Lačni Franz - Dan zmage ali rojstvo boljšega človeka - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Lačni Franz - Dan zmage ali rojstvo boljšega človeka

Dan zmage ali rojstvo boljšega človeka
Victory day or birth of a better man
Dan zmage se bliža
Victory day is coming
Prihaja s pesmijo na ustih
Coming with a song in its mouth
Polna tribuna sijočih obrazov
A full stand of smiling faces
Zdaj z ramo ob rami navdušeno vriska v en glas
Now shoulder to shoulder, cheering in one voice
Dan zmage se bliža
Victory day is coming
Je to ta zadnja ofenziva?
Is this the final offensive?
So ti težki časi za vedno za nami?
Are the hard times now behind us?
So dneve gorja zdaj zamenjali dnevi luči?
Have the days of suffering now been replaced by days of light?
Sovražnik sploh ne počiva
The enemy is not resting
Pije, tepe in poriva
He is drinking, beating, and pushing
Nove in nove mi rane odpira
He opens up new and new wounds for me
In vražje natančno udari, kjer najbolj boli
And he hits with devilish accuracy, where it hurts the most
Tu je še peta kolona
Here is the fifth column
Prebrisani mrzli bratranci
The clever, cold cousins
Nobeden od njih ni po župi priplaval
None of them have swum to the parish
In nobeden od njih nima niti malo srca
And none of them have any heart at all
Dan zmage se bliža
Victory day is coming
Dan zmage trka na vrata
Victory day is knocking at the door
Od jutri naprej, zdaj odkrito priznam
From tomorrow onwards, I'll admit it openly
Bom verjel, ti zaupal in me bo sram
I will believe you, trust you, and be ashamed

Writer(s): Zoran Predin, Oto Rimele, Zoran Stjepanovic

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