Labvēlīgais Tips - Vai cik es skaists - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Labvēlīgais Tips - Vai cik es skaists

Vai cik es skaists
How Handsome Am I
Good morning, my love!
Acis atveram plati, atver acis un skati,
Open your eyes wide, open your eyes and see,
Ir jābūt drošam, ka istaba joprojām ir pati
Make sure the room is still the same, you and me.
No gultas jāceļas uzmanīgi, kājas noliekot savaldīgi
Get out of bed carefully, place your feet gently down,
Vai no kāda no istabas stūriem neuzglūn kādas briesmas
Are there any dangers lurking in the corners of the room, my sweet renown?
Tagad būs laiks tev lai padomātu vai pamodies esi ar veselu prātu
Now it's time for you to think, did you wake up sane and sound?
Pasēdi vientuļā, slepenā vietā un izpēti rezultātu
Sit alone, in a secret place, and examine the result you've found.
Spogulī seja ir jāpārbauda, pārbaude vienmēr lai sagādā baudu
Check your face in the mirror, let the inspection always be a sweet delight,
Rūpīgi ieskaties savās acīs un atceries - laiks nav nauda
Look carefully into your eyes and remember - time is not money, not tonight.
Vai, cik es skaists!
Oh, how handsome I am!
Ak, cik es skaists!
My, how handsome I am!
Šodien no rīta es pamodos skaists un viss ap mani tik skaists
This morning I woke up handsome and everything around me is so grand.
Vai, cik es skaists!
Oh, how handsome I am!
Ak, cik es skaists!
My, how handsome I am!
Šodien no rīta es pamodos skaists un viss ap mani tik skaists
This morning I woke up handsome and everything around me is so grand.
Augšā paceļam rokas, lai vingrinājumi sokas
Raise your hands up high, let the exercises flow,
Galvenais ir, lai pietupieni nesagādā mokas
The main thing is that squats don't cause you woe.
Ja elpu tu kārtīgi kontrolēsi, mūziku dievišķu sadzirdēsi
If you control your breath properly, you'll hear divine music play,
Rimti un rāmi ar sirdi tavu pukstēs tad Monteverdi
Calmly and serenely, Monteverdi will beat in your heart today.
Tagad ar nelielu kafijas tasi padomā mazliet vai grāmatu lasi
Now with a small cup of coffee, think a little or read a book, my dear,
Izvēlies stabilu vērtīgu mantu, varbūt kaut ko no Kanta
Choose a stable, valuable treasure, maybe something from Kant, so clear.
Ikrīta darbi nu padarīti, pēc plāna, nervozai steigai par spīti
Morning chores are now done, according to plan, despite the nervous haste,
Paspēji laikā vai nokavēji, gan jau būs citi rīti
Whether you were on time or late, there will be other mornings, no need to waste.
Vai, cik es skaists!
Oh, how handsome I am!
Ak, cik es skaists!
My, how handsome I am!
Šodien no rīta es pamodos skaists un viss ap mani tik skaists
This morning I woke up handsome and everything around me is so grand.
Vai, cik es skaists!
Oh, how handsome I am!
Ak, cik es skaists!
My, how handsome I am!
Šodien no rīta es pamodos skaists un viss ap mani tik skaists
This morning I woke up handsome and everything around me is so grand.
Vai, cik es skaists!
Oh, how handsome I am!
Ak, cik es skaists!
My, how handsome I am!
Šodien no rīta es pamodos skaists un viss ap mani tik skaists
This morning I woke up handsome and everything around me is so grand.
Vai, cik es skaists!
Oh, how handsome I am!
Ak, cik es skaists!
My, how handsome I am!
Šodien no rīta es pamodos skaists un viss ap mani tik... skaists.
This morning I woke up handsome and everything around me is so... grand.

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