Layone - Love like a sloth - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Layone - Love like a sloth

Love like a sloth
Love like a sloth
사랑 스무 고개를 했지만
Even though I've fallen in love twenty times,
Do not enter 다시 돌아가기
Don't re-enter, go back again.
서먹해질 틈이 없나봐
There seems to be no time to feel bitter.
드나들어 마음을 당기지
Don't come in and out and pull my heart.
숨어보려 했지만요
I tried to hide, but
둔하거든 상대는 선수인
He is a slow-witted opponent.
숨어보려 했지만요
I tried to hide, but
둔한 나의 마음 안의 단비
The rain inside my slow-witted heart.
이젠 멀리 지나가버린
Now, I've passed away far away.
빛바랜 과거를 뒤로하고
Leaving the faded past behind,
천천히 그려갈 거야
I'll draw it slowly.
너와 나의 새로운 풍경을
A new scenery of you and me.
시간이 얼마 없단 알아 남자가 급해져도
Even though you know that time is running out, men are in a hurry,
알았던 시간을 누나가 이겼어도
Even though you thought your time had come, you won over me.
사랑은 오직 타이밍인가요
Is love just a matter of timing?
우리 과거를 두고 다시 시작해
Let's start over, leaving our past behind.
사랑의 규칙 없다는 느끼는 쳇바퀴
The hamster wheel that makes me feel that there are no rules for love.
모순덩어리는 나야 핑계는 신박해
I'm a bundle of contradictions, and my excuses are great.
투박하기만 했던 밖에서 다리를 심고
I planted my two legs outside the rustic door.
담배 연기처럼 흩어져 자리에 벙쪄
Like cigarette smoke, you scattered and stayed there, dumbfounded.
세월도 벌써 앞을 지나가 경적
The years have already passed me by, the horn,
소리와 함께 불을 지핀 사랑을 번쩍
Together with the sound, the love that set the fire ablaze,
하고 말았지 금방 새까매진 성냥이
And now my match has turned black.
그녀의 불씨를 옮겨 받기를 원하지
I want her to carry on her embers.
이젠 멀리 지나가버린
Now, I've passed away far away.
빛바랜 과거를 뒤로하고
Leaving the faded past behind,
천천히 그려갈 거야
I'll draw it slowly.
너와 나의 새로운 풍경을
A new scenery of you and me.
랄랄라 차라리 도망가주오
La la la I'd rather run away,
랄랄라 너한테 빠진 아니야
La la la I'm not the one who's in love with you,
랄랄라 놓아준다면 잡아줘
La la la if you don't let go, catch me,
랄랄라 남편이 되기까지
La la la until I become your husband.
이젠 멀리 지나가버린
Now, I've passed away far away.
빛바랜 과거를 뒤로하고
Leaving the faded past behind,
천천히 그려갈 거야
I'll draw it slowly.
너와 나의 새로운 풍경을
A new scenery of you and me.

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