LaBrassBanda - Autobahn - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais LaBrassBanda - Autobahn

I bin auf der Autobahn
I am on the Autobahn
Und denk unterm Autofahrn
And think while driving about
Drüber nach, was ois passiert is
What happened last
Letzte Woch
So a Woch, werds ihr jetz sogn
This week, I'll tell you now
Die is ned so furchtbar lang
It is not long
Vui passiern wird do scho ned
Not much will happen
I sag doch
I'm telling you
Hab an guaden Job verlorn
I lost a good job
Bin dort überflüssig worn
I became unnecessary there
Aber des aloa hätt mi
But that alone would not have
No gar ned gschockt
Shocked me
Hob scho öfters nei ogfangt
I often started new
Was mei Arbeit anbelangt
What concerned my work
Und a desmoi hät i's
And this time I would have
Sicher wieder backt
Done it again
I geh zur Haustür nei
I go to the front door
S'is erst hoibe drei
It's only half past two
Im Flur da riach i scho
In the hall I already smell
Dass jemand raucht
That someone smokes
Du hast an Nachbarn da
There's a neighbor
Er hod mein Bademantel o
He's wearing my bathrobe
A da wer i dann oiso
So that should actually be
Nimmer braucht
No longer needed
Jetz hoit mi nix mehr auf
Now nothing stops me anymore
I fahr an Brenner nauf
I'm going up the Brenner
Lass alles hinter mir
Leave everything behind me
Wui blos no weg von dir
Just want to get away from you
Davorn kimmt scho da Gardasee
The Garda Lake is coming up ahead
Da duads a blos no hoib so weh
It only hurts half as much there
Vor mir is de Straßn frei
The road ahead is clear
I dua a laude Musi nei
I put on loud music
Und i tritt so fest i kon
And I step on it as hard as I can
Aufs Gaspedal
On the accelerator
Wui soweit wia möglich naus
As far as possible out
Aus dem ganzn Irrenhaus
Out of this insane asylum
Und wohi's mi dann verschlogt
And where I will be stranded then
Des is mir scheißegal
I don't give a damn
Bei der ganzen Raserei
With all the hustle and bustle
Ziang de letzten Jahr vorbei
The last years pass by
Und de san gar ned
And they're not at all
So zwider gwen
So bad
Es warn a schlechte Tog dabei
There were some bad days
Ja des muaß hoid a moi sei
Yes, that has to be
Aber insgesamt betrachtet, war i
But all in all, I was
Scho sehr zfriedn
Very satisfied
Vor ned allzulanger Zeit
Not too long ago
Ja, da war i dann soweit
Yes, then I was ready
Hob mirs Geld scho glieha
I already borrowed the money
Für an scheena Ring
For a beautiful ring
Doch den brauch i woi ned mehr
But I probably don't need it anymore
Denn der Herr vom Hochparterre
Because the gentleman from the ground floor
Hod bei derer Gschicht
Has his fingers in the story
Jetz a die Finger drin
Du warst ned a moi schockiert
You weren't even shocked
So ois war gar nix passiert
As if nothing had happened
Hast ganz lässig reagiert
You reacted very casually
Als obs di gar ned intressiert
As if it didn't even interest you
I hob mi deischt am Gardasee
I cried at Lake Garda
Es duad woi no a Zeitl weh
It will probably hurt for a while

Writer(s): Oliver Wrage, Stefan Dettl, Manuel Winbeck

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