Las Bajas Pasiones - Rebel·lia - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Las Bajas Pasiones - Rebel·lia

Camí, ferro,
Path, iron,
Sol etern,
Eternal sun,
Dies grisos,
Gray days,
A dins del pit
Within the breast
Rabia, ira
Rage, anger
Amor i set
Love and thirst
La nostra vida
Our life
Val molt més.
Is worth much more.
El nostre pensament sincer
Our sincere thought
és la nostra rebel·lia
is our rebellion
Que m'inspira, dia a dia
That inspires me, day by day
Li fem front a l'apatia
We face apathy
Mirant al cel, no buscant a déu,
Looking at the sky, not looking for God,
Em sambla que se esta fent fosc,
It seems to me that it is getting dark,
Em passa del cap als peus
It passes me from head to toe
M'esta recorrent tot el cos,
It is running all over my body,
El que la resta no veu,
What the rest don't see,
és el que estic veient jo,
is what I am seeing,
Quan em poso a escriure, i trec
When I start writing, and I draw
De mi una força de l'interior,
From me a force of the interior,
Que mai he vist,
That I have never seen,
que el cami
I know that the path
és sense tornada
is without return
Però asumeixo aquest risc,
But I assume this risk,
Món individual
Individual world
No miro al costat, això és trist,
I do not look at the side, this is sad,
Gent sense pis,
People without a roof,
Capitalisme i feixisme,
Capitalism and fascism,
Home hetero blanc i cis,
White cis hetero male,
No vull truere el cap a l'abisme,
I don't want to fall into the abyss,
El nostres colors contra el seu mon gris
Our colors against their gray world
El nostre pensament sincer
Our sincere thought
és la nostra rebel·lia
is our rebellion
Que m'inspira, dia a dia
That inspires me, day by day
Li fem front a l'apatia
We face apathy
M'omplo el pit, respiro aire fresc,
I fill my chest, I breathe fresh air,
De l'1 al 10, per truere el estrés,
From 1 to 10, to break the stress,
El temps no és fixe, canvia de ser,
Time is not fixed, it changes from being,
Amb gent al voltant, formant un desert,
With people around, forming a desert,
Trapitjo el sostre, qualsevol supeficie ara és ferma,
I stomp on the roof, any surface is now firm,
Fico el meu cap sota l'aigua, no si tornarem a veure'ns
I put my head under the water, I don't know if we'll see each other again
La meva postura és ambigua, per això és dificil ofendre,
My posture is ambiguous, that is why it is difficult to offend,
La esencia és profunda i antiga, ho sento no la tinc en venda
The essence is deep and ancient, I'm sorry I don't have it for sale
Trapitjo el sostre, qualsevol supeficie ara és ferma,
I stomp on the roof, any surface is now firm,
Fico el meu cap sota l'aigua, no si tornarem a veure'ns
I put my head under the water, I don't know if we'll see each other again
La meva postura és ambigua, per això és dificil ofendre,
My posture is ambiguous, that is why it is difficult to offend,
La esencia és profunda i antiga, ho sento no la tinc en venda
The essence is deep and ancient, I'm sorry I don't have it for sale
Totes venen les respostes
All the answers come
Em pregunten per la meva
They ask me about mine
Europa és un mort que empesta
Europe is a stinking corpse
Tanca els ulls allò que és viu
It closes its eyes to that which is alive
Donem voltes, donem voltes
We go round and round
Mai trobem la porta oberta
We never find the open door
Sobirana és la proposta
Sovereignty is the proposal
I els seus murs una desfeta.
And its walls a disgrace.
Totes venen les respostes
All the answers come
Em pregunten per la meva
They ask me about mine
Europa és un mort que empesta
Europe is a stinking corpse
Tanca els ulls allò que és viu
It closes its eyes to that which is alive
Donem voltes, donem voltes
We go round and round
Mai trobem la porta oberta
We never find the open door
Sobirana és la proposta
Sovereignty is the proposal
I els seus murs una desfeta.
And its walls a disgrace.
El nostre pensament sincer
Our sincere thought
és la nostra rebel·lia
is our rebellion
Que m'inspira, dia a dia
That inspires me, day by day
Li fem front a l'apatia
We face apathy
Li fem front a l'apatia
We face apathy
Li fem front a l'apatia
We face apathy

Writer(s): Antonio Bello Claus, Daniel Vera Muñoz, Eduardo Griñán Martínez

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