Lax'n'Busto - M'acompanyaras - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Lax'n'Busto - M'acompanyaras

You Will Accompany Me
Arribar allà on no he estat
To arrive where I have not been
Aconseguir-ho es arriscat
To achieve it is risky
Però és el meu pla
But it's my plan
Busco el que sempre he buscat
I seek what I have always sought
Però mai soc el lloc adequat
But I am never in the right place
Potser demà, ja no se on vaig
Perhaps tomorrow, I don't know where I am going
Sort en tinc de veure-ho clar
I'm lucky to see it clearly
Quan hi arribo ja ha passat
When I arrive, it has already passed
Es massa tard
It's too late
Però la sort es despertar
But luck is waking up
Desitjant de començar
Wanting to start
Un altre cop, un altre cop
Again, again
Mai no es tard
It's never too late
Diga'm que tot ho deixes
Tell me that you will leave everything
Diga'm que no tens pressa, no tens pressa
Tell me that you are in no hurry, in no hurry
Que en aquest llarg viatge
That on this long journey
You will accompany me
I esborrarem tots dos
And we will both erase
Tot el que queda del passat
All that remains of the past
Que no el faré tot sol
That I will not do it alone
Que puges a la nau
That you will get on the ship
No tindré por de res si é que vens
I will not be afraid of anything if you come
Si és que et tinc el meu costat
If I have you by my side
Que en aquest llarg viatge
That on this long journey
You will accompany me
I esborrarem tots dos
And we will both erase
Tot el que queda del passat
All that remains of the past
Que no el faré tot sol
That I will not do it alone
Que puges a la nau
That you will get on the ship
No tindré por de res si é que vens
I will not be afraid of anything if you come
Si és que et tinc el meu costat
If I have you by my side
Sempre en cercle caminant
Always walking in circles
Sembla que per aquí ja he passat
It seems like I have already been here
Potser demà... ja no se on vaig
Perhaps tomorrow... I don't know where I am going
Busco el que sempre he buscat
I seek what I have always sought
Però mai soc el lloc adequat
But I am never in the right place
Es un mal pla, un mal pla (un mal pla)
It's a bad plan, a bad plan (a bad plan)
Sort en tinc de veure-ho clar
I'm lucky to see it clearly
Quan hi arribo ja ha passat
When I arrive, it has already passed
Es massa tard (massa tard, massa tard)
It's too late (too late, too late)
Però la sort es despertar
But luck is waking up
Desitjant de començar
Wanting to start
Un altre cop, un altre cop
Again, again
Mai no es tard!
It's never too late!
Diga'm que tot ho deixes
Tell me that you will leave everything
Diga'm que no, no no, no tens presa, no tens presa
Tell me that no, no, no, you are in no hurry, in no hurry
Que en aquest llarg viatge
That on this long journey
You will accompany me
I esborrarem tots dos
And we will both erase
Tot el que queda del passat
All that remains of the past
Que no el faré tot sol
That I will not do it alone
Que puges a la nau
That you will get on the ship
No tindré por de res si és que vens
I will not be afraid of anything if you come
Si és que et tinc el meu costat
If I have you by my side
Que en aquest llarg viatge
That on this long journey
You will accompany me
I esborrarem tots dos
And we will both erase
Tot el que queda del passat
All that remains of the past
Que no el faré tot sol
That I will not do it alone
Que puges a la nau
That you will get on the ship
No tindré por de res si é que vens
I will not be afraid of anything if you come
Si és que et tinc el meu costat
If I have you by my side
Si és que et tinc el meu costat
If I have you by my side
Si és que et tinc el meu costat
If I have you by my side
Arribar allà on no he estat
To arrive where I have not been
Aconseguir-ho es arriscat
To achieve it is risky
És el meu pla!
It is my plan!

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