Lakmann - Kriegsberichte - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Lakmann - Kriegsberichte

War Reports
Ah, Lakmann, ah
Ah, Lakmann, ah
Als ich geboren wurde, begann der Krieg in Afghanistan
When I was born, the war in Afghanistan began
Wer den jetzt gewonnen hat, davon hab ich bis heut kein Plan
Who won it now, I have no idea to this day
Ich wollt nur sagen: ziemlich arm die Geschichte
I just wanted to say: pretty poor history
36 Jahre alt doch ich kenn nur Kriegsberichte
36 years old, but I only know war reports
Als ich drei war, ahnte ich, dass es vorbei war
When I was three, I sensed it was over
Generation Krieg nicht nur auf der Leinwand
Generation war, not just on the screen
Mir egal ob jetzt China gegen Vietnam
I don't care if it's China against Vietnam now
Oder erster Golfkrieg Irak gegen den Iran
Or the first Gulf War, Iraq against Iran
Da war ich drei Mann, frohe Weihnacht
I was three, man, Merry Christmas
Die ganze Menschheit geht sich nur ein Scheiß an
All of humanity doesn't give a damn
1982, Libanon Krieg
1982, Lebanon War
Ich war grade einmal vier, es gab wieder nur Beef
I was just four, there was only beef again
Ein Jahr später USA in Grenada
A year later, the USA in Grenada
Was juckt das heut noch? Junge, nada
What does that matter today? Girl, nada
1985, da weiß ich aber nichts
1985, I don't know anything about that
Aber du wirst schon was finden, wenn auf Wikipedia klickst
But you'll find something if you click on Wikipedia
Viel interessanter, '87
Much more interesting, '87
Da war ich neun Mann, erste Intifada
I was nine, man, first Intifada
Da kam ich klar Mann, ich war ja schon fast zehn
I got it then, man, I was almost ten
Sowas hatte ich schon mein Leben lang gesehen
So I had seen all my life
Das waren die 80er, die schönen 80er
Those were the 80s, the beautiful 80s
Ende der 80er Krieg in Somalia
End of the 80s, war in Somalia
So kann ich sagen etwas mehr als mein erstes Jahrzehnt
So I can say a little more than my first decade
In meinem Leben war von Scheiße geprägt
In my life was marked by shit
(Ah) there's a war going on outside (on outside)
(Ah) there's a war going on outside (on outside)
A war going on outside no man is safe from
A war going on outside no man is safe from
There's a war going on outside
There's a war going on outside
You could run but you can't hide forever, can't hide forever
You could run but you can't hide forever, can't hide forever
There's a war going on outside (on outside)
There's a war going on outside (on outside)
A war going on outside no man is safe from
A war going on outside no man is safe from
There's a war going on outside no man is safe from
There's a war going on outside no man is safe from
You could run but you can't-can't hide forever
You could run but you can't-can't hide forever
1990, zweiter Golfkrieg
1990, second Gulf War
Aber diesmal mit UN-Truppen, ich war grade zwölf
But this time with UN troops, I was just twelve
Ich denk häufig, so langsam häuft sich
I often think it's slowly piling up
Viele Kriege kommen und gehen aber keiner überzeugt mich
Many wars come and go, but none convince me
1991: Krieg in Slowenien
1991: War in Slovenia
Zwar nur 10 Tage, Mann, das wirkte ja wie Ferien
Only 10 days, man, it felt like a holiday
Es interessiert die allerwenigsten wie sowas entsteht
Very few people are interested in how something like that happens
Das ist kein Fehler im System
This is not a bug in the system
Ein Jahr später, Kroatien Krieg
A year later, Croatian War
Bosnien Krieg, Kosovo Krieg
Bosnian War, Kosovo War
Ein ganzes Jahrzehnt sowieso im Krieg
A whole decade at war anyway
Ich kann nicht leugnen, is'n monotones Lied
I can't deny it's a monotonous song
1994, und jetzt merkste
1994, and now you notice
Wie so häufig Tschetschenienkrieg der erste
As so often, the first Chechen war
War der härteste, war nur mehr man
Was the hardest, was just more man
Aus dieser Gegend weißte gar nicht was zuerst kam
From this area you don't even know what came first
Parallel dazu Bürgerkrieg in Nepal
Parallel to that, civil war in Nepal
Ach egal, Bürgerkrieg in Nepal
Oh, whatever, civil war in Nepal
Sind nur paar Zahlen hier auf meiner Liste
They're just a few numbers on my list
Eine Million Namen auf 'ner Matrize
A million names on a die
In den 90er wurd es nicht freundlicher
The 90s didn't get any friendlier
Ist noch harmlos, so wie die Nato
It's still harmless, like NATO
So kann ich sagen etwas mehr als mein zweites Jahrzehnt
So I can say a little more than my second decade
In mei'm Leben war von Scheiße geprägt
In my life was marked by shit
(Ah) there's a war going on outside (on outside)
(Ah) there's a war going on outside (on outside)
A war going on outside no man is safe from
A war going on outside no man is safe from
There's a war going on outside
There's a war going on outside
You could run but you can't hide forever, can't hide forever
You could run but you can't hide forever, can't hide forever
There's a war going on outside (on outside)
There's a war going on outside (on outside)
A war going on outside no man is safe from
A war going on outside no man is safe from
There's a war going on outside no man is safe from
There's a war going on outside no man is safe from
You could run but you can't-can't hide forever
You could run but you can't-can't hide forever
Forever, forever
Forever, forever

Writer(s): Julian Weiss-vogtmann

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