Laura Beg - Pa dir li - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Laura Beg - Pa dir li

Pa dir li
Don't Tell Him
Àkoz sa to sover to habillé to crier pa dir toi nenyer
Why do you dress up and yell, don't tell him, no?
Akoz sa tou le samedi soir to amen rôle zen zan ar moi
Why do you take young men out with me every Saturday night?
Àkoz sa to sover to habillé to crier pa dir toi nenyer
Why do you dress up and yell, don't tell him, no?
Akoz sa tou le samedi soir to amen rôle zen zan ar moi
Why do you take young men out with me every Saturday night?
Tou le samedi soir la fievre la lever
Every Saturday night, the fever rises.
Ti zan met so costim la li parer
The young man puts on his suit, he's ready.
Ti soulier bien verni ti soset bien fleri
Shiny shoes, well-polished, flowers on his lapel.
So madam dibouter la li dimander
His woman, at the door, she asks him
Kotsa to aller li pa repone li
Where are you going? He doesn't answer.
Pa to zafer mo al chaker impe partout
Don't you worry, I'm just going to hang out, you know?
Sa cout la mo Kwar to fer impe trop
That's a lot, I think you're doing too much.
Madam la décider pou pas dir nenyer
She decides not to say anything.
Kuma ti zan vir ledos li dir atan twa koner
As he turns his back, he says, "Wait for you, sweetheart."
Li dresse so robe dentelle fer li
She straightens her lace dress, she's
Zoli dégazer Zordi li envi kone to rol
Pretty and alluring, she wants to know your role tonight.
Ler li rent dan bal pas bisin dir ou ti zan ape fer exhibition
When she enters the ballroom, you don't need to be told, the young man is putting on a show.
Àkoz sa to sover to habillé to crier pa dir toi nenyer
Why do you dress up and yell, don't tell him, no?
Àkoz sa tou le samedi soir to amen rôle zen zan ar moi
Why do you take young men out with me every Saturday night?
Àkoz sa to sover to habillé to crier pa dir toi nenyer
Why do you dress up and yell, don't tell him, no?
Akoz sa tou le samedi soir to amen rôle zen zan ar moi
Why do you take young men out with me every Saturday night?
Madam dir ti zan mais si to envi zoue
She says to the young man, but if you want to play,
Nu à guêter entre nu de lakel pou gagner
We'll see who wins between us.
Enn ti lom passer dir madam s'il vous plaît
A young man walks by and says, "Excuse me, madam,"
Mo ti à bien content fer ou konessans
I'd be very happy to introduce myself.
Mo ti envi danse avec ou la prossen danse
I would like to dance with you in the next dance.
Ala madam accepter
She accepts.
Ala ti zan énerver
The young man gets angry.
Letan ti zan tane sa Pa bisin dir ou li senti so tention monter
When the young man sees this, you don't need to be told, he feels his blood pressure rising.
Madam la Dir li kumsa mais ti zan c'est
She says to him, "It's like that, but young man, it's
Pas de ma faute c'est to même ki finn rode sa
Not my fault, you're the one who wanted this.
Akoz sa to sover to habillé to crier pa dir toi nenyer
Why do you dress up and yell, don't tell him, no?
Akoz sa tou le samedi soir to amen rôle zen zan ar moi
Why do you take young men out with me every Saturday night?
Pa dir li
Don't tell him.
Pa dir li
Don't tell him.
Pa dir li
Don't tell him.
Pa dir li crier pa dir li
Don't tell him, yell, don't tell him.
Pa dir li nenyer
Don't tell him, no.
Pas dir li ki nu marier
Don't tell him we're married.
Akoz sa to sover to habillé to crier pa dir toi nenyer
Why do you dress up and yell, don't tell him, no?
Akoz sa to amen rôle zen zan ar moi
Why do you take young men out with me?

Writer(s): Laura Beg

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