Lah Ahmad feat. Shazee - Kenapa feat Shazee - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Lah Ahmad feat. Shazee - Kenapa feat Shazee

Kenapa feat Shazee
Why feat Shazee
Sebelum ku kenalimu
Before I met you
Hidupku cukup ngan suka duka
My life was just ups and downs
Tak pernahku sangka semuanya akan berubah
I never thought everything would change
Dikau bagaikan cahaya, bagi jiwa ku ini
You are like a light, for my soul
Tak mungkinku lupa katamu kan sentiasa di sisi
I can't forget your words, always by my side
Bagaikan satu kisah cinta kita berdua ke mana
Like a love story, the two of us go everywhere
Asyik berpegangan tangan orang lain dilupakan
Holding hands, forgetting others
Apa terjadi, diriku ni masih tertekan
What happened, I'm still depressed
Hati dilukai setelah janji ditunaikan
My heart is hurt after my promises are kept
Tiap kali ku fikir, tiada guna bersedih
Every time I think about it, there's no point in being sad
Rakan-rakan katakan buang masa ku cintai
My friends tell me to stop wasting my time on you
Dikau punca pedihku, tiada baik darimu
You are the cause of my pain, nothing good from you
Tiada langsung yang benar dalam ungkapan bibirmu
There's nothing true in the words you speak
Kenapa harus ku bercinta
Why do I have to fall in love
Kenapa ku begini
Why am I like this
Kenapa harus ku tanggung semua
Why do I have to bear it all
Kenapa harus ku bercinta
Why do I have to fall in love
Kenapa ku percaya
Why do I believe
Kenapa aku diperbodoh kasih
Why am I fooled by love
Kenapa harusku percaya
Why should I believe you
Tak mungkin ku lupa kali pertama bersua
I can't forget the first time we met
Tak sangka, dikau kan menjadi pedih yang kan dalami jiwa
I didn't think you would become the pain that would deepen my soul
Siang malam termenung, sedih memakan hati
I dwell on it day and night, sadness consumes my heart
Tak pernah ku ingat ku boleh diluka begini
I never thought I could be hurt like this
Namun ku cekal hatiku, tuk melupakanmu
But I will be strong, to forget you
Ku tahu kau begitu
I know you so well
Malas ku nak rayu, buang tenagaku
I'm not going to beg you, it's a waste of my energy
Kau takkan mendengarku
You won't listen to me
Selamat tinggal oh kasih
Goodbye, my love
Janganlah iri hati
Don't be jealous
Hidup baru kan mula bila terbitnya mentari
A new life will begin when the sun rises
Kenapa harus ku bercinta
Why do I have to fall in love
Kenapa ku percaya
Why do I believe
Kenapa harus ku diperbodohkan
Why do I have to be fooled
Kenapa harus ku merayu
Why do I have to beg you
Kenapa ku percaya
Why do I believe
Kenapa harus ku dikecewakan
Why do I have to be disappointed
Kenapa harus ku bercinta
Why do I have to fall in love
Kenapa ku percaya
Why do I trust
Kenapa harus ku diperbodohkan
Why do I have to be fooled
Kenapa harus ku merayu
Why do I have to ask
Kenapa ku bercinta
Why do I fall in love
Kenapa harus ku pegang janjimu
Why do I have to hold on to your promises
Sekian lama telah ku simpan rasa ini di hati
For so long I have kept this feeling in my heart
Baru kini ku berani tuk mengatakan oh gadis
Only now do I dare to say it, oh girl
Dikau punca segala, kepedihan di hatiku
You are the source of all the pain in my heart
Tak ingin lagi ku lihat wajahmu di hadapanku
I don't want to see your face in front of me
Kenapa, kenapa
Why, why
Jadi sebegini
Should I be like this
Harusku bercinta
Must I fall in love
Kenapa, kenapa
Why, why
Kenapa baru sekarang
Why only now

Writer(s): Mohd Faizal Bin Maas, Shazee Ishak

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