Lars Vaular - Skyld På Lars Vaular - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Lars Vaular - Skyld På Lars Vaular

Skyld På Lars Vaular
Blame It On Lars Vaular
Eg fikk et brev I posten fra Trafikketaten
I got a letter in the mail from the Traffic Authority,
De sa eg hengte opp plakater som forsøplet gaten
They said I hung up posters that littered the street.
Eg sa "Du, den der anklagen e pisslunken
I said, "Yo, that accusation is lukewarm,
Eg bor I Bergen, va'kkje I Oslo det der tidspunktet"
I live in Bergen, wasn't in Oslo at that time."
De hadde fått utvidet myndighet til å drive
They had been given expanded authority to operate
En kommunal etat som om de va politiet
A municipal agency as if they were the police,
Og ville sette gjeld til navnet mitt som en mafia
And wanted to put debt to my name like a mafia.
Ey fuck det, det her e Skandinavia
Ey fuck that, this is Scandinavia.
De sa det va en mulighet for å klage
They said there was a possibility to appeal,
Men for å bruke den muligheten, du først betale
But to use that possibility, you first have to pay,
Og først etter det vil de vurdere lovligheten
And only after that will they assess the legality
Av ileggelsen av boten, I realiteten
Of the imposition of the fine, so in reality
Kan eg lage en plakat med navnet ditt
I can make a poster with your name on it,
Henge 'an opp, du får en bot med navnet ditt
Hang it up, you get a fine with your name on it.
Men eg sa "Fuck det drittet, eg ska aldri betale
But I said, "Fuck that shit, I'll never pay,
Ta meg til retten, tøs, eg gir deg svar tiltale"
Take me to court, bitch, I'll give you an answer to the charges."
Tenkte ikkje praktisk, tenkte "Fuck det, fack this"
Didn't think practically, thought "Fuck it, fack this,"
Fikk eg de folka bare til å endre praksis
If I could just get those people to change their practice.
No du bli tatt fersken for å punge ut
Now you have to be caught red-handed to cough up,
heng det opp kjapt og løp om det kommer snut
So hang it up quick and run if the cops come.
Gjør det du te du fyller lokalet
Do what you gotta do until you fill the venue,
Si te de arrogante horene at Lars Vaular sa det
Tell those arrogant bitches that Lars Vaular said it.
Si te de arrogante horene at Lars Vaular sa det
Tell those arrogant bitches that Lars Vaular said it.
Skyld Lars Vaular
Blame it on Lars Vaular.
Skyld Lars Vaular
Blame it on Lars Vaular.
Det e min skyld at du no har unger du e flau av
It's my fault you now have kids you're ashamed of.
Skyld Lars Vaular
Blame it on Lars Vaular.
Skyld Lars Vaular
Blame it on Lars Vaular.
Det e min skyld at de skyter dopet te de dauer
It's my fault they shoot the dope until they die.
De fikk meg til å tro at den der dopen va problemet
They made me believe that that dope was the problem,
Men dopen e jo bare symptomet problemet
But the dope is just a symptom of the problem.
For behovet e problemet, behovet som folk har
Because the need is the problem, the need that people have,
Behovet for et svar, til og med om det e galt
The need for an answer, even if it's wrong.
Problemet e levende hvert eneste sted det lever
The problem is alive in every place where it lives,
Mer enn 500 mennesker som alle skal streve
More than 500 people who are all struggling,
Uten å vite helt grunnen, vil de messe systemet opp
Without knowing the reason, they want to mess the system up,
Og bunnen skaper løsningen det neste problemet
And at the bottom, the solution creates the next problem.
Oppe høyden der drømmene får leve
Up on the heights where dreams get to live,
Helt te drømmene fordrepes
Until the dreams are murdered.
Og la oss være ærlig, ett eller aent sted
And let's be honest, somewhere,
Fikk drømmen verdier som gjør oss ufokusert
The dream got values that make us unfocused,
Og lenge disse driver oss, river de oss ned
And as long as these drive us, they tear us down.
Men fuck it, du kan skylle meg
But fuck it, you can blame it on me.
Og lenge disse driver oss, river de oss ned
And as long as these drive us, they tear us down.
Men fuck it, du kan skylle meg
But fuck it, you can blame it on me.
Jeeee, de skyter den der dopen te de dauer
Yeeeah, they shoot that dope until they die,
Og det e ikkje grunn av tjommien Lars, Lars Vaular
And it's not because of my buddy Lars, Lars Vaular.
Det e for at du misforstår
It's because you misunderstand.
Lars han gjør brae ting, mann, han forandrer systemet
Lars, he does good things, man, he changes the system,
Gjør at folk bli tatt fersken for å punge ut, mann
Makes it so people have to be caught red-handed to cough up, man.
Men uansett, la oss si at du e din arbeidsplass
But anyway, let's say you're at your workplace,
Og du blir tatt fersken å ikkje jobbe og være slapp
And you get caught red-handed not working and being lazy,
Og din sjef han finner deg, han sier til deg "Hei, kom deg tilbake jobb"
And your boss finds you, he says to you, "Hey, get back to work."
Hvis du har jobben din kjær, og heller ikkje spør kor sjefen har vært
If you love your job, you also don't ask where your boss has been,
Fordi sjefen e litt brun I huden, du ser at han har vært ferie
Because the boss is a bit tanned, you see he's been on vacation,
Han skinner litt fordi han e en vinner
He shines a bit because he's a winner.
Lars Vaular e en sjef og han skinner og han vinner
Lars Vaular is a boss and he shines and he wins,
Og det her e bare "D'e glede", mann
And this is just "D'e glede", man.
NMG/G-huset for alltid
NMG/G-huset forever.
Og forresten, skyld Lars Vaular for at du høres dårlig ut
And by the way, blame Lars Vaular for sounding bad.

Writer(s): Lars Vaular

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