Lawa Nie Geng - Siapa Aku - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Lawa Nie Geng - Siapa Aku

Siapa Aku
Who Am I
Aku cannibal
I'm a cannibal
Makan rapper yang masih terrible
Eating rappers who are still terrible
Jamah mentah mentah
Raw beast
Biar sisa bangkai terabur
Let the remains be scattered
Aku pegang mic
I hold the mic
Jangan harap seorang dapan sentuh
Don't expect anyone to be able to touch it
Siapa berani fight?
Who dares to fight?
Aku queen dalam catur
I'm the queen in chess
Geng dengan James Bond
Gang with James Bond
Tunggang tron
Ride the throne
Aku berpantun
I'm a poet
Melantun ayat beracun
Sing toxic verse
Blow by Typhoon
Blow by Typhoon
Kau jakun
You're the larynx
Yo, rilex brader brader rilex
Yo, relax brother brother relax
Saya Al-abbas
I'm Al-abbas
Maaf ini bukannya skrillex
Sorry this is not skrillex
Rap aku subject
My rap is subject
Kau eject, aku reflect, kau defect
You eject, I reflect, you defect
Buat kau dirasa disrespect
Make you feel disrespected
Seminit acara
One minute show
Kita connect
We connect
Aku baca langkah pesaing dan
I read the opponent's move and
Puft! Semua checkmate, beat it!
Puft! All checkmate, beat it!
Aku beat ini beat sampai sakit
I beat this beat until it hurts
Ini tiket, kau balik dan jangan datang balik
This is the ticket, go back and don't come back
Got it?
Got it?
Aku pemurah tapi mahal dalam lagu
I'm generous but expensive in songs
Ini sajalah mereka kenal siapa aku
This is how they will know who I am
Sebelum akhbar kita dah tersebar
Before the newspapers we already spread out
Biar mereka kata kita pencemar
Let them say that we are polluters
Tolong diam yang lama dan baru
Please be silent old and new
Pastikan mereka kenal siapa aku
Make sure they know who I am
Sebelum akhbar kita dah tersebar
Before the newspapers we already spread out
Biar mereka kata kita pencemar
Let them say that we are polluters
Tolong diam yang lama dan baru
Please be silent old and new
Pastikan mereka kenal siapa aku, siapa aku
Make sure they know who I am, who I am
Tiga recruit sampai lima
Three recruits to five
Amacam tengok jadinya
How's it going
Dulu sekolah mula skema
Used to go to school and scheme
Sekarang nampak Metallica
Now looks like Metallica
Rimba keluar satria
Forest out of the knights
Sudah tukar? Sathiya
Did you exchange? Sathiya
Pi mai kut mana pun tetap sempoi buat rappla
Pi mai kut wherever still cool to rap
Tuan puan tolong beri tumpuan
Can you give us your focus
Pada orang jadi rujukan
On those that we reference
Boleh buang kamus dewan
Throw away the Dewan dictionary
Ops! Sorry, sorry
Oops! Sorry, sorry
Itu cuma gurau
That was just a joke
Back to the the fact
Back to the facts
Kasi brag tolong ajar rap kaw Kaw
Teach the bragger how this rap thing goes
Ramai jadi Tony Antagonis
Many became Tony Antagonis
Dalam movie
In the movie
Bukan rap walau dengar HD
Not rap even though you listen to HD
Drake nak jadi
Drake wants to be
Wayne nak jadi,
Wayne wants to be,
Semua pun nak jadi
They all want to be
Tanya budak posers
Just ask the poser kids
Tak semua kenal DMC
Not everyone knows DMC
Konon unik tukar idea
supposedly unique exchanging ideas
Cuma buat awek geram mintak air dia
Just to make the girls angry asking for your water
Jangan risau askar Penang aku tetap macam dulu
Don't worry my Penang soldiers I remain as I was
Ini sajalah cara mereka kenal siapa aku
This is how they will know who I am
Sebelum akhbar kita dah tersebar
Before the newspapers we already spread out
Biar mereka kata kita pencemar
Let them say that we are polluters
Tolong diam yang lama dan baru
Please be silent old and new
Pastikan mereka kenal siapa aku
Make sure they know who I am
Sebelum akhbar kita dah tersebar
Before the newspapers we already spread out
Biar mereka kata kita pencemar
Let them say that we are polluters
Tolong diam yang lama dan baru
Please be silent old and new
Pastikan mereka kenal siapa aku
Make sure they know who I am
Siapa aku
Who am I

Writer(s): Al Abbas, Muariffah, Daney On The Beat

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