LaBrassBanda - Z'spat dro (in Dub) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais LaBrassBanda - Z'spat dro (in Dub)

Z'spat dro (in Dub)
I'm Late Again (in Dub)
De Autos stengan in da Schlang,
The cars are backed up in a line,
I bin z'spad dro
I'm late again
Sie stengan kilometer lang,
They're miles long,
I bin z'spad dro
I'm late again
Sunst ham doch zehn Minuten glangd,
It usually only takes ten minutes,
I bin z'spad dro
I'm late again
Donn glingld a nos Telefon,
And now the phone's ringing,
Da Chef wart scho,
The boss is already waiting,
Dass sowos imma mia bassiad,
Why does this always happen to me,
I bin z'spad dro
I'm late again
Oiwei ward i bis da Zoaga gliaht,
I always get up late,
I bin z'spad dro
I'm late again
A wenn i's hundert moi probier,
Even if I try a hundred times,
I bin z'spad dro
I'm late again
Auf Dnacht do hob i an Termin,
I have a date tonight,
I bin z'spad dro
I'm late again
Endlich triff i mi mid da Jasmin,
Finally I meet up with Jasmine,
I bin z'spad dro
I'm late again
I hoff dass i bei ihra gwinn,
I hope I can win her over,
I bin z'spad dro
I'm late again
Weil ihra lacha so sche klingd,
Because her laugh is so beautiful,
I glab i heas scho
I think I can hear it now
I ziag des guade hemmad o,
I put on my best shirt,
I bin z'spd dro
I'm really late
Und davor rasier i mi a no,
And before that I shave,
I bin z'spad dro
I'm late again
Wia i okim is sie nimma do
When I get there she's gone
I bin z'spad dro
I'm late again
Am sonndog hods wieda bresiad,
On Sunday it's pouring rain,
I war z'spad dro
I was late
Weil da neie Maibam aufegricht werd,
Because the new maypole is being raised,
I war z'spad dro
I was late
De Ampe back i unversehrt,
I get past the traffic lights unscathed,
I war z'spad dro
I was late
Doch dann is'd bruckn a no gsperrt,
But then the bridge is closed,
Des faid ma grod no
That's just what I needed
Probier is hintn umme no,
I try going around back,
I war z'spad dro
I was late
Fahr de gloana wegal aus Beton,
Driving down the little concrete roads,
I war z'spad dro,
I was late
Wia i an Maibam oine fahr,
As I drive past the maypole,
I glab i stand scho
I think I'm finally there
Schreit de ganze Ortschaft nach,
The whole town screams at me,
Du bist z'schnei dro!
You're too late!

Writer(s): Andreas Hofmeir, Manuel Winbeck, Oliver Wrage, Stefan Dettl, Manuel Da Coll

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