Lax'n'Busto - Nen Surt Al Carrer - Versió Acustica de l'Auditori - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Lax'n'Busto - Nen Surt Al Carrer - Versió Acustica de l'Auditori

Nen Surt Al Carrer - Versió Acustica de l'Auditori
Boy Go Out Into The Street - Acoustic Version from the Auditori
Avui la ràdio
Today the radio
Deia que el Barça
Said that Barça
Ha fitxat a en Romario
Has signed Romario
Per tres-cents quilos
For three-hundred kilos
Que el tio es un Déu
That the dude is a God
I en els diaris
And in the newspapers
Del que més es parlava
What was talked about the most
Era que a Sarajevo
Was that in Sarajevo
Les bombes dels Serbis
The bombs of the Serbs
Ja havien fet deu morts
Had already caused ten deaths
I jo que ho sento
And I, hearing that,
M'empipa quan penso
It makes me angry when I think
Que a menys de vuit hores d'aquí
That in less than eight hours from here
Ells es maten i aquí ens els gastem
They are killing each other, and here we spend on these things
Nen surt cap al carrer
Boy, go out into the street
Que jo tambe vindré
That I will come too
Hem de dir no pot ser
We have to say it cannot be
Nen surt cap al carrer
Boy, go out into the street
Que jo tambe vindré
That I will come too
Hem de dir no pot ser
We have to say it cannot be
Qui mata balenes
Who kills whales
Qui caça les foques
Who hunts seals
Qui passa la coca
Who passes cocaine
Qui fa frau fiscal
Who commits tax fraud
Es fa ric en un salt
Becomes rich in one leap
I a Etiopia
And in Ethiopia
Hi ha més morts cada dia
There are more deaths every day
I per molt que se'n parla
And no matter how much is said about it
La fam arrosega tot el que allí hi ha
Hunger drags down everything there is there
I així la vida
And so life
No és gens divertida
Is not at all fun
I mentre uns 'mamons'
And while some 'mammoni'
S'embutxaquen la pasta
Pocket the dough
Hi ha gent que es desfà
There are people who are being killed
Nen surt cap al carrer
Boy, go out into the street
Que jo també vindré
That I will come too
Hem de dir no pot ser
We have to say it cannot be
Nen surt cap al carrer
Boy, go out into the street
Que jo tambe vindre
That I will come too
Hem de dir no pot ser
We have to say it cannot be
Segur que hi ha gent
Surely there are people
Que hi vol col·laborar
Wanting to collaborate with it
Com segur que n'hi ha que no ho volen
As surely as there are those who do not want to
Comença amb tu mateix
Start with yourself
Almenys fes-ho pel que neix
At least do it for what is born
Que es trobi un mon millor per viure
Find a better world to live in
Nen surt cap al carrer
Boy, go out into the street
Que jo també vindré
That I will come too
Hem de dir no pot ser
We have to say it cannot be
Nen surt cap al carrer
Boy, go out into the street
Que jo també vindré
That I will come too
Hem de dir no pot ser
We have to say it cannot be
Nen surt cap al carrer
Boy, go out into the street
Que jo també vindré
That I will come too
Nen surt cap al carrer
Boy, go out into the street
Que jo també vindré
That I will come too
Nen surt cap al carrer
Boy, go out into the street
Que jo també vindré
That I will come too
Nen surt cap al carrer
Boy, go out into the street
Que jo també vindré
That I will come too
Nen surt cap al carrer
Boy, go out into the street
Que jo també vindré
That I will come too
Nen surt cap al carrer
Boy, go out into the street
Que jo també vindré
That I will come too

Writer(s): Cristian Gómez Montenegro, Jesús Rovira, Jimmy Piñol, Pemi Fortuny, Pemi Rovirosa

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