Lax'n'Busto - No Se Pas Com - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Lax'n'Busto - No Se Pas Com

No Se Pas Com
Don't Let Me Hang
Oh! nena quan siguis vella
Oh! baby when you're old
I la dentadura et caigui al terra
And your teeth have fallen to the ground
Recordaràs tot el que jo
You'll remember all that I
Ara et dic
Tell you now
Estaràs tota acabada
You'll be all used up
I tota plena de canes
And full of gray hair
Però hi haurà una altra cosa
But there'll be something else
Que no et deixarà dormir
That won't let you sleep
Doncs tindràs un gran remordiment
'Cause you'll have a great remorse
Sempre que estiguis conscient
Whenever you're conscious
I diràs perquè tu vas deixar
And you'll say why did you leave
A aquell pobre penjat
That poor guy hanging
Doncs tindràs un gran remordiment
'Cause you'll have a great remorse
Sempre que estiguis conscient
Whenever you're conscious
I diràs perquè tu vas deixar
And you'll say why did you leave
A aquell pobre penjat
That poor guy hanging
La solució la tens al costat
The solution, it's right by your side
No em deixis tot sol avui penjat
Don't leave me hanging here today
Tot i encara que estigui mamat
Even though I'm drunk
I cabrejat
And pissed off
Ja veuràs com demà
You'll see tomorrow
Quan la ressaca hagi passat
When the hangover's gone
Jo tornaré a ser
I'll be the same again
El noi que era abans
The guy I was before
I no tindràs un gran remordiment
And you won't have a great remorse
Sempre que estiguis conscient
Whenever you're conscious
I no diràs per què tu vas deixar
And you won't say why did you leave
A aquell pobre penjat
That poor guy hanging
I no tindràs un gran remordiment
And you won't have a great remorse
Sempre que estiguis conscient
Whenever you're conscious
I no diràs per què tu vas deixar
And you won't say why did you leave
A aquell pobre penjat
That poor guy hanging
I no tindràs un gran remordiment
And you won't have a great remorse
Sempre que estiguis conscient
Whenever you're conscious
I no diràs per què tu vas deixar
And you won't say why did you leave
A aquell pobre penjat
That poor guy hanging
I no tindràs un gran remordiment
And you won't have a great remorse
Sempre que estiguis conscient
Whenever you're conscious
I no diràs per què tu vas deixar
And you won't say why did you leave
A aquell pobre penjat
That poor guy hanging

Writer(s): Cristian Gómez Montenegro, Jimmy Piñol, Pemi Fortuny, Pemi Rovirosa

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