Lax'n'Busto - A Porta Freda - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Lax'n'Busto - A Porta Freda

A Porta Freda
At the Cold Gate
A porta freda et vaig trobar;
I found you at the cold gate;
Trenta pantalles fins poder arribar a tu.
Thirty screens until I could get to you.
Amb la dolenta i quasi a empentes,
With my sore hand and almost pushing,
Potser amb retard però eres a l'últim vagó de l'andana.
Maybe late but you were in the last train car on the platform.
Tu, i és que havies de ser tu
You, and it had to be you,
Qui fes curta l'espera i llarg el record.
Who would make the wait short and the memory long.
Creuaré mil misteris i ficcions
I will cross a thousand mysteries and fictions
Caminant cap a tu.
Walking towards you.
Trencant la lògica imperant,
Breaking the prevailing logic,
A porta freda vingué la solució.
At the Cold Gate the solution came.
Lliures de clàusules pactades
Free from agreed-upon clauses
Em vas sorprendre amb el petó més bonic del món.
You surprised me with the most beautiful kiss in the world.
Qui fes curta l'espera
Who would make the wait short
La hi faria per sempre.
Would make it forever.
Sempre fins la propera estació...
Always until the next station...

Writer(s): Jaume Mercader Pinol, Jesus Costas Rovira

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