LaBrassBanda - Jacqueline - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais LaBrassBanda - Jacqueline

In deine Augn hat so a dunkles Feier brennt
In your eyes such a dark fire burns
I ho des Gfui ghabt das I di scho ewig kenn
I had the feeling I've known you forever
Mir hamma so vui glacht, hamm sovui Bledsinn gmacht
We have laughed so much, done so much nonsense
Und I hob gmoand, das des fuer immer weida geht.
And I thought this would go on forever.
Jacqueline, die Zeit mit Dir war schoen
Jacqueline, the time with you was beautiful
Moi Jacqueline, I muass jetzt leida gehn
Jacqueline, my dear, I must unfortunately go now
I woas no ganz genau, wie mir uns troffen ham
I still remember exactly how we met
Des fade Festl, wo ma ganz schnell obghaun san
At the boring party, where we ran away very quickly
Dann hob I di hoam bracht
Then I drove you home
Du hast an Kaffee gmacht
You made coffee
Die ganze Nacht samma do gsessn, Hand in Hand
We sat there all night, hand in hand
Jacqueline, die Zeit mit Dir war schoen
Jacqueline, the time with you was beautiful
Moi Jacqueline, I muass jetzt leida gehn
Jacqueline, my dear, I must unfortunately go now
Was jetzat anders ist, des kann I gar net song
What is different now, I can't even say
Mir wissen oi zwoa das des Verstehn net oiwei kloppt
We both know that understanding doesn't always work
Mir miassen weider ziang uns wieda selber gspuern
We have to move on and feel ourselves again
Kimm, lass des Feier wieda fuer die andern gliahn.
Come on, let the fire burn again for the others.
Jacqueline, konns selba net verstehn
Jacqueline, I can't understand it myself
Jo Jacqueline, lass mi bittschen gehn.
Jacqueline, my dear, please let me go.

Writer(s): Manuel Winbeck, Andreas Hofmeir, Oliver Wrage, Manuel Da Coll, Stefan Dettl

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