Laberinto ELC - Guerreando Por Monedas - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Laberinto ELC - Guerreando Por Monedas

Guerreando Por Monedas
Fighting for Coins
Bueno damas y caballeros tengan todos utedes muy buenas tarde
Well, ladies and gentlemen, I hope you all have a very good afternoon.
Disculpe que bengamos mi compañero y yo desde la comuna
Excuse me, my partner and I come from the commune.
Debido a la falta de oportunidad lo jovenes han salido a las esquinas
Due to the lack of opportunities, young people have taken to the streets.
Y con una gravadora tratan de expresar un mensaje
And with a tape recorder they try to express a message.
Y a la vez sobrevivir
And at the same time survive.
Me levanto hoy a las 7 empieza la dura jornada
I get up today at 7, the hard day begins.
Guerriando en esta jungla para nada hay de caza
Fighting in this jungle, there's nothing to hunt.
Hay mucho que nos humillan porque luchamos en bus
There are many who humiliate us because we fight on the bus.
La nececidad tiene cara de lo que sabes tu
Necessity has the face of what you know.
Como pobre dio sus discos de monedas se que vivo
As a poor man, he gave his records for coins, I know I live.
No me juzges no te juzgo si tu cuerpo tu destino
Don't judge me, I don't judge you if your body, your destiny.
De raperos con talentos y el urbano van montando
Rappers with talent and the urban are riding.
Cantada de todo el pueblo, el mensaje que estan sembrando
Singing of the whole town, the message they are sowing.
Llevando pan a su casa no rata que lo retaca
Bringing bread to their house, not a rat that stuffs it.
Porque no le falta nada su critica solo babas
Because he doesn't lack anything, his criticism is just drool.
Pero yo sigo tranquilo
But I'm still calm.
Con mi rima en la calle de un grito
With my rhyme in the street of a scream.
Conociendo muchos talentos que se habian escondido
Meeting many talents that had been hidden.
Y cantar por la monedas pasando por mi verguensa
And singing for coins, going through my shame.
Pero es mi cristo que me da la fuerza
But it's my Christ who gives me strength.
Oye dedicado a la gente que lucha dia tras dia
Hey, dedicated to the people who fight day after day.
Para conseguirce un pan
To get some bread.
Que dios lo vendiga mi hermano
May God bless you, my brother.
Laberinto en la calles
Labyrinth in the streets.
Si decimos que todo lo tenemos y aveses para muchos
If we say that we have everything and sometimes for many.
Es rebusque es de perros de perros callejeros que
It's a hustle of dogs, of stray dogs that.
Andan solos en el gettho buscando pa' su familia
They walk alone in the ghetto looking for their family.
Comida calor y techo
Food, warmth and shelter.
Te concluyo y soy honesto espero que entiendas esto
I conclude and I am honest, I hope you understand this.
La pobresa no conoce raza, distincion ni sexo.
Poverty knows no race, distinction or sex.
Perdone que venga ustedes con rimas y
Forgive me for coming to you with rhymes and.
Con algo de talento no tengo para comida
With some talent, I don't have any food.
Si supieras como me siento
If you knew how I feel.
Viviendo y sobreviviendo de lo que
Living and surviving on what.
Mas quiero y respeto
I love and respect the most.
Pero si no crees todo esto
But if you don't believe all this.
Preguntale al guitarrero al confitero al vendedor
Ask the guitar player, the candy maker, the seller.
Preguntale aquel medigo
Ask that beggar.
Que no encuentra solucion
That he can't find a solution.
Vivendo la situacion creo que eso esta mejor
Living the situation, I think that's better.
Tu familia no te nececita en las calle
Your family doesn't need you on the streets.
Guerriando por monedas
Fighting for coins.
En la dura calle enseña
In the hard street teaches.
Que nadie te da nada hay que guerriarla como fiera
That nobody gives you anything, you have to fight it like a beast.
Como fiera...
Like a beast...
La dura calle me a enseñado
The hard street has taught me.
A vivir en un mundo de rechesos
To live in a world of rejections.
Donde solo por subsistir la verguensa se ha acabado
Where just to survive shame has ended.
Donde el hambre de tu hijo es mas imprtante que tu prestigio
Where your child's hunger is more important than your prestige.
Sin importar que hablen de ti tus amigos y tus vecinos
No matter what your friends and neighbors say about you.
Solo porque te ven trabajando de forma indepentiente
Just because they see you working independently.
Que nadie te da una oportunidad
That nobody gives you a chance.
Tu vida no importa para otra gente
Your life doesn't matter to other people.
Bajo tuyo deja de vivir mi vida
Under yours, stop living my life.
Mira que lo tienes todo
Look what you have everything.
Mientras otro la nececida le busca una salida
While another necessity seeks a way out.
Dale gracias a dios
Thank God.
De que a ti no te toca hacer algo
That you don't have to do something.
De lo que te averguenses
Of which you are ashamed.
Pues no sabes lo duro que eso se siente
Well, you don't know how hard that feels.
Que un vagabundo sea rechesado por el mundo
That a bum be rejected by the world.
Guerriando por monedas
Fighting for coins.
En la dura calle enseña
In the hard street teaches.
Que nadie te da nada hay que guerriar la como fiera
That nobody gives you anything, you have to fight it like a beast.
Como fiera...
Like a beast...

Writer(s): Pablo Federico Cantu Ibarra, Alfonso Christian Jean Arroyo

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