Lax'n'Busto - Buscaré - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Lax'n'Busto - Buscaré

I'll Search
De sobte el busco però no hi és
Suddenly I search but you're not there
De sobte el crido però no em sent
Suddenly I cry but you don't hear
Quan hi he renunciat, on l'hauré deixat?
When I've given up, where will I have left you?
De sobte el provoco però no em ve
Suddenly I provoke but you don't come to me
De sobte el desitjo intensament
Suddenly I desire you intensely
Quan serà apagat, on serà amagat?
When it's turned off, where will it be hidden?
Tot d'una me n'adono que no et tinc
All of a sudden I realize I don't have you
Tot d'una és avui però sembla ahir
All of a sudden it's today but it seems like yesterday
Surt cara la vida si no hi ets amb mi
Life is expensive if you're not with me
Buscaré una raó de pes
I'll search for a weighty reason
Buscaré pel camí una drecera
I'll search for a shortcut on the way
Sense mirar mai enrere
Without ever looking back
Oh, oh, on ets?
Oh, oh, where are you?
De cop la raó em farà seguir
Suddenly the reason will make me follow
No vull més promeses sense fi
I don't want any more endless promises
No més incerteses, no vull més neguits
No more uncertainties, I don't want any more worries
Tot d'una me n'adono que no et tinc
All of a sudden I realize I don't have you
Tot d'una és avui però sembla ahir
All of a sudden it's today but it seems like yesterday
Surt cara la vida si no hi ets amb mi
Life is expensive if you're not with me
Buscaré una raó de pes
I'll search for a weighty reason
Buscaré pel camí una drecera
I'll search for a shortcut on the way
Sense mirar mai enrere
Without ever looking back
Buscaré allò que m'inhibeix
I'll search for that which inhibits me
Buscaré pel camí una drecera
I'll search for a shortcut on the way
Saltaré questa barrera
I'll jump over this barrier
Però com he pogut, perdre
But how could I have lost it,
Perdre el meu somriure, perdre'l
Lost my smile, lost it
Vull recuperar-lo. On és? On és? On és?
I want to get it back. Where is it? Where is it? Where is it?
Buscaré una raó de pes
I'll search for a weighty reason
Buscaré pel camí una drecera
I'll search for a shortcut on the way
Sense mirar mai enrere
Without ever looking back
Buscaré allò que m'inhibeix
I'll search for that which inhibits me
Una drecera
A shortcut
Enrere mai, oh no, oh no, oh no
Never back, oh no, oh no, oh no

Writer(s): Salva Racero

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