Lačni Franz - Paloma - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Lačni Franz - Paloma

Po poklicu sem diplomirani zabijalec nožev v hrbet
I'm a certified knife-in-the-back stabber
Lažem huje kot vi, kar še ne pomeni
I lie worse than you, which doesn't mean
Da niste pokvarjeni
You're not corrupt
Nepopisan bel list, so mi rekli
A blank sheet of paper, they told me
Prosojna nežna dušica
A transparent, tender soul
Dvojno vpojno restavracijska servietka
A double absorbent restaurant napkin
V našem stanovanju so imele stene umazana ušesa
The walls in our apartment had dirty ears
In predolge nohte
And long fingernails
Nekoč smo imeli gospodinjsko pomočnico
Once we had a housekeeper
Zdaj pa ni več babice - kruha je dovolj
Now grandma's gone - there's enough bread
Črno črno morje
Black, black sea
Po morju plava kit
A whale swims in the sea
In serje bombone in kadi marlboro
And shits candy and smokes Marlboros
Iz morja kaže garažna vrata
A garage door shows from the sea
"Zove se Dupe The Kid"
"Its name is Dupe The Kid"
Bodi priden, pojej juhico
Be good, eat your soup
Boš videl Mikija na dnu
You'll see Mickey at the bottom
Po treh letih je Miki postal gorgonzola
After three years Mickey became gorgonzola
Tudi črn humor nosi bele spodnje gate
Even black humor wears white underpants
Kdo ve, koliko tehta Bojan Križaj
Who knows how much Bojan Križaj weighs
Jaz vem zakaj pištola strelja metke
I know why a pistol shoots bullets
"Metke" strelja pištola zakaj vem jaz
"Bullets" are shot by a pistol, why do I know
Jazz jazz jazz Juuuuuuli
Jazz jazz jazz Juuuuuuli

Writer(s): Inconnu Compositeur Auteur, Zoran Predin

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