieron muchos
What I hear and the one who made the comment later they put a lot on him
Nadie vio nada todo el mundo se hace el Willy pues no quieren que lo
Nobody saw anything everyone plays Willy because they don't want to be
Maten por chismoso y por chiwire y mire otro mas que se muere nadie
Killed for gossiping and for snitching and look another one dies nobody
Lo llora la gente sigue su fiesta y lo olvida al pasar las horas y es
Mourns him people continue their party and forget him as the hours go by and it is
Que están claro y si con pacos colaboran lo agarra el taladro y le
That they are clear and if they collaborate with cops the drill grabs him and
Revienta la cara y el tórax esto no se trata de ver quien mas se
Blows up his face and chest this is not about seeing who gets more
Foguea se trata de que no comente lo que usted vea a menos de que tu
Smoked it's about not commenting on what you see unless you
No me creas si por equivocao lo terminen haciendo jalea y crece la
Don't believe me if by mistake they end up making jelly and the
Marea pero igual se parrandea que aquí se matan mas personas que
Tide rises but they still party that here more people are killed than
Jugando san Andrea no te sorprendas solo aprende
Playing San Andreas don't be surprised just learn
A conducirte si no quieres que te aborde y contigo
To behave if you don't want it to address you and with you
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The real guaguancó en el beat
The real guaguancó in the beat
El que los borra con el sonido asqueroso Blah!
The one that erases them with the nasty sound Blah!
Con el sonido asqueroso You!
With the nasty sound You!
MR is real vuelve
MR is real is back
Listen to it!
Amanece y el barrio se torna feo la esquina es un video detonante de
Dawn breaks and the neighborhood turns ugly the corner is a detonating video of
Otro peo Y veo a ese que se quedo pegao en su rutina la soñó en la
Another mess And I see the one who stayed stuck in his routine he dreamed it on the
Esquina y la culebra se la prendió encima se dejo matar ese webon es
Corner and the snake caught him on top of her he let himself be killed that sucker is
Lo que escucho y ese que hiso el comentario luego le metieron muchos
What I hear and the one who made the comment later they put a lot on him
Nadie vio nada todo el mundo se hace el Willy pues no quieren que lo
Nobody saw anything everyone plays Willy because they don't want to be
Maten por chismoso y por chiwire y mire otro mas que se muere nadie
Killed for gossiping and for snitching and look another one dies nobody
Lo llora la gente sigue su fiesta y lo olvida al pasar las horas y es
Mourns him people continue their party and forget him as the hours go by and it is
Que están claro y si con pacos colaboran lo agarra el taladro y le
That they are clear and if they collaborate with cops the drill grabs him and
Revienta la cara y el tórax esto no se trata de ver quien mas se
Blows up his face and chest this is not about seeing who gets more
Foguea se trata de que no comente lo que usted vea a menos de que tu
Smoked it's about not commenting on what you see unless you
No me creas si por equivocao lo terminen haciendo jalea y crece la
Don't believe me if by mistake they end up making jelly and the
Marea pero igual se parrandea que aquí se matan mas personas que
Tide rises but they still party that here more people are killed than
Jugando san Andrea no te sorprendas solo aprende a
Playing San Andreas don't be surprised just learn to
Conducirte si no quieres que te aborde y contigo
Behave if you don't want it to address you and with you
El barrio sigue peligroso hay que conducirse entre mucho ocio
The neighborhood is still dangerous you have to behave among a lot of leisure
Misterioso mirada fija y algo sudoroso cauteloso te desplazas pilas
Mysterious fixed gaze and somewhat sweaty cautious you move batteries
Tu por estos posos donde hasta el mas
You through these wells where even the most
Cocodrilo es victima de su negocio
Crocodile is a victim of his business
Todos pendiente mientras se contamina el aire la atmosfera caliente y
Everyone pending while the air is polluted the hot atmosphere and
Activo con los Empire un día aquí es mas demente que airon maiden y
Active with the Empire one day here is crazier than Iron Maiden and
Si no sabes expresarte el diablo ara que con balas te bailen respeto
If you don't know how to express yourself the devil will make you dance with bullets respect
Se aprende desde menorcito y si la llevas con calma serás un buen
Is learned from a young age and if you take it easy you will be a good
Hombrecito pero yo insisto y por eso si algo te anticipo la palabra
Little man but I insist and that's why if I anticipate something the word
Mas que un documento es un vital requisito equivocaos por montones
More than a document is a vital requirement mistaken by tons
Los encontraras también veras como por bicho nada duraran te toparas
You will also find them you will also see how nothing will last for a bug you will run into
Con esos y que muy galán se van con la mujer del pran pero tranquilo
With those and that very gallant they go with the pran's wife but calm down
Ya los picaran no creas en nadie solamente hazlo en tu curso recuerda
They will bite them don't believe in anyone just do it in your course remember
Que la calle pa vivirla no te dicta un curso ella no tiene
That the street to live it does not dictate a course to you it does not have
Compasión con los ilusos no tolera los abusos y desaparece
Compassion with the deluded does not tolerate abuse and disappears
El barrio sigue peligroso hay que conducirse entre mucho ocio
The neighborhood is still dangerous you have to behave among a lot of leisure
Misterioso mirada fija y algo sudoroso cauteloso te desplazas pilas
Mysterious fixed gaze and somewhat sweaty cautious you move batteries
Tu por estos posos donde hasta el mas
You through these wells where even the most
Cocodrilo es victima de su negocio
Crocodile is a victim of his business
Si mal actúas te pican y te licuan y esto continua si bien con el
If you act wrong they sting you and liquefy you and this continues if well with the
Hampa tu no interactúas de forma seriá en la que quedes bien parao
Underworld you don't interact in a serious way in which you are well positioned
Como un tipo responsable no como un montao por el yensi crazy e visto
Like a responsible guy not like a ride by the yensi crazy I've seen
Hasta los yuleisy que te pichan pa que te ametrallen como endi crazy
Even the yuleisy that they sting you to machine-gun you like endi crazy
Esto parece laca de la de un racing donde lo mas importante es no
This looks like lacquer from a racing one where the most important thing is not
Chocar para subir tu rating los números en tu seriedad asúmelo que la
Crash to raise your rating the numbers in your seriousness assume that the
Moral es un carnet que no se puede vencer consúmelo aprende eso y con
Moral is a card that cannot be defeated consume it learn that and with
Valor tu únelos y veras que sale un porro de la vida candela y fúmelo
Value you unite them and you will see that a joint of life comes out candle and smoke it
Para que le de nota de aprendizaje de la luna baje que aquí traje un
So that it gives you a learning note from the moon let it go down that here I brought a
Rap malandro un ramdom page un porcentaje no apto pa personaje que
Malandro rap a ramdom page a percentage not suitable for a character that
Por mas que ensayen no evitaran que lo mío salga y cuadre un arma se
No matter how much they rehearse they will not prevent mine from coming out and fitting a weapon is
Dispara y almas vuelan se congelan los ratones juegan cuando el gato
Shoots and souls fly the mice freeze play when the cat
Esta por fuera pero una vez que llegan todos se encaletan ya no
It's outside but once they arrive everyone gets caught up they no longer
Suelen comerse la luz a cara limpia ni boleta esto es la neta escucha
They usually eat the light with a clean face or a ticket this is the net listen
Pa que no arremeta contra tu careta derritiéndote el tabique con la
So that it does not attack your mask melting the septum with the
Metra no dejes que nadie te use de marioneta pa
Meter don't let anyone use you as a puppet for
Que no te comprometa ni te rescaten un furgoneta
So that it doesn't compromise you or rescue you a van
Its real AKA from pinto salina
Its real AKA from pinto salina
Its real original san Zaga
Its real original san Zaga
On the man yeah
On the man yeah
Real guaguaco en el beat
Real guaguaco in the beat
On the one hip hop
On the one hip hop
Pran pran detonan ráfagas de rap
Pran pran detonate rap bursts
Peligrosas pa ti que tu quieren desafiar
Dangerous for you that you want to challenge
Es criminal bestial sonido pa
It's criminal bestial sound for
Que te invade y te secuestras los sentidos tipo alerta
That invades you and kidnaps your senses type alert
Pran pran pran pran
Pran pran pran pran
La Zaga
La Zaga
Pran pran pran pran
Pran pran pran pran
Pran pran pran pran
Pran pran pran pran
Real guaguancó
Real guaguancó
Pran pran pran pran
Pran pran pran pran
Esto es Its real
This is Its real

Writer(s): Jean Carlos Zambrano

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