Laze feat. Italiani - Kisah Bahagia - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Laze feat. Italiani - Kisah Bahagia

Kisah Bahagia
A Happy Story
Orang bilang harus tinggi saat tuliskan ayat
People say you should be up high when you write a passage
Maka kutulis lirik ini di dalam pesawat
That's why I'm writing these lyrics on a plane
Sedang di langit tapi tak lupa yang di darat
I'm up in the sky but I won't forget those on the ground
Pikiranku jauh tapi tak abaikan yang dekat
My mind is far away but I won't ignore those who are close
Ku ingat bagaimana ini bermula
I remember how it all started
Mulai tulis lagu sejak masih sekolah
I started writing songs when I was still in school
Kata-kata ku olah tapi seolah
I would work on my words but it was as if
Orang anggap sepele seperti legenda sepakbola
People thought it was trivial like a soccer legend
Panggung bagai kursi dentist aku unjuk gigi
The stage is like a dentist's chair, I show my teeth
Married to the game, bila cerai pasti rujuk lagi
Married to the game, if we divorce, we'll definitely get back together
Aku buat rima bagai sedang buat laporan
I make rhymes like I'm writing a report
Buat beat lalu aku sikat macam ada kotoran
I make beats and then I brush them like there's dirt
Underground bukan berarti terkubur
Underground doesn't mean buried
Tapi tertanam, pupuk kerja keras agar subur
But planted, with hard work as fertilizer to make it grow
Aku masih giat, tak pernah berlibur
I'm still working hard, I never take a break
Aku bermimpi, walau aku tak tertidur
I dream, even though I don't sleep
Kau bisa buat hidupmu lebih indah
You can make your life more beautiful
Tunjukkanlah yang terbaik pada dunia
Show the world the best of you
Percayalah bahwa sandiwara
Trust that the drama
Bisa berubah jadi kisah bahagia
Can turn into a happy story
Aku tak punya iPhone tapi punya iDea
I don't have an iPhone but I have ideas
Ibu di rumahku ingin buat senang dia
My mom at home wants to make her happy
Ada orang yang aku anggap keluarga
There are people I consider family
Kalau mereka mengacau aku bilang (Keluar ga!)
If they mess up, I tell them (Get out!)
Ide ku utarakan walau datang dari selatan
I express my ideas even though they come from the south
Panggil polisi aku curi kesempatan
Call the police, I'll steal the opportunity
Gerakan tak terbaca bagai tulisan dokter
Moves are unread like a doctor's handwriting
Hitung strategi yang lain sibuk hitung followers
Counting strategies as others are busy counting followers
Haters bilang aku sehijau rumput ladang
Haters tell me I'm as green as grass
Tau rima lebih sederhana dari restoran padang
They know rhymes simpler than a Padang restaurant
Dan kadang aku meradang tapi kau tak bisa menghadang
And sometimes I get angry but you can't stop me
Terjaga walau Rhoma bilang jangan begadang
I'm alert even though Rhoma says don't stay up late
Seribu satu malam tapi aku bukan Simbad
A thousand and one nights but I'm not Simbad
Musuh garuk kepala, heh macam creambath
Enemies scratch their heads, hey like a creambath
Tapi teman di belakang seperti tasku
But friends are behind me like my task
Terus berkembang tak melayu seperti rasku
Continuing to grow, not wilting like my rasku
Kau bisa buat hidupmu lebih indah
You can make your life more beautiful
Tunjukkanlah yang terbaik pada dunia
Show the world the best of you
Percayalah bahwa sandiwara
Trust that the drama
Bisa berubah jadi kisah bahagia
Can turn into a happy story
Kau bisa buat hidupmu lebih indah
You can make your life more beautiful
Tunjukkanlah yang terbaik pada dunia
Show the world the best of you
Percayalah bahwa sandiwara
Trust that the drama
Bisa berubah jadi kisah bahagia
Can turn into a happy story
Bahagia, bahagia, bahagia
Happy, happy, happy
Kau bisa buat hidupmu lebih indah
You can make your life more beautiful
Tunjukkanlah yang terbaik pada dunia
Show the world the best of you
Percayalah bahwa sandiwara
Trust that the drama
Bisa berubah jadi kisah bahagia
Can turn into a happy story
Jadi kisah bahagia
Into a happy story

Writer(s): Havie Parkasya, Italiani Ikmal

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