La Zaga - ON - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais La Zaga - ON

Ya regrese a meterles candela de veras,
I'm back to set fire to you for real,
Levanta el puño vamos men dime que esperas,
Raise your fist, come on, man, tell me what you're waiting for,
Old tape puso la pista a punto de tarimeri
Old Tape put the track on point
Y yo la estoy cogiendo a letra para que grite la muy perra,
And I'm taking it to the lyrics so that bitch screams,
Como se debe preguntale tu a Gabriela Perez
As it should be, ask Gabriela Perez
Que tengo a los fama loca empotraos en las paredes
That I have the crazy fame embedded in the walls
Acelerao escribiendo a puro asustao prendiendo mecha
Accelerated writing purely scared, lighting a fuse
En todo lao pero ni por coño me han mencionao, pretenden
On all sides, but they haven't mentioned me, they pretend
Difamar todo lo que he ganao, como si mis 8 discos en su barrio
To defame everything I've earned, as if my 8 albums in their neighborhood
No son sonao naooo
Aren't played, naooo
Cada vez me paso si el lapiz desplazo mato tu tiempo invertido
Every time I pass, if the pencil moves, I kill your invested time
Yo soy una muerte a largo plazo de paso soy un talento escazo,
I am a long-term death, by the way, I am a scarce talent,
Porque hay mucho pero ya no gustan por sapos por no hacer
Because there are many, but they no longer like them because they are snitches, for not paying attention
Caso cuando se les dijo que no se vendieran, que se mantuvieran
When they were told not to sell out, that they should stay
No corrieran y la cultura defendieran, frustrante fue ver que nadie
Don't run and defend the culture, it was frustrating to see that nobody
Me sorprendiera han pasado varios años
Surprised me, several years have passed
Me mantuve y ahora que se mueran, que
I stayed and now let them die, let them
Sufran viendo como esque se le mete
Suffer watching how it is done
Vamos reden que mi libreta yo se que miedo
Let's redeem that my booklet, I know fear
Les mete la zaga vuelve esta claro que
Puts them in, La Zaga returns, it is clear that
Esto promete y se torna peligroso como granada
This promises and becomes dangerous as a grenade
Si espoelete,
If it explodes,
Anda corre la voz que tengo el micro
Go spread the word that I have the microphone
En ON, que sueno atroz, que soy feroz,
ON, that I sound atrocious, that I'm fierce,
Veloz que como yo no hay dos,
Fast that there are no two like me,
Que soy la tos que los coge desprevenios el malpario el mio
That I am the cough that catches them off guard, the motherfucker of mine
Que rapea y representa aqui un gentio ese que
Who raps and represents a crowd here, that one
Vez y te intrigas y te fatigas, ese soy yo el que
Time and time again, and you get intrigued and you get tired, that's me, the one
Representa el barrio serio cuando rima,
Represents the serious neighborhood when rhyming,
Ese que respeta la calle y su rutina y te aconseja que
The one who respects the street and its routine and advises you to
No dispares si tu a nada aun le atinas,
Don't shoot if you don't hit anything yet,
Ustedes sigan sus mentiras con su farsa estan como
You continue your lies with your farce, you are like
La marcha pagando pa tener gente en
The march paying to have people in
Avalancha yo me desplazo tranquilo siempre a mi
Avalanche, I move calmly, always to my
Ancha con mi causa en la cancha y de la
Wide with my cause on the court and from the
Seriedad este se engancha, la rubia escucha y dice
Seriousness, this one gets hooked, the blonde listens and says
Toda la crew en banda ancha Lince se rie y
The whole crew in broadband Lince laughs and
Dice matalos con elegancia Afro y Dannigaz
Says kill them with elegance Afro and Dannigaz
Amigos de mi confianza liril su costilla
Friends of my trust, liril her rib
Que solo me dice ¿Que tu no descanzas? y sigo
Who only tells me, "Don't you rest?" and I continue
Yo en lo mio sumergio en el rio de canciones
In my thing immersed in the river of songs
Y sonidos que dan escalofrio, y mas convencio
And sounds that give chills, and more convinced
Que hasta mi vecino escucha y se caga de la
That even my neighbor listens and shits himself with
Risa y me dice que lo que canto asusta lo ironico
Laughter and tells me that what I sing scares the ironic
Es que ese pure a mi me admira mientras mi
Is that this pure admires me while my
Mama me dice hijo con el rap no iras pa'rriba
Mama tells me son, you won't go up with rap
Y yo le digo maita que pasa!
And I tell her, mommy, what's up!
Si lo malo esgafa ma yo que tengo letras en masa que pasa
If the bad thing crushes, but I have lyrics in bulk, what's up?
Tranquila que vendran mas casa y mi hija solo
Calm down, more houses will come and my daughter just
Dice yo se que eso es asi y me abraza es otro
Says I know that's the way it is and hugs me, it's another
Disco mas un huracan que arraza y
Disk plus a hurricane that razes and
Calabaza calabaza todo el mundo escucha a Zaga en
Pumpkin, pumpkin, everyone listens to Zaga in
Su casa aqui si se rapea serio y sin mordasa
His house here if he raps seriously and without biting
Mas claro que el agua y mas amargo que comer
Clearer than water and more bitter than eating
Arroz y mostaza volvio otra vez el que te
Rice and mustard, the one who has come back again
Tiene acostumbrao el que ha demostrao que los
You used to it, the one who has shown that the
Alumbrao no aguantaran ni un round ese que
Enlightened ones won't last a round, the one you
Vez y pensaras que es un guebon, pero siempre
See and you will think he is an idiot, but always
Dejo claro que canto es de corazon (yaoh),
I made it clear that singing is from the heart (yaoh),
Ese soy yo si el mismo que siempre los calla y les
That's me, yes, the same one who always shuts them up and
Dice aprendice controle su picazon de culo y
Tells them apprentice control your ass itch and
Sus lombrizes lo que tu cantas hace años que
Your worms, what you sing, I did years ago
Lo hize, porque crees que cuando salgo
Did, why do you think that when I go out
Muchos se frustran y me maldicen les comente a los
Many are frustrated and curse me, tell them to
Del combo que sacaria que otro disco haria
From the combo that would take out another album I would do
Asqueroso y toda una groseria unos dijeron fuego
Disgusting and a whole rudeness some said fire
Y otros no creian que otra vez saldria y que
And others didn't believe it would come out again and that
La partiria y mas me lacrearia esto solo es una
I would split it up and I would seal it even more, this is just one
Muestra de lo que saldria si se la comeria
Sample of what would come out if you ate it
Creo que ni vivirian rian volvio otra vez pa que
I don't think they would even live, they would laugh, he came back again so that
Se me pongan al dia mala mia si interrumpi
They are updated, my bad if I interrupted
La mierda que usted escribia aqui sobre el
The shit you were writing here about
Talento y la categoria en el octavo puse a
Talent and the category in the eighth I put
Muchos a vivir traumas como se debia son varios
Many to live traumas as it should be, there are several
Años demostrando jerarquia en esto soy mas
Years demonstrating hierarchy in this, I am more
Que un Ferrari y usted solo es un carrito Fiat
Than a Ferrari and you're just a Fiat cart

Writer(s): Pedro Elias Querales, La Zaga

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